Chapter 442 Unprecedented Crisis

"how is this possible?"

"How did your strength become so strong again?"

The half-step B-level master frowned and asked suspiciously.

With his vision of a half-step B-level master, it is natural to see what kind of strength Lin Xuan has shown just now.

What's more, Lin Xuan was injured in the first fight!
But how to face himself, his strength seems to have improved a lot in an instant?
Although he had never underestimated Lin Xuan, the appearance of this phenomenon still baffled him.

"Old miscellaneous hair, how can someone like you understand the young master's skills?"

"Not only can you not kill the young master today, you have to stay here with your own life!"

Lin Xuan looked at the half-step B-level master and said coldly.

"Hmph, it's too early to say that now."

"Whether it's you or me, I don't know yet!"

Seeing Lin Xuan's harsh words, the half-step B-level expert immediately retorted.

"Don't be dazed, try to find a way to entangle that kid's avatar."

"The rest of the people went up with me, using the madness method, and ended up with this kid!"

The half-step B-level master said to his subordinates.


Those late C-level masters immediately agreed, and then Lin Xuan saw an incredible scene.

All the C-level late-stage masters present at the moment were emitting a dazzling red light.

Those C-level late masters who were entangled by Lin Xuan's dozen or so clones had a tendency to be unstoppable at this moment!
Out of the dozen or so people, five were separated, and the rest still entangled Lin Xuan's clone!
Lin Xuan felt through the consciousness of the avatar, the combat effectiveness of these late C-level masters.

At the moment, they have increased by at least 20.00%!
There are a total of 28 of these C-level masters, including the half-step B-level master, there are 29 of them.

Seven people were killed by Lin Xuan before, four people were seriously injured, and there are still [-] people left.

But there were only ten people who were entangled by Lin Xuan's avatar!
In other words, Lin Xuan still has to face seven C-level late-stage masters who are in a state of berserk.

Plus a half-step B-level master!

However, the skills they used made Lin Xuan realize something.

"You, are the blood shadow people?"

Lin Xuan asked a question.

The berserk skills used by these late C-level masters are obviously used to increase themselves.

As far as Lin Xuan knows, among all the forces he has come into contact with.

Only the masters of Blood Shadow will have the ability to amplify themselves.

None of the other masters.

Even those masters who made trouble in the past did not have this kind of skill.

And Xueying just happened to have a big feud with Lin Xuan!

Lin Xuan thought of the desperate play of these masters when they first met him.

And what the half-step B-level master said later.

Immediately saw the origin of these people!
That's why Lin Xuan asked this question.

"Good boy, you really have some eyesight."

"You can actually recognize our origin!"

The half-step B-level master saw that Lin Xuan had seen the origins of his people, so he stopped hiding it.

On the contrary, he admitted it openly.

"What a blood shadow, he really has some skills!"

"I didn't expect you bastards to be able to figure out the whereabouts of the young master!"

Lin Xuan couldn't help but praise.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

Lin Xuan left Hangzhou in a hurry, and didn't care about his whereabouts being exposed.

After all, Blood Shadow is the number one force in Hangzhou, and there are eyeliners everywhere in Hangzhou.

Thinking about it, when he just walked out of Yu's house, he was already being targeted by experts.

Maybe it's not necessarily a master, it's very likely that it's an ordinary person.

If you are a master, you should be able to detect it.

It's just that the blood shadow can still be tracked here after leaving Hangzhou.

He even set up such an interception on his only way to rescue Xiao Qingyao.

But it was unexpected by Lin Xuan.

Another point is that I learned that I left Hangcheng.

Will Blood Shadow directly attack Yu Family, Fang Family and Bai Family?
Lin Xuan was not sure about this.

But now that Xueying chose to intercept and kill himself first, he must have the intention of killing himself before dealing with the three major families.

After all, the battle at that time took a thousand Xuantian away.

After his narration, in Xueying's view, his threat should be far greater than the three major families.

As long as he dies, he wants to deal with the three major families with the strength of Blood Shadow.

Not to mention that it is easy to catch, but it doesn't take too much effort.

"Boy, today we aim to kill you."

"You should be honored!"

"Suffer to death!"

The half-step B-rank master gave a loud shout.

He and the seven C-level late-stage masters who were in a state of berserk all rushed towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's avatar was blocked so tightly that he couldn't come to support him at all.

Lin Xuan had no choice but to use God's blessing on each of them once.

But this time the effect was minimal.

These C-level late masters have not only improved their strength in a state of berserk.

Even the sense of physical senses has dropped a lot.

This time the blessing from God was used, but it could only make their bodies tremble slightly.

There is no more text.

Lin Xuan couldn't help crying in his heart.

If he fights alone, he is not afraid of anyone.

Even if it was the half-step B-level master, Lin Xuan had the confidence to kill him.

But this skill is always a little stronger than yours, and it can only take effect in single-player battles.

Facing eight people at the same time, Lin Xuan was a little flustered.

Mainly because of his two major skills, the Hundred Thousand Clone Technique and God's Blessing are basically ineffective at this moment.

Only hard work!
Lin Xuan thought of this, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes.

I'd rather risk myself getting hurt, and get rid of those late C-level masters first!

Afterwards, it will be much easier for me to face that half-step B-level master.

Lin Xuan made up his mind, the Qiankun Brick is already in hand.

These people are already very familiar with the methods used by Lin Xuan, and they are not afraid of death.

So when Lin Xuan took out the Qiankun Brick, none of these people flinched.

Lin Xuan had no choice but to choose a person and throw the Qiankun Brick.

Afterwards, Lin Xuan unfolded Wuquan Fengjue's agility.

Relying on speed, he forcibly avoided the opponent's joint attack.

The Qiankun brick hit one of the late C-level masters, even in a state of berserk.

The master of the late C-level was also smashed.

"You have a leg!"

Lin Xuan yelled, and regardless of other people's attacks on him, he ruthlessly kicked the person hit by the Qiankun Brick.

The man who had been stunned by the blow came to his senses, and Lin Xuan kicked him on the head.

Then Lin Xuan's right fist also hit the same position fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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