Chapter 111
The convoy continued to move forward, except for the zombies, the road was generally smooth, and this meeting would soon enter the southern area of ​​Jiangcheng City.

In addition to the urban area, Jiangcheng City is divided into four suburbs in the southeast, northwest and suburbs.

Among them, the southern area is a divided industrial park, and it is also a place that Shi Xiao originally planned to come to.

The brick factory is not too far away from the industrial park, it is closer to the west.

According to the markings on the map, the convoy drove southwest through the industrial park.

After driving about ten miles, I finally found the area where the brick factory is located on the map.

This is a very large brick factory, otherwise Shi Xiao and the others wouldn't have made such a special trip.

The northern suburb where Shi Xiao’s family is located is not without brick factories, but the scale is relatively small.

The amount of bricks and stones needed to build a wall around Shihe Town is not a small amount, and such a small brick factory is simply a drop in the bucket.

It's different here, there are many large and small brick and gravel factories.

If there is no accident, Shi Xiao and the others only need to run this time, and the materials for building the wall are estimated to be almost ready.

Soon the convoy stopped not far from the first target factory.

The gate of the factory area was open, and wandering zombies could be clearly seen inside. There were also a few scattered shoes lying there alone at the gate, showing them the panic scene when people fled that day.

As soon as the car stopped, it was naturally discovered by the zombies outside the factory who heard the movement, and rushed towards the convoy.

The smell of meat ahead is too strong, how can the zombies bear it?
When the zombies turned their heads and rushed this way, the people in the convoy had already got out of the car and got ready.

The guns were all kept on the body, after all, the bullets were limited.

As the saying goes, good steel must be used on the blade. When necessary, this thing can save lives. Naturally, it can be used without wasting it.

Yan Xushi looked at each other with a smile and rushed forward first.

The fishtail ax in Shi Xiao's hand danced vigorously, and the ax and ax did not miss when he moved and dodged. In a moment, several zombie corpses fell beside him.

Yan Xu didn't give up too much, zombies kept falling down while he was slashing with the long knife in his hand, and the cuts were so neat.

The others were not much worse, mainly due to the strength of the sharp weapon in their hands. After a while, all the zombies outside the brick factory were wiped out.

The sporadic zombies who hadn't come out in the future didn't have to come out, they were chopped down by everyone who entered the brick factory.

The brick factory is very large, especially the yard is estimated to have an area of ​​about ten acres.

Looking around, except for the direction near the factory gate, there is still an open space, and the other places are neatly arranged with burnt red bricks and rubble.

Seeing this large amount of bricks, everyone couldn't help showing a look of joy. It was indeed right to come here, and these quantities should be enough for half of the needs of the wall.

Next, Yan Xu led people to be in charge of vigilance, and checked whether there were any missing zombies, especially inside the factory building.

Of course, the most important thing can't be forgotten is that the monitoring system of the factory area has been destroyed.

Shi Xiao is responsible for collecting bricks with a space bag.

In their eyes, as long as there is nothing in the place where the girl passes by, everyone will be stunned and froze by this fairy way, and their eyes will be fiery.

Shi Xiao moved forward along the direction of the bricks and stones, and the continuous extension of spiritual power wrapped these neatly arranged piles of red bricks and rubble.

With the advancement of mental power, these bricks and stones disappeared in piles, and the speed was much faster than when Shi Xiao touched it with his hands before.

In less than half an hour, Shi Xiao collected all the bricks and rubble in the huge yard.

Yan Xu, who turned off the power system on the other side, led people through the factory building,
This is a big factory, and there are five or six workshops alone.

Yan Xu and the others can find a few zombies that escaped the net in almost every factory building.

Before these zombies could fully react, they were hacked to the ground with their knives.

At this moment, they arrived at the last building of the brick factory.

Like the previous ones, the factory door was open.

Yan Xu, Liu Yunhao and others walked in carefully, making noises from time to time to attract the zombies inside.

Sure enough, several zombies rushed towards them.

It was useless Yan Xu made a move, Liu Yunhao and Che Jun went up to meet him.

After a while of slashing, the zombie fell to the ground.

It's just a few zombies, there's no need for the boss to take action.

Despite this, several people did not let down their vigilance, and carefully inspected the factory building.

A zombie that lost its lower body was found in a corner. Seeing them coming, the zombie became excited and crawled forward, dragging its upper body with its guts leaking out.

Although the pupils could not be seen, the eagerness of the zombie's heart and the desire to eat blood could be seen from his eagerly opened mouth.

As Liu Yunhao slashed across, the zombie's crawling movement stopped, and its head was lying on the ground in a different place.

Next, several zombies were found in two offices in the factory building.

For their appearance, the zombies expressed their excitement, and squeezed out the door wanting to enjoy the delicious food.

It's just that before their sharp claws reached out, their heads had already landed on the ground.

After some searching, all the zombies in the brick factory were wiped out.

Except for the specially guarded personnel, no one else needs to be reminded to actively dig out the energy core in the zombie's body.

The exchange ratio of energy cores in the team is 5:4, that is to say, since the exchange ratio system came out, Shi Xiao no longer supplies energy cores for free, except for missions.

Of course, this also means that the energy cores of the zombies that the individual hits belong to the individual. After a certain amount, they will be registered in the register and handed over to Shi Xiao for purification.

To be honest, the ratio of 5:4 is really not high, especially when there is a 5:1 ahead, the team members really feel that Shi Xiao is too kind.

They were very fast, and within a short while they dug out dozens of energy cores, including 11 from Shi Xiao and 16 from Yan Xu.

Whoever makes these two the bravest will naturally have the most energy cores.

After completing the task, they didn't stay in the brick factory for too long, and closed the gate. The convoy left here and headed for another goal.

It is also a brick factory, and the size of the two should not be much different from what we know, but I don't know how much this brick factory has in stock.

This area stretches for more than ten miles, and there are several brick factories in a row, and the scale is not much different.

The distance is not far, and the convoy arrived within a few minutes.

To everyone's surprise, the gate of this brick factory was closed tightly, and there were no zombies wandering outside the factory area, and it was a bit too quiet.

All these abnormal phenomena made everyone more cautious.

In such a huge factory, there are nearly a hundred workers alone, so it is impossible to be so clean.

Unless the factory was closed on the day of the cataclysmic changes in the last days, or the inside of the factory had been occupied and cleaned up in advance.

Shi Xiao, who was sitting in the car, looked at the gate of the brick factory from afar, his big eyes narrowed slightly, wondering what he was thinking.

Glancing at Big Brother Yan beside him, the two men with weapons stepped out of the car first.

Seeing the two big men coming out, the others got out of the car without hesitation.

Follow the two big men, follow their steps towards the brick factory, and stop outside the brick factory gate.

Standing at the door, Shi Xiao looked thoughtfully at the locked door from the inside.

Frowning slightly, her mental strength extended towards the inside of the brick yard.

After so many days of hard work on Shi Xiao's mental power, the area covered by it has changed from more than 30 meters at the beginning to more than 200 meters now. It can be said that there has been great progress, and of course the help is huge.

Shi Xiao's mental power is mainly aimed at the factory buildings in the courtyard. As for the courtyard of the brick factory, which is so brightly presented in front of everyone's eyes, what can be said to be clear at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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