Chapter 112
The spiritual force continued to extend, and passed a factory building closest to the gate. Except for the machine, there were no other special discoveries, let alone any living things.

Shi Xiao couldn't help being surprised, could it be a coincidence?

The factory really happened to be closed on the day the end of the world began.

But she always felt that it was not that simple. She noticed that there was no dust or debris on the locks of the two iron doors.

Normally, if a factory has been closed for more than 20 days, it is impossible for it to be out in the open without dust falling.

Shi Xiao felt that there must be something inside, and the details will be revealed soon.

The mental power continued to spread inward, and soon reached the second factory building in the courtyard.

Seeing the scene, Shi Xiao's face suddenly sank, revealing a faint trace of murderous intent.

"What's the matter?" Yan Xu, who was following Shi Xiao, realized something was wrong the first time the girl changed her face, and asked with a sullen face.

"It's nothing, I just saw a group of scumbags." Shi Xiao said it almost through gritted teeth.

"Scum!" A cold light flashed in Yan Xu's eyes, and he squinted and looked inside the brick factory.

Xiaoxiao has never been a targetless person. To make her so angry, she must have found something outrageous inside.

So he listened carefully to feel it, and when his heart calmed down, the movement around him seemed to be magnified several times.

Yan Xu vaguely heard moans of pain, begging for mercy, panting, and the occasional sound of a child.

Yan Xu's already cold face turned even colder, and the whizzing air made everyone beside him take a step back.

Looking at the factory building, Yan Xu said coldly: "Since it's the scum, it's fine, there's no point in being angry with the scum."

Then he drew the gun with the suppressor installed from his body, fired a shot at the lock on the door, and the door opened.

Although the words made other people confused, although they didn't know what happened, but it made Boss Yan feel cold all over, saying words such as scum, solve, etc., and could imagine that there was absolutely nothing good in it.

Otherwise, the two big men in front of them wouldn't look so ugly.

Especially Shi Xiao, although he spends more time with an expressionless face, he still has a smiling face when he relaxes, and he can even make a joke or two with everyone.

The performance of the two bosses made everyone look serious and entered the factory area.

Shi Xiao's mental power did not retract, and as she moved, she continued to extend towards the inside of the brick factory.

Dozens of zombie corpses were found 50 meters away from the factory building, randomly thrown in a sunken place.

The appearance of these zombie corpses made Shi Xiao understand again unexpectedly.

Being able to eliminate so many zombies shows that there are powerful people in this group of people, but no matter how powerful they are, they are still scum.

Shi Xiao and the others entered, and everyone in the factory was so busy promiscuously, they didn't notice it at all.

After two loud bangs, the door was kicked open by an external force, and the people inside realized that a stranger had broken in.

Before the people in the motorcade following the two big men figured out what was going on, there were green vines overwhelming the sky.

Before everyone could react, the vines covered with thorns quickly rolled up more than [-] naked people, hanging in the air and swaying wildly up and down.

At the same time, Shi Xiao controlled the branches and leaves of the vine to erect a green leaf barrier for the dozen or so women lying on the ground, giving them a chance to put on their clothes and retain the last bit of dignity.

What made Shi Xiao even more angry was that two of them were still children, definitely not more than 12 years old, and they were just ruined by these beasts.

The faces of the two children were completely numb, and they lay stiffly on the ground like dolls that had lost their souls.

The clothes were put on with the help of the two women who endured their fear. They hugged the two children and curled up tremblingly in the world surrounded by green leaves.

What was unbearable was that in a corner of the factory building, apart from a few men who had been beaten beyond recognition and lost their mobility, there were actually thirty or forty men huddled there, just watching these women being ruined.

Shi Xiao didn't want to look at these cowardly and bloodless men.

Of course, this kind of thing is also normal in the last days, after all, they are not their relatives.

But even if they are relatives, it's not that there are no scumbags who push their wives and daughters to others in order to survive in exchange for food.

This is post-apocalyptic human nature.

Although this kind of thing was seen many times in the dream, Shi Xiao still couldn't help the strong anger in his heart.

The beasts in the vines in anger suffer.

Under Shi Xiao's intentional control, the vine thorns repeatedly plunged into these people's bodies as they swayed. The pain and taste were unbearable, and they wished they could die immediately.

For a while, there was constant wailing in the factory, and amidst the pain, some called their parents and some called their boss.

Occasionally, a few straggling vines stretched their bodies and seemed to draw them unintentionally to the group of bloodless men hiding in the corner, which also caused bursts of painful cries.

Only a few unconscious men lying in the corners survived the vaping.

As for the boss they were talking about, the first time they discovered the danger, they activated their abilities to hide themselves in the golden shield.

Only then did he avoid the fate of being entangled by vines. Looking at the miserable conditions of his subordinates, the man known as the boss was covered in cold sweat, and his naked body was tightly curled up in fright.

I don't understand how they somehow recruited such a powerful person after staying in the brick factory?
The vines all over the sky are telling him how powerful this person is.

The person known as the boss, known as Aaron, was an ignorant bastard who went to underground boxing gyms and casinos before the end of the world. Because his skills were not bad, there were still a few people under him, and he was considered a small boss in the underground arena. Bar.

Seeing that he was earning more and getting better and better day by day, just when he was very satisfied, he didn't know that the end of the world had just come.

For a while, there were monsters eating people everywhere, and there were horrible images everywhere, blood and torn human residues everywhere, and some people even turned into zombies after being eaten and torn from their internal organs.

Even though he was a bastard, he had seen some scenes, but he was still quite frightened.

If it weren't for his good skills and quick reflexes, avoiding the zombies attacking him, I'm afraid he would have become one of them long ago.

In the end, he escaped by hiding in the car, and drove home with fear.

Just hide at home until the day when the ability is awakened.

When he learned of his awakening ability, he swelled up, feeling like he was the chosen one in the book.

I feel that with his skills and abilities, he can definitely dominate one side.

Driven by ambition, he took out his collection of machetes and boldly walked out of the house.

These companions were also assembled by him consciously.

It was also a coincidence that they chose the brick factory as their base camp.

It happened that one of the zombies he eliminated during a material collection was his former boss, and this brick yard was one of his properties, so it reminded him.

The brick factory has a large area, the courtyard wall is high enough, and most importantly, there is a strong iron gate. No matter how you look at it, it is much safer than the home they live in.

The most important thing is that this area does not belong to the downtown area, and the terrain is relatively remote, relatively speaking, there will be fewer zombies, which is one of the reasons why he likes it.

Of course, it took them a lot of effort to clean up the zombies in the brick factory.

It took a full two days to wipe out dozens of zombies in the brick factory. For this reason, three of them lost their lives and turned into zombies, and they were chopped down by them in the end.

Then this became their base, and all the materials collected before were moved here.

Women, children, and men huddled in corners were all brought back when they collected supplies.

Who would have thought that after a few good days, such a group of evil stars broke into, and they were still such powerful evil stars.

(End of this chapter)

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