Chapter 441
However, the appearance of this half-step B-level master gave Lin Xuan the possibility to make a fuss.

After all, they didn't know that Lin Xuan possessed various systematic skills.

Lin Xuan was caught off guard earlier, he never thought that these people were all desperadoes.

When Lin Xuan reacted and wanted to fight back, the opponent directly tried to hurt Lin Xuan even if the two of them were seriously injured.

And the timing of the half-step B-level master's shot was quite good.

It was just after Lin Xuan was hit by that C-level late master in the air, when the old power was gone and the new power was not born.

Only in this way can he make a contribution in one fell swoop and hurt Lin Xuan.

Moreover, in Lin Xuan's field of vision just now, there was no half-step B-level master.

So the skills that are always a little bit stronger than you are naturally impossible to use.

Now that he is facing each other, it is impossible for him to be Lin Xuan's opponent.

Now that Lin Xuan is completely awake, he will naturally not be as stretched as before.

However, it is still not easy to face these desperadoes.

"Boy, today is your day of death!"

The half-step B-level master with a big knife said to Lin Xuan.

"Hahaha, do you think you can kill me if you hurt me when I'm not prepared?"

"I have to say that you are really naive."

"I'm tired of hearing that."

"But until now, I'm still alive and well!"

Lin Xuan laughed loudly after hearing this, and said disdainfully.

Indeed, it is indeed a bit difficult for Lin Xuan to deal with the current situation.

But if they wanted to kill Lin Xuan, it might be too late.

"Can I kill you, I will see the real chapter under my hands."

"No matter how good your tongue is, it won't work!"

The half-step B-level master shook his head and said.

"Okay, then let the young master see what kind of abilities you guys have!"

Lin Xuan said coldly.

"Give it to me, whoever kills him will be rewarded!"

The half-step B-level master shouted loudly, and shouted at those late C-level masters.

Those late C-level masters immediately reacted when they heard the half-step B-level master's order.

I saw that they left more than a dozen people entangled Lin Xuan's clone desperately.

The rest of the dozen or so people frantically rushed towards Lin Xuan.

Obviously, that half-step B-level master was still thinking about what he had done before.

He wanted to make a surprise attack when Lin Xuan couldn't make a move.

Unfortunately, Lin Xuan has already been fooled once, how could there be a second time?
"Let you also taste the power!"

Lin Xuan said a word, and bestowed blessings from God on the dozens of C-level late masters who rushed over.



These late C-level masters suddenly uttered different voices, and stopped one by one.

Although they have put life and death aside, who would have expected Lin Xuan to do this?
The sudden reaction of the body made them stop subconsciously.

"You have a leg!"

Lin Xuan took advantage of this moment and shouted loudly.

At the same time, the Universe Brick in his hand was also thrown out.

Lin Xuan kicked a C-level late master in the head, and at the same time he followed closely with his right fist, which had already been charged.

Two heavy blows, all of which hit the head of the unlucky C-level late master.

Under the double blow, this C-level late master was killed instantly.

And the one who was hit by the Qiankun Brick was also seriously injured.


"What kind of trick is this?"

Lin Xuan could only hear the exasperated voice of the half-step B-level master, obviously he didn't know that Lin Xuan still had this skill.

Lin Xuan keenly caught some information from his words.

Could it be that these masters know their tricks?

Lin Xuan suddenly had such an idea.

Lin Xuan flashed back to the time when they had just fought.

The late C-level master who was targeted by his Qiankun Brick seemed to already know what he was about to face.

So decisively threw out the long sword in his hand.

If not, his subconscious first reaction should be to find a way to avoid it!
Could it be that these masters are all his acquaintances?

Or is it a subordinate of a certain force that I offended before?

Otherwise, the situation cannot be explained at all.

"Don't be stupid, give it to me!"

The half-step B-level master saw that those late C-level masters had stopped, and immediately roared.

Hearing his order, those late C-level masters immediately suppressed the strangeness in their bodies.

He rushed towards Lin Xuan again.

Lin Xuan repeated his old tricks, sending out blessings from God again.

It's just that this time, those late C-level masters were all prepared, but the effect was not as good as the first time.

But this kind of reaction from the body cannot be completely blocked by the mind.

After all, the exercises they practice do not have the ability to temporarily abandon the body's senses.

So when these people rushed to Lin Xuan's side, the power of those attacks had been cut by more than half.

Lin Xuan was naturally much more relaxed in dealing with it.

Relying on the Inquantified Wind Jue that he had just practiced, Lin Xuan shuttled among these people at an extremely fast speed.

The universe bricks were thrown out continuously, and Lin Xuan's right hand broke the necks of one after another C-level late masters.

From time to time, he also shouted loudly.

"You have a leg!"

Not long after, seven late C-level masters died under Lin Xuan's hands.

Lin Xuan couldn't help sighing in his heart, when facing multiple opponents.

Still, blessings from God are the most useful!
"Asshole, that's enough!"

The half-step B-level master watched Lin Xuan kill seven late-C-level masters one after another with that weird trick.

Immediately I couldn't take it anymore.

If he didn't make a move, Lin Xuan might kill all these late C-level masters in a while.

Immediately, he swung the big knife in his hand and slashed at Lin Xuan.

【Ding! 】

[It is detected that the host is in danger, and the automatic activation skills are always a little stronger than you. 】

The sound of the system sounded in time, and Lin Xuan suddenly felt full of strength.

I saw Lin Xuan raised his right hand, and even used his right hand to meet the sword of the half-step B-level master!

Seeing that half-step B-level master, a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

The power of this knife suddenly increased a bit, and it slashed at Lin Xuan fiercely.


There was a sound that seemed to be the clanging of gold and iron, and Lin Xuan's right hand firmly caught the chopped sword.

The machete fell on Lin Xuan's hand, but it didn't seem to have any effect on Lin Xuan!
Under the incredulous gaze of that half-step B-level master, Lin Xuan kicked him in the chest.

The half-step B-level master was kicked by Lin Xuan, his body was unstable, and he retreated several steps after falling to the ground.

Only then did Lin Xuan's strength be resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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