Chapter 454 Easy Solution
"Wait here for me, don't come out."

Lin Xuan said softly to Yan Bingchen, and then walked out.

"Hey, you scumbags."

"Master, what do you want to do here?"

Lin Xuan stood behind them and said with a loud shout.

When those people heard Lin Xuan's voice, they turned their heads and saw that Lin Xuan was alone, they burst out laughing.

"I said boy, you are really brave."

"You are alone, don't run away before we find you."

"How dare you show your face."

"Have you lost your mind?"

"Maybe this kid is thinking of being a hero to save the beauty, but he thinks too highly of himself."

"I don't have that strength to show off, and I don't know how to write the word dead."

These people ridiculed Lin Xuan with every word, and didn't take him seriously at all.

"Hey, boy, aren't you very capable?"

"I'll see what tricks you can do this time!"

"Don't you want to hit me?"

"Come on, come on!"


Among these people, especially the humble man was the loudest.

After finally finding a backer, he naturally wanted to vent his anger.

"I said yesterday that if you dare to come next time, I will not show mercy."

"It seems that you didn't take my words to heart."

Lin Xuan shook his head and said flatly.

"Oh, you are amazing!"

"I'm just getting impatient, kill me if you have the ability!"

Seeing Lin Xuan, the weizuo man was not afraid, but shouted even louder.

"Okay, you come back!"

The person whom the Wei Suo man called an adult spoke, but the Wei Suo man shut his mouth immediately.

"Boy, I know you are also a late C-level martial artist."

"It's pretty good even in the late C-tier."

"However, you alone are definitely not our opponent."

"I'll just give you a chance, you go now, I won't stop you."

"If you don't leave, don't blame us for being cruel later."

The man said to Lin Xuan.

Obviously, after he heard the description given to him by the Wei Suo man.

Knowing that Lin Xuan is also a stubborn stubble, otherwise he wouldn't have brought more than a dozen people here today.

Although he himself is also a late C-level, he can't see through Lin Xuan.

He felt that if he and Lin Xuan were fighting, I really wouldn't be able to win.

That's why he said those words. After all, who would want to do something that can be solved with a few words?

Anyway, the purpose of his visit this time was not Lin Xuan, but Yan Bingchen.

He was only interested in women, but he didn't care about Lin Xuan at all.

After all, Lin Xuan was provoked by that petty man, so it can be said that it has nothing to do with him.

In his opinion, Lin Xuan will definitely retreat in a sensible manner.

It's a pity that things often don't go according to people's wishes.

"Let me go?"

"Heh, are you worthy of letting me go?"

Lin Xuan said disdainfully.

The man called an adult obviously didn't expect Lin Xuan to say such a thing, and he was taken aback for a moment.

Then, his face was already full of anger.

"Okay, good boy!"

"Since you are ignorant, don't blame us!"

"Give it to me!"

The man shouted loudly, and the dozen or so people who came with him immediately surrounded Lin Xuan.

"Boy, I will destroy you first!"

"I'll play with your woman in front of you later, let's see what you can do!"

The man smiled viciously and said to Lin Xuan.

"If you want to bully the few with more, you have miscalculated."

"You scumbags shouldn't have appeared in this world!"

"Today, young master, I will act for the heavens and kill you all!"

Lin Xuan was not afraid at all, and said lightly.

"Hmph, you..."


The man just wanted to laugh at Lin Xuan for being overconfident, but he froze as soon as he said the words.

Just because in front of him, there were more than a dozen identical Lin Xuans.

This is naturally Lin Xuan's one hundred thousand clone technique.

Lin Xuan's impression of these people is extremely bad at the moment, and it is disgusting to look at them even more.

So holding Lin Xuan who solved them as quickly as possible, he directly performed the Hundred Thousand Body Clothing Technique.

The man and the people he brought were startled by Lin Xuan's method and looked at each other in blank dismay.


Lin Xuan shouted loudly, and more than a dozen clones fought together.

Lin Xuan's more than a dozen clones confronted each other, while Lin Xuan's main body kept a close eye on the man.

"Scumbag, today is your day of death!"

"You have a leg!"

Lin Xuan yelled and kicked the man directly.

Before the man could react, he was kicked away by Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan has experienced many battles before and after, and his own quality has improved every time.

However, what Lin Xuan faced before were all the elites of late C-level masters. How can these people compare?

Under Lin Xuan's angry shot, the man was kicked unconscious by Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan didn't look at the man, his figure seemed to turn into a gust of breeze, moving through the crowd.

Every time Lin Xuan made a move, whether it was a punch or a kick.

Everyone fell down.

The strength of Lin Xuan's punches and kicks today is more than hundreds of catties?
Where can these people who are usually idle, lazy and only know how to bully the weak be able to stop them?
Lin Xuan didn't use any tricks, but he beat all these people to the ground within 2 minutes.

At this moment, the humble man was already stunned in place.

He has been frightened silly by Lin Xuan!

How could he have thought that Lin Xuan faced so many people alone.

How could they be dealt with so easily?

"Young man, young man, it's none of my business!"

"It's them, they forced me!"

"I also want to survive, there is no way!"

"Give me another chance, give me another chance."

"I don't dare anymore, absolutely not!"

Wei Suo's man immediately knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to Lin Xuan.

"Hmph, a follower of power."

"You will be able to use the wind to make the rudder!"

Lin Xuan said disdainfully.

"Forgive your life, spare your life!"

The Wei Suo man was scared out of his wits and kept repeating a sentence.

"Hmph, do you want me to spare you?"

"It's just a dream!"

"If I let you go again, I don't know how many people you will kill!"

Lin Xuan said coldly.

"Give me death!"

Lin Xuan yelled, and swung his right fist fiercely, immediately punching the Wei Suo man right through!


The Wei Suo man just uttered a wail and died completely.

"Lin Xuan, you are amazing!"

Yan Bingchen saw Lin Xuan's supernatural power, and took all these people away.

Immediately ran out happily.

With Lin Xuan here, although the scene was a bit bloody, she didn't feel scared.

"Okay, it's okay, you..."

"No, get out of the way!"

Lin Xuan just wanted to comfort Yan Bingchen, but suddenly his face changed and he shouted loudly!
(End of this chapter)

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