I just want to have a good time

Chapter 113 112. Anger

Chapter 113 112. Anger

Although he only glanced at this group of evil stars while hiding in the golden shield, this one glance also let him know that this group of people was different from them.

Almost everyone has guns and weapons on their bodies, and they all look very strong, especially the aura that cannot be ignored.

It's completely different from the team formed by these gangsters, although several of them are supernatural beings.

The timing is too unfavorable for them right now. Such an unbearable scene happened to be bumped into by this group of people. Obviously, there is nothing good about it.

Companion on the Vine is proof of that.

Looking at the vines above his head through the gaps surrounding his golden shield, Aaron couldn't help shivering more and more.

The screams of his subordinates kept coming to his ears, and even a few drops of blood splashed over and dripped on his face through the gap, making Aaron feel bad and even more nervous.

Even holding back his breathing, he lowered his sense of existence greatly, hoping that the people at the door could ignore him.

Hope is hope after all, and it is obviously impossible to be ignored.

Shi Xiao's spiritual power was discovered as early as the first time he avoided the vine attack.

To be honest, the responsiveness is really good. The first time the vines appear, they can quickly wrap themselves with supernatural powers to avoid the pain of vine thorns.

It's just a dream to think that you can escape in this way!

I don't know how long his abilities can last, Shi Xiao has plenty of patience, I hope he can last longer.

After a while, the groans of the people who were suspended in the air by the vines disappeared completely, and they fell into a coma after losing too much blood.

Shi Xiao threw them on the ground in disgust. It was lucky that he passed out so quickly.

Shi Xiao originally wanted them to suffer more, so for the time being, he would take advantage of them.

Then Shi Xiao put away the vines, and all the branches quickly disappeared into Shi Xiao's hands at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is another skill that Shi Xiao has explored recently, and the advantage is that it can save a lot of seeds.

With the disappearance of branches, leaves and vines, the situation in the factory building was completely presented in front of everyone.

In addition to the blood man who was thrown aside like garbage, there were dozens of men and women huddled in the corner.

Especially women, except for a few who are really very old, almost all of them are naked, the marks on their bodies and those naked blood men let everyone understand what these women have experienced before.

No wonder Boss Shi Xiao was so angry, he went straight to the vines without saying a word, and they couldn't stand it.

Just throw out the vines, this girl is so powerful with vines, everyone in the team knows, no one knows.

Those thorns made one's scalp tingle just looking at them, and the feeling of being stuck on one's body was unimaginable.

Seeing the bloody man in the corner, everyone couldn't help but tense up, telling themselves that they must never make such a low-level mistake.

With the disappearance of the vines, the things surrounded by the gold-type abilities in the factory became extremely conspicuous.

With a sneer on the corner of Shi Xiao's mouth, he walked slowly towards there.

Yan Xu gave Liu Yunhao and Che Jun a look, and followed Shi Xiao step by step.

After receiving Boss Yan's request, everyone in the team quickly divided into three groups.

One group was in charge of following Shi Xiaoyan and the two big men, and the other group was in charge of tying up the scum and beasts left in the corner, so that they would not have the strength to fight back.

The last group is on vigilance, no matter when and where they cannot relax their vigilance.

The people in the convoy carried out the division of labor in an orderly manner, while the survivors who huddled aside in the factory looked at them nervously.

Especially the women, all of them hid in the corner with pale faces, fearing that another wolves and leopards would come in, and the word despair was written all over their faces.

These people are all strong and strong, with serious faces, and they are not easy to mess with at first glance. If they are the same people as those scumbags, they really have no desire to live.

Shi Xiaoyan Xu and the others stood a few steps away from the boss of those scumbags who were cowering in their abilities.

This gold-type defensive skill is good, even the top of the head is covered, but it's a pity, he's a beast at heart.

Shi Xiao raised the fishtail ax in his hand, and was about to go forward when Yan Xu stopped him.

"I'll go" Yan Xu couldn't help but take the chopping ax from Shi Xiao's hand, and stood still outside the supernatural defense shield.

With big men like them around, it is natural that the only woman in the team would not be needed for manual work.

The other is Song Jia, a water-type supernatural being. Although this girl is not as cheerful as Zhang Tiantian, she is not bad. She is not coquettish and dares to fight.

Although the water ability is the weakest of all the abilities, this girl has the strength to refuse to admit defeat, she just practiced her control ability, and she is handy in doing things like water curtain and water arrow.

He doesn't fall behind when he chops up zombies, he's no worse than the last man, so he's popular in the team.

Looking at the empty palm, Shi Xiao couldn't refuse even if he wanted to.

Big brother Yan was still eloquent as always, but compared to his poisonous tongue, Shi Xiao felt that there was nothing wrong with it, at least it was a gentleman's intention and good, Shi Xiao didn't find it annoying.

Although Yan Xu couldn't see the people inside the shield, it didn't affect his disgust for the people inside.

Yan Xu is relatively indifferent to people, and treats men and women equally, but this is his character, which has been cultivated since childhood, and it is difficult to change.

His father had an affair that caused his mother's early death when he was seven years old and knew everything.

Losing his mother because of his father, coupled with discovering his ugly side, was such a blow to a seven-year-old child that his personality changed drastically.

And after my grandfather found out that something was wrong with him, he also deliberately guided him, asked him a psychiatrist, and treated him as if he had done anything good for him, but at that time, the damage in his heart had already been done, and he could never regain his innocence and liveliness. character.

Of course, Yan Xu also saw his grandfather's kindness, so he would only become softer when facing his grandfather.

But now there is one more person, which is also the direction he is working hard.

Yan Xu looked indifferently at the person hiding in the ability shield, a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth, and he slashed with the chopping ax in his hand without hesitation.

Hearing the sound of "bang", there was a gap in the ability shield immediately, but the moment it was pulled out, it was instantly filled by the person inside with the ability, but at the moment of filling, the next ax fell again.

Shi Xiao on the side looked at this scene coldly, sneered at the gap that was quickly filled, and hoped that he could hold on for a while longer, after all, the good days are only for a while.

In fact, Aaron who was hiding in his shield was not good. He had consumed a lot of his abilities to maintain the shield, but what made him even more desperate was that the people outside started attacking with weapons. His ability consumes even more.

Aaron felt that he couldn't hold on for a few more minutes. Thinking of what would happen to him after he was caught by them, this guy regretted why he didn't hold back.

As the ax came down, he felt that his ability could not last anymore, and the ability shield became thinner and thinner.

Then, he heard a crackling sound, which made him break out in cold sweat like a death talisman and tremble in his heart.

Then the thing he was afraid of happened, the protective film disappeared.

Naked, he just appeared in the eyes of many people, and he looked like a lamb that had been skinned and was ready to be roasted on the fire at any time.

The unkind eyes of these people made him realize that he was cold today. Thinking of this, his trembling heart calmed down a lot. If he can't get along well, why not fight harder.

He, who was originally a gangster, suddenly felt hostile, but he hid it well in the depths of his eyes.

He thought to himself that if he tried hard, there might still be a slight chance. If he didn't fight hard, he would be like the brothers who were tightly tied up, and could only be slaughtered.

He is a supernatural being, his good days are yet to come, he still wants to continue to enjoy the days of being admired by the stars, and more importantly, he doesn't want to die.

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(End of this chapter)

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