Chapter 455

As soon as Lin Xuan finished speaking, a green mist enveloped the two of them.

Even though Lin Xuan reacted extremely quickly, he stopped in front of Yan Bingchen the moment he held his breath.

Yan Bingchen still inhaled a little mist into his lungs.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Yan Bingchen immediately coughed with a flushed face.

Lin Xuan hurriedly patted her on the back, trying to make her feel better.

At the same time, Lin Xuan looked at the person who had just sprayed the mist with extremely angry eyes.

It turned out to be the man who was called an adult by that humble man.

He had been kicked by Lin Xuan before, but he didn't die.

Originally, his plan was to play dead and fool around first, not daring to make any moves.

But when Yan Bingchen ran over, he immediately changed his mind.

Anyway, my brothers are all dead, and I won't make it easier for you!

Thinking this way, the man spilled the mist.

The place where the man pretended to be dead was not far behind Yan Bingchen, and Lin Xuan didn't notice him at first.

When he stood up and sprayed the mist, Lin Xuan immediately reacted.

But it was still a step too late.

No matter how capable Lin Xuan was, he couldn't stop the mist from spreading in the air.

Lin Xuan punched out in anger.

The man was already seriously injured, how could he resist this punch?
Immediately, Lin Xuan shattered his chest and died there completely.

"Miss Yan, are you okay!"

Lin Xuan killed the man and hurried back to check Yan Bingchen's situation.

But at this moment, Yan Bingchen has become delirious.

I don't know what this mist is, but the effect is so fast!

There is no longer any delay, Lin Xuan thought to himself.

So Lin Xuan hurriedly picked up Yan Bingchen and ran to her house.

Lin Xuan put Yan Bingchen down and was thinking about how to save him.

Glancing around, he saw the big wooden barrel that Yan Bingchen used to treat eye diseases.

Lin Xuan suddenly had a flash of inspiration, picked up Yan Bingchen and put her into the barrel.

Lin Xuan hurriedly fetched a lot of hot water, and poured it all into the wooden bucket.

Feeling the temperature of the hot water, Yan Bingchen snorted in a daze.

Lin Xuan hurriedly took off Yan Bingchen's coat, and put his hands on Yan Bingchen's back.

At this moment, it is urgent to follow the right, and I don't care about offending.

Lin Xuan desperately input his own power into Yan Bingchen's body to help Yan Bingchen detoxify.

After a while, the water in the barrel had become pitch black.

Lin Xuan hurriedly took Yan Bingchen out and put it aside, and replaced it with a large bucket of hot water.

Lin Xuan put Yan Bingchen into the big wooden barrel again, and continued to urge her to detoxify her.

The water in the barrel didn't change much this time, presumably the toxins had almost been discharged.

Fortunately, fortunately, Yan Bingchen took the Tongmai Pill that Lin Xuan gave her.

Tongmai Pill not only cured Yan Bingchen's eye disease, but also helped her open up most of the meridians in her body.

If not, Lin Xuan's power might not be able to act on Yan Bingchen at all.

It is very difficult to help her exercise, let alone detoxify.

With the discharge of the toxin, Yan Bingchen gradually regained consciousness.

Just when Lin Xuan was rejoicing, something unexpected happened.


"It's so hot, I'm so hot!"

Yan Bingchen cried out in pain.

this reaction...

Could it be that Yan Bingchen had taken that kind of drug? !

Lin Xuan was stunned.

When the man spilled the mist just now, Lin Xuan had already held his breath for an instant.

Although he inhaled a very small amount of mist before holding his breath, how strong is Lin Xuan's physical fitness?
That slight poisonous mist was completely ignored by Lin Xuan.

So Lin Xuan didn't know that the mist actually contained that kind of medicine!

Regarding Yan Bingchen's reaction, Lin Xuan is helpless now.

The main reason is that there is no way for this drug to be excreted by itself.

It can only be resolved by relying on the most primitive way to vent.

There is no other man here except myself.

Do you want to save her by yourself?

Isn't this taking advantage of others?
Lin Xuan thought in his heart, secretly complaining.


"Quick... quickly save me!"

At this moment, Yan Bingchen only felt that there were countless hot currents running around in his body, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

My body seems to be exploding, and I urgently need a soothing channel.

"Quick, I want...I can't take it anymore!"

Yan Bingchen struggled to climb out of the barrel and rushed towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was in a daze, how could he expect Yan Bingchen to do this, and Yan Bingchen threw him into his arms immediately.

The soft jade was warm and fragrant in his arms, and Lin Xuan suddenly felt a surge of enthusiasm.

"Miss Yan, I, I can't..."

Just as Lin Xuan wanted to say something, his lips were blocked by Yan Bingchen's kiss.

"I do not mind……"

Yan Bingchen murmured a word, then blocked Lin Xuan's mouth.

"Miss Yan, I, let's think of another way."

With great difficulty, Lin Xuan parted Yan Bingchen's lips, and tilted his head back as hard as he could and said.

"Lin Xuan, don't tell me, do you hate me so much?"

"Now... now, there is no other choice!"

"I...I want to!"

"I do not regret!"

Yan Bingchen resisted the restlessness in his body and said to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan could see a trace of firmness in Yan Bingchen's fiery eyes.

That's it!

Now that this is the case, I have no choice but to go on with it.

Do I really want to watch Yan Bingchen die in front of my eyes like this?

Besides, Yan Bingchen is also a first-class beauty.

Anyway, I am not at a loss!
Lin Xuan comforted himself in this way, and he felt overwhelmed, and put his arms around Yan Bingchen.

"Bingchen, don't you regret it?"

Lin Xuan put his arms around Yan Bingchen and asked slowly.

Yan Bingchen didn't speak, but answered Lin Xuan with actions.

Yan Bingchen's lips kissed Lin Xuan again, and they did not leave for a long time.


After a long time, the two of them just stayed there, and the time passed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, it was already afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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