I just want to have a good time

Chapter 110 109. Power

Chapter 110 109. Power
In the past few days, except for the mutated animal of the giant python, they have never encountered it once. Speaking of which, Shi Xiao's luck is pretty good.

The overall level of the team is constantly improving in the daily elimination of zombies.

Not to mention the supernatural beings, both in terms of ability and system, they are much higher than ordinary people.

After these days of bloody training, the ordinary people in the team have experienced great changes in their speed and other aspects.

During these days, there were three ordinary people, two of whom had mutated in speed and strength, and one of them awakened the power of the gold system, which was a surprise.

Shi Xiao also sent out the energy core without being stingy.

What needs to be mentioned is that the matter of the energy core is no longer a secret not only in their team, but also in the entire Shijia Village and even the entire Shihe Town.

After the news came out, some supernatural beings regretted it.

Because of some small calculations of their own, they did not follow up to participate in the follow-up zombie cleanup.

Among them, there were two supernatural beings who wanted to come over empty-handed, but Shi Xiao refused.

Of course, the words are not as dead as they say, and it is not impossible to get them.

It needs to be exchanged with labor or materials, or the energy core in the zombie body.

In terms of labor, the number of purified energy cores is determined according to the degree of contribution of the supernatural being.

In terms of materials, 50 catties of grain can be exchanged for a purified energy core.

The ratio of exchanging energy cores is 5:1, that is, five primary energy cores can be exchanged for one purification energy core.

In fact, these conditions are not strict in the strict sense.

Even ordinary people without supernatural powers can do it.

Therefore, when this condition was announced, whether it was a supernatural user or an ordinary person, there were inevitably some thoughts in their hearts, and everyone's emotions suddenly rose.

So taking this opportunity, Shi Xiao Shiyu started a discussion with Yan Xu and other supernatural beings, and discussed the next follow-up.

After so many days of cleaning up the zombies, nearly a thousand people survived in Shihe Town, including the surrounding area, including nearly a hundred people with supernatural powers.

Among the thousands of people here, children account for a very small part, and most of them are young and middle-aged.

People in this age group are at a time when they are full of energy.

So after their discussion, energy cores and food were used as rewards to motivate these survivors. As long as they came out to work for three days, they could exchange for an energy core, or corresponding food or points.

Here we need to talk about points. Depending on the amount of labor paid, the points earned every day will also be different, but the maximum cannot exceed five points.

The points obtained in the end can be exchanged for energy cores or food or other needed things.

This is undoubtedly a great temptation for ordinary people.

No matter how much food is stored in the family, there will always be a day when it is eaten up. Through labor, people can exchange for food or points. No one would be unhappy with such a good thing.

What I want to mention here is that the shops in the whole town, except for those whose owners are still there, have been gathered by Shi Yu, Yan Xu and the others to Shijia Village in two days with a truck.

Thanks to Shijia Village, there are dozens of vacant buildings, most of which are three-story buildings, and this does not include other rooms in the courtyard, so there is enough space.

Except for those stored in space bags, some of them were stored in ten buildings, which was enough for the whole town to last a year.

Of course, if you eat with your stomach open, it will definitely not work.

Originally, Yi Shi Xiao's initial decision was to use his own wood-type abilities to control plants to form a strong fortress with plants within ten miles around Shihe Town.

But right now on this basis, we can make appropriate changes to make this fortress stronger.

With so much labor, as long as there are enough materials, I believe it will not take long to build a solid wall around Shihe Town.

At that time, she will use supernatural powers to reinforce several layers of plant fortresses outside, and then Shihe Town will be even more indestructible, and it will also give parents a safer environment.

So on the second day after cleaning up the zombies, after discussing with Shi Xiao, they made a division of labor.

Shi Xiaoyan, Liu Yunhao, Che Jun, Liu Neng, Jin Yunchang, Tian Feng and other 20 people went out to collect the materials needed to build the wall.

Shi Yu, Su Yiyuan, Meng Xier, Li Qiang and others took the survivors who volunteered to build the wall in Shihe Town according to the planned site in advance.

Now that the survivors in Shihe Town have learned that the zombies have been cleaned up, some people have dared to walk out of their homes.

Coupled with the temptation of food and energy cores, most people are still very active. After getting the news, many people signed up for this work.

In fact, everyone also understands in their hearts that doing so is also responsible for themselves, and their living environment and stability will be stronger with the fence, which is another reason why they are so active.


On the 20th day of the end of the world, 20 people including Shi Xiao and Yan Xu drove several vehicles to the brick factory, cement factory, sand field and other factories that needed materials for the construction of the fence.

The terrain where these factories are built is relatively remote compared to the urban area, and it is even farther away from Shihe Town.

Of course, this is not to say that there are no factories in this area in Shihe Town, it's just that the scale is relatively small.

Shihe Town is located in the North District of Jiangcheng City, and these factories are almost all located in the southwest of Jiangcheng City.

Although the two directions are not completely opposite, the distance is really not far, and the difference is not much if there is not a hundred miles apart.

So Shi Xiao and the others set off when the sky was just shining, and even breakfast was settled in the car.

...in the car.

"Smile, another egg?" Yan Xu shook the plastic bag in his hand.

"No, I'm almost done." Shi Xiao waved his hand.

In fact, if Shi Xiao was not in the car, he could have eaten more, mainly because he had no appetite.

Seeing that Shi Xiao really didn't want to eat any more, Yan Xu didn't force him, he put down his raised hand and a bag of eggs disappeared in his hand in an instant.

At this time, they have been out for half an hour, and if there is no accident, they will reach the first destination, the brick factory, in half an hour.

Along the way, the situation seems to be more serious than the previous days.

Normally, on a highway far away from people like this, the probability of zombies appearing should be much lower.

But in fact, since getting on the highway, they knocked over zombies and dealt with zombies a lot along the way.

Fortunately, it is not concentrated enough, so it can be solved in the car.

Yan Xu, Liu Yunhao, and the others were hardly idle, and Yan Xu couldn't miss his shot. Shi Xiao used his abilities to follow behind them to pick up leaks, uh, pick up energy cores.

Almost as soon as the zombie fell down, she shot vines from the windows on both sides to collect the energy cores, and the car didn't even need to slow down.

In fact, if the number of zombies was really three or two, Shi Xiao might not be able to make a move.

But there were a lot of zombies along the way, and seeing these energy cores passing by under her eyes, it hurt her to waste them like this, so she couldn't help but make a move.

In the end, Shi Xiao simply took over all of this section of the road.

She needs to collect energy cores on the left and right, and needs to use abilities, so let's save some ammunition.

The zombies are spread too wide, but the vines are also very stretchable. This is not difficult for Shi Xiao, but because of the distance, it requires the cooperation of mental strength to deal with them all.

Fortunately, it is just a lock, and the consumption of mental power is not serious.

Shi Xiao will also take a break on the way, after all, it is quite tiring to always maintain one movement.

Yan Xu and the others would come up when she was resting, but the energy core in the zombie's body might be wasted during her resting period.

Fortunately, energy cores are not as difficult to obtain now as they were in the beginning, and Shi Xiao doesn't think it's too pity.

It has been 20 days since the end of the world. Basically, every zombie will generate an energy core in its head, and there will no longer be a phenomenon that only one energy core will appear in the number of zombies before.

In nearly an hour, the harvest of energy cores was pretty good, with hundreds of them collected.

(End of this chapter)

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