Chapter 418

Soon, the two came to the road behind Tian Yizong.

"It's here, there will be troublemakers coming later."

Aunt Lan and Lin Xuan hid themselves and whispered to Lin Xuan.

"Are they coming from behind?"

Lin Xuan was a little puzzled and asked a question.

"The avenue in front of the sect is easy to spot."

"So apart from the first time, they all chose to come from behind."

Aunt Lan explained.

"Oh, I see."

Lin Xuan understood clearly.

The front of Tianyi School is a flat road with a wide field of vision.

Behind Tianyi Sect, there are overgrown vegetation and the road is hidden.

Coming from behind is undoubtedly harder to spot.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable for those who came to make trouble to choose to come from behind.

"By the way, Aunt Lan, when I just arrived at the Zongmen."

"I feel that the disciples in the sect don't seem to know that this happened."

"Could it be that they don't know anything?"

Lin Xuan asked again.


"Ever since the headmaster discovered them for the first time, they all came from behind."

"So except for the first time they came to make trouble, the disciples know."

"The other disciples don't know."

"Every time, the sect master predicted the enemy's opportunity first, and they were discovered by the sect master before they approached my Tianyi sect."

"The master personally took action, and the cooking was also very fast."

"So no news came out."

Aunt Lan explained to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan nodded, with Xiao Qingyao's strength.

Dealing with these people is naturally extremely easy.

But even though he knew he was invincible and wanted to die, Lin Xuan couldn't figure out such an operation.

"These days, the head doesn't know how many waves of enemies like this have been dealt with."

"Later, the head of the sect got really impatient, so he changed the sect and sent me to monitor the movement behind."

"Once something happens, report it directly to the head."

"In this way, the master will directly attack."

"It also avoids disturbing the disciples and causing them to panic."

"It even delays their training."

Aunt Lan continued.

"Oh, I see."

"You have worked hard these days."

Lin Xuan said gratefully to Aunt Lan.

No wonder Xiao Qingyao kept telling him to take a rest.

It is really not easy for a girl to maintain such a state.

Although Xiao Qingyao is a B-level master, she is still a woman after all.

Moreover, Xiao Qingyao had good intentions.

Lin Xuan also recognized it very much.

For the safety of the sect disciples, do not disturb their cultivation.

Xiao Qingyao took care of everything by herself.

Although Aunt Lan helped her find out the news, she could do this.

Being the master of a sect is also very rare.

Lin Xuan couldn't help admiring Xiao Qingyao even more.

"You don't need to thank me, you should do things for the head."

Facing Lin Xuan's thanks, Aunt Lan said lightly.

Lin Xuan nodded, and observed the surrounding movement together with Aunt Lan.

Since Aunt Lan went to find Xiao Qingyao in a panic just now, she must have discovered something was wrong.

Lin Xuan seems to have seen what kind of people are doing the mischief.

The two hid behind the big tree and waited quietly.

Not long after, Lin Xuan keenly sensed that someone was approaching Tian Yizong.

Aunt Lan also found their tracks and began to accumulate energy.

Ready to go anytime!

I saw that these people also approached Tian Yizong very cautiously.

Obviously, he was on guard against the possibility of attacking them at any time.

It seems that Xiao Qingyao made a move before.

It has a great deterrent effect on them.

"Aunt Lan, the master made the move before."

"Did you kill everyone who came that time?"

Lin Xuan asked Aunt Lan in a low voice.


"The head shot, how can those people leave alive?"

Aunt Lan nodded and asked a question.

"That's weird."

"These people clearly know that making trouble in the future is a dead end."

"Why do you keep coming here one after another?"

"Aren't they really afraid of death?"

Lin Xuan asked very puzzled.

"I don't know that either."

"I once asked the headmaster a similar question."

"But the head didn't tell me why."

"Look at the meaning of the head."

"It doesn't seem surprising about that."

Aunt Lan said to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan nodded.

It seems that this must be closely related to what Xiao Qingyao said about cooperating with the Ability Bureau.

But no matter what the background of these people is.

Since the head has an order, then kill all these people.

Lin Xuan observed these people carefully and found that they were all C-level masters.

About a dozen people came, including a few late C-level masters.

"I'll make the first move."

"My cultivation is far behind that of the sect master. It is impossible to kill them all with one move."

"So Aunt Lan, help me keep an eye on them so that these people don't escape."

Lin Xuan said to Aunt Lan.

Although these people are not Lin Xuan's opponents in terms of cultivation alone.

But the one who dared to openly make trouble in the future is definitely not an ordinary person.

In case there is any weird trick, or someone responds.

Lin Xuan didn't know the enemy's plan.

Maybe we can't keep all these people.

"Okay, don't worry."

Aunt Lan agreed.

So, wait for these people to continue to approach.

When it reached the range of Lin Xuan's shot.

Lin Xuan shot violently.

The Qiankun Brick has been thrown out by Lin Xuan.

Then Lin Xuan's figure was close to the ground and flew out.


The Qiankun brick hit the head of a C-level master.

Unprepared, the man let out a scream and died immediately.

And Lin Xuan's big hand had already pinched the neck of a C-level expert.

With a violent twist, his neck was instantly broken.


"There are enemies, prepare!"

There was a shout among the dozen or so people who came.

Lin Xuan's sudden move startled them.

Lin Xuan stood up and looked at these people coldly.

"Who are you, why did you attack us?"

A C-level late-stage master in the lead pointed at Lin Xuan and asked loudly.

"Heh, that's really funny."

"You come to me to make trouble, and ask me who I am?"

"It's really a bunch of people with brain problems."

Lin Xuan was very amused, and looked at these people and said disdainfully.

"Are you from Tianyi Sect?"

"Why haven't I seen you?"

The leader continued to ask.

"Joke, is there a disciple every day?"

"I still have to report to you?"

"Stop talking nonsense and die!"

Lin Xuan yelled, no matter what the man said, he shot directly.


"Give it to me and kill him!"

The leading late C-level master saw Lin Xuan killing him, and immediately shouted.

Following his shout, a dozen people immediately surrounded Lin Xuan.

Seeing this, Aunt Lan immediately wanted to make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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