I just want to have a good time

Chapter 105 104. It's time to put it on the agenda

Chapter 105 104. It's time to put it on the agenda

Back in the room, Shi Xiao immediately flashed into the space.

The number of energy cores stored in the space is already quite a lot, except for the newly collected ones that have been purified to nearly [-].

Shi Xiao watched the storage bag in his hand flickering.

It's time to take out some of them for the younger brothers to use.

The reason why it took so many days, Shi Xiao had her own ideas.

It is impossible for her to know the problems in the energy core and how to evolve it as soon as she gets started, and it will take time.

Although the time is a bit short now and I haven't encountered a light-type supernatural being, but it can be said that Shi Xiao can't wait.

What happened in Daliu Village today reminded Shi Xiao that if his younger brother and Che Jun were more capable, it would not be so hard to deal with these zombie animals.

But how to clean it, she has already considered it, and put it all on her own wood-type ability.

The wood system already has the ability to promote birth and cure, and it is okay to add another kind of purification toxin.

Even if everyone had doubts, they didn't dare to say anything because of their own strength.

After knowing the purpose of the energy core, I am afraid that I dare not say anything more.

No one would not desire power, and no one could refuse the temptation when they learned that power could be improved.

She is currently the only person who can provide a shortcut to promotion, and only a fool will offend her, so Shi Xiao is not worried at all.

Of course, she also has the intention of winning people's hearts.

After a long time, everyone has a sense of belonging to Shijia Village. As a family, they will naturally maintain and protect Shijia Village. This is her goal.

There are also things about parents to be prepared.

My parents didn't have awakening abilities in their previous lives, and they didn't have the ability to protect themselves. Every winter, it was extremely difficult to endure.

Now that her parents have been drinking the space spirit water that she secretly changed for a few days, Shi Xiao can feel that her parents' physique is improving and changing every day.

What is obvious is the appearance of the couple. Dad's baldheads have begun to turn black, and the melanin and spots on my mother's face that have accumulated for many years have gradually faded. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all.

At the same time, the wrinkles on the faces of the two people are also much less.

All this shows that the physiques of the two have obviously changed under the nourishment of spiritual water. I believe that after a period of time, when the spiritual strength accumulated in the body reaches a certain point, coupled with the energy core, Shi Xiao has a great confidence in helping his parents Awakening abilities.

This is not to let parents go out to fight, but just to let them have the ability to protect themselves, and at the same time, they don't have to suffer that kind of crime in winter. They are still shivering from the cold after being wrapped in a thick layer.

It is not too late to put the matter of parents before winter comes, and Shi Xiao is going to implement the matter of energy core today.

As soon as the ability is improved, he will be more fearless in the face of evolved zombies in the future.

It's just that you have to think about the candidate.

After pondering for a while, Shi Xiao already had an idea in his mind.

Needless to say, my younger brother, Brother Yan, Li Qiang, Che Jun, Liao Chuan, etc., as long as they are supernatural beings who will participate in the zombie cleanup today, Shi Xiao will prepare them.

As for the other supernatural beings in Shijia Village, I'm sorry, she is not the Holy Mother and cannot give for no reason.

The primary advancement of abilities does not require many energy cores.

According to personal circumstances, those who have little spiritual power stored in their bodies, in layman's terms, those with little talent need three to forty energy cores, which is about the same.

Talented people are like Shi Yuyan Xu, who can successfully advance to the second level with up to twenty energy cores.

If the spiritual veins in the body are wide enough, as long as the absorbed spiritual power is enough to break through the shackles of the primary spiritual domain, it is possible to advance even overnight.

Whether relying on the energy core or relying on one's own ability to advance, after all, it has a great relationship with the word "talent".

To put it bluntly, even if a person with good talent does not rely on external force, his advancement speed will not be slow. On the contrary, even if he has the help of external force, a person with poor talent will not be able to catch up with good talent and naturally advance.

Looking at the storage bag in his hand, since he had already made up his mind, Shi Xiao immediately left the space, went upstairs and knocked on Shi Yu's door.

If it wasn't for her brother's fear of sleeping without clothes on, she would have opened the door and walked in.

After all, my younger brother still liked to sleep naked when he was a child. This is his dark history. Usually, Shi Yu would not allow his family to mention that he liked to sleep naked when he was a child.

There was no response after taking a few shots, so Shi Xiao could only take a few more shots, the boy fell asleep so fast.

In the room, Shi Yu, who was dreaming that he would kill all directions, suddenly heard a deafening sound in his ears when he felt everyone's adoring eyes, and opened his sleepy eyes very reluctantly.

You don't even need to look at the sound to know that it's his door slamming. You don't even need to ask about this situation. Except for his own sister who can do such a thing, no one else.

Shi Yu who was woken up helplessly scratched his hair, put on his underpants and got up from the bed.

If he didn't open the door again, my sister who lost her patience would definitely open the door and come in. This kind of thing has happened countless times before.

"Sister, let no one sleep, what can't be said tomorrow!" Shi Yu who opened the door couldn't help complaining.

"Silly, you can tell me tomorrow, why do my hands still hurt from patting?" Shi Xiao shook his red palm in front of Shi Yu.

Seeing the redness of his sister's palm, Shi Yu immediately closed his mouth, and the sleepiness in his eyes completely passed.

While feeling distressed, she couldn't help but slander her, girls are delicate skinned and tender, and they can turn scary red when they pat the door.

Resigned to his fate, he followed his sister into the room, pulled a chair and sat there, with his head held high, waiting for his sister's orders.

Seeing that the loveless younger brother Shi Xiao didn't hesitate, he went straight to the topic, took out a hundred energy cores from the storage bag in his hand and put them on his younger brother's desk.

Shi Yu: ...

His eyes were full of puzzlement, and he didn't understand what his sister meant.

Looking at the energy core on the desk, Shi Yu looked at his sister in confusion.

If he remembered correctly, didn't my sister say that this thing has poison?

Black Ball disliked it so much, he didn't even want to take another look at it.

"It has been purified by me with supernatural powers, so you can absorb it with confidence." Shi Xiao directly threw such a bomb.

Shi Yu froze for a moment, and caught the two key points of purification and absorption that his sister said.

Shi Yu couldn't calm down anymore.

Immediately stood up from the stool and sat next to my sister, looking at my sister with a pair of big eyes that were exactly the same as Shi Xiao.

"Sister, if I understand correctly, you mean that this thing can be absorbed."

"Yes." Shi Xiao nodded, "Didn't you find that the energy core is different from when it was taken out of the zombie's body?"

His sister didn't say anything, but Shi Yu really didn't care too much.

He picked up two energy cores by hand, and they seemed to be much brighter.

"Here, let's compare and compare." Shi Xiao took out an unpurified energy core and put it on the desk.

It’s not obvious if you don’t compare the money. When you put the two energy sums together, you can clearly see the difference.

One is as clean and clear as crystal, and the other unpurified energy core is set against it. Although it is also very bright, it can still be seen that there are some gray-black impurities inside.

Shi Xiao: "You can see it."

"Well, obviously." Shi Yu was a little excited, and couldn't help picking up an evolved energy coin and looking at the light.

 Thank you for your recommendations and monthly ticket support, and thank you Zhao Yilin Ziyan for your support of 200 book coins. I love you all!mwah. ()

(End of this chapter)

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