I just want to have a good time

Chapter 104 103. It's time to go to work

Chapter 104 103. It's time to go to work

With lingering fears in their hearts, they buffered the tension in their hearts. They almost thought that they had to explain the scene just now.

It's so exciting!My heart is still beating wildly right now.

While eliminating these zombie animals, Shi Xiao also slowly fell to the ground.

"Sister, thank you." Shi Yu looked at his sister in surprise and embarrassed at the same time, he knew that his sister would come to rescue them in time.

He was careless just now, and even exposed his back, although he heard Che Jun's cry and reacted quickly to dodge and avoid it.

The ax that was attacking the zombie dog in his hand quickly turned around the moment it passed the zombie dog, ready to follow the inertia of the body's rotation to block in front of him.

But the premise is that he can be faster than the zombie cat, which Shi Yu is not sure about.

At the critical moment, seeing my sister's vines appear, to be honest, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, experience is accumulated, it's good to learn from it." Shi Xiao did not hurt Shi Yu in a rare way.

In fact, there was nothing to lose, Shi Yu had already done a good job.

They know how difficult zombie animals are these days.

One or two is fine, and it's not difficult to solve it with the cooperation of several people, but the problem is that there are five of them at once, and there are two extremely fast zombie cats among them, which is a bit difficult.

It would be fine if they had a favorable position, but they were obviously unlucky and were blocked by the wall.

Therefore, it is already very good to be able to persist until this meeting, and two of them were eliminated during this period.

More importantly, there were quite a few members in their team. Shi Yu and his companions successfully protected the team members, which is indeed worthy of praise.

To be honest, if it wasn't for protecting them, these zombie cats and dogs, Shi Yu and Che Jun, wouldn't have had a chance to destroy them.

It's just that while doing so, it means that someone will lose their life.

To be honest, if this happens, she still thinks that her brother's own safety is the main priority in her heart.

She is really selfish when it comes to her family.

"Thank you, Ms. Shi." Slowed down a bit, regained some strength Liu Hai and the others stood up and thanked.

Shi Xiao waved his hand, indicating that it's okay.

They are all adults, and they all recovered soon after taking a breath, and continued with the unfinished business.

Drag the zombies and zombie animals to the door, and then collect supplies.

When Li Qiang and Liao Chuan arrived, they were taken aback by the corpses of several zombie animals at the door. No wonder there were so many gunshots. The two of them almost couldn't hold back their breath.
Thinking of how powerful the zombie animals are, they hurried to the courtyard and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It scared them, they thought there would be casualties with so many zombie animals.

Everyone in the courtyard was busy collecting supplies according to their duties, and there was no one lying on the ground as they imagined.

……so close.

On the other side, Shi Xiao also saw Yan Xu who came to support him, and smiled at Yan Xu, "Brother Yan, you are here too."

For Big Brother Yan to come to support, this love stone smile has to be accepted, so he hastened to greet him with a smile.

"I'm worried when I hear the gunshots, but I'm obviously late." Speaking of this, Yan Xu, who was teasing himself, looked at Shi Xiao with a smile, his eyes were full of admiration for the girl, and he completely lost the image of aloofness.

But this smile is really good-looking, Shi Xiao's eyes are dazed by the look, and he is slightly stunned.

This scene was successfully captured by Yan Xu, who was paying attention to her, and the smile in his eyes was even stronger.

Shi Xiao, who came back to his senses, had a rare coy smile, she heard the implication of the director's words, it was a compliment to her.

Modestly said: "What did Brother Yan say? How could it be too late, Brother Yan's kindness is stronger than anything else."

"Indeed." Yan Xu nodded, agreeing without humility.

These two words made Shi Xiao's smile froze for a moment, and he looked at the director speechlessly. Director Yan was still the same straight man with a stinky fart.

This day, she was chatted to death all of a sudden, Shi Xiao sneered in her heart, she didn't know what to say, so she was going to make a long rainbow fart.

To be honest, I am not in the company anymore, and Shi Xiao, who is a rainbow fart, is not interested at all.

Shi Xiao's embarrassed smile successfully pleased Yan Xu, and he liked to see the girl who couldn't help but laugh at him secretly.

This appearance is sure to say something about him again in her heart, this girl used to be like this every time she was scolded or dissatisfied.

"Brother Yan is talking about that," Shi Xiao said with an awkward smile, and then, as if thinking of it suddenly, he said in surprise, "Brother Yan, have you finished cleaning up there?" He didn't forget to glance to the west while speaking.

The implication is, Brother Yan, you should go to work.

Yan Xu cast a playful glance at Shi Xiao, who was pushing people away, and shook his head following her words, knowing that the girl was impatient.

Even if Shi Xiao didn't remind him, he should be ready to leave.

Although Su Yiyuan and Liu Yunhao have nothing to worry about, but he always does things from beginning to end, and he doesn't like to give up halfway.

"It's time to go. I don't know what happened to Su Yiyuan and the others after such a long delay?" Yan Xu took the words with a face, then nodded to the girl with a smile and turned to leave.

The future is long, don't be in a hurry, when he said that now is indeed not the time to talk, Yan Xu left very simply.

Looking at Yan Xu's back, Shi Xiao was slightly stunned, always feeling that the director has become a little different recently, but when she looked at the busy people, the thought quickly flashed out of her mind and joined in.

Nothing is more important than collecting things right now.

If Yan Xu knew that Shi Xiao thought so, his restrained heart would definitely not be able to help but jump.

It's not easy, to realize that there is something different about him.

You can continue to work hard and make persistent efforts.

In the following time, nothing unusual happened in Daliu Village. Except for a few families who were not cooperative, the whole cleaning work went very smoothly.

As for individual families who are not very cooperative, they generally adopt etiquette first and soldiers later.

If you can't say no, then you can only force it. In short, there must be no zombies that slip through the net.

Of course, most people are very polite and cooperative.

After all, who wants to live in a place full of dangerous dangers everywhere?

He didn't even dare to go out the door, and he didn't dare to sleep too hard at night.

I'm afraid that when I fall asleep, zombies will break into the door.

There are also zombie animals, which are more terrifying than zombies.

Survivors in Daliu Village heard screams almost every two days.

This made them panic all day long, looking forward to the early appearance of the army.

Although the army did not look forward to it, it did look forward to the arrival of a private cleaning team.

But for them, as long as they can eliminate the zombies, it doesn't matter who they are.

So those who don't cooperate are all mentally ill.

After the entire village was cleared, the proportion of survivors was less than half of the total population, which was about 200 people.

In general, it took a lot longer to clean up Daliu Village than Xiaoliu Village, and it took nearly four hours.

The difficulty is even more incomparable. Xiaoliu Village and the others just went through the process and collected supplies by the way.

At this time, they had perfectly missed the lunch time, and the time came to two o'clock in the afternoon.

After we simply solved the stomach problem for a while, we moved on to the next goal.

It was almost 8 o'clock in the evening when the last target village was cleared and returned to Shijia Village.

According to the old rules, the materials in each person's car belong to the individual, and then the departure time is set for tomorrow, and everyone goes home to rest.

Maybe it was because they were tired, Yan Xu and the others didn't come over for dinner at night, Shi Xiao and his siblings had a conversation with their parents and little Zhao Pan's daughter after eating and went back to the room.

(End of this chapter)

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