Chapter 115
Since it was effective, Shi Xiao didn't have any scruples.

In order to prevent them from losing too much blood, Shi Xiao still used supernatural powers to heal the wound a little bit, at least to slow down the bleeding speed a lot.

Then he took the other hand of the two children who were intact, and in full view of everyone, he pulled them up and walked towards the boss who was in a coma.

Shi Xiaobai didn't think that this person still had the power to fight back, Shi Xiao was very confident in Yan Xu's kick.

This guy was extremely talented, although that kick was not as strong as hers, it made people lose the ability to move, but it was light. From the degree of depression in the abdomen, it could be seen how many ribs were broken.

Even if that person still has the power to fight back after being injured like this, Shi Xiao is not afraid.

Fortunately, at the moment when the two children were pulled up by her, someone among the women finally reacted and tried to snatch the two children from Shi Xiao.

She was blocked by Song Jia who was standing aside. Although Song Jia didn't know what Xiaoxiao wanted to do, she knew that Xiaoxiao would not hurt the two children.

While walking around, Shi Xiao turned his head and glanced at these women, thinking that they were still saved.

Like wooden figures, the two children were brought by Shi Xiao to the side of the struggling man lying on the ground.

Shi Xiao made up his mind and forced the two children to face the people on the ground, looking at the devil who hurt them and made them fear.

Then Shi Xiao put the knife in his hand into the hands of the two children, and started talking regardless.

"Did you see...he...has been beaten to the ground by us, don't you want to take revenge? Don't you want to kill...the people who hurt you? Let me give you this opportunity, muster up the courage to pick up the knife in your hand and kill these scumbags killed."

Shi Xiao spoke very slowly, and his words were full of provocations. Those who didn't know thought Shi Xiao was a murderer.

actually not.

The boss of this group of scumbags appeared in Shi Xiao's dream, and he also died there under her men in the dream.

In the dream, after the end of the world, this person relied on him being the first group of people to awaken, and his own ability was really good.

With rapidly expanding ambitions, he entangled a group of subordinates, formed his own team, and established a small survivor base.

Here is the problem, as his abilities become stronger, he becomes more and more inflated, and villains are villains, and among them, in the so-called survivor base he established, women and children are animals for him to vent his desires.

What's even more hateful is that, in order to find excitement later, they actually set their sights on the children, and these beasts actually ate meat,
I don't know how many women and children died under their hands.

In the dream, her team also came to this base by chance. If they were not strong enough and vigilant, they would have almost fallen for this person.

Therefore, their evil deeds were discovered, and this was the way to get rid of them.

They are no longer villains in the general sense, but demons who have completely lost their humanity.

It's not even as good as zombies. Zombies are so eager for flesh and blood because they are infected with the virus and lose their minds.

When Shi Xiao saw this man's appearance clearly, he was actually a dead man.

Even though he is not evil to the extreme yet, his evil has already begun to show. If they are given a chance to continue, who knows that the things in the dream will not happen.

Therefore, since we found signs of them, we should kill them in time. Animals like them don't deserve to live at all.

So when Shi Xiao said the words to kill them, he didn't force himself at all.

Damn these people!
"Don't you want them to feel the pain on your body? Take the knives in your hands and slash at the devil in your heart, and pay it back a hundred times, a thousand times."

Seeing that the children didn't respond, Shi Xiao continued to induce, his voice was very soft, and he stared at the two children word by word.

To deal with the wicked, one can only fight evil with evil. The two children can only truly come out of the abyss by destroying the devil in the abyss with their own hands.

Maybe it was because the things in his hands were too heavy, or Shi Xiao's words had an effect, the two children's numb eyes gradually turned to their hands, staring blankly at the knife in their hands.

Both the people on Shi Xiao's side and the survivors in the factory looked at the child, and now they understood what Shi Xiao meant.

Although some people have not completely jumped out of their inherent thinking, they will feel a little cruel.

But thinking about what they did, the two children had no good places on their faces, and the blood between their legs was covered with old and new blood.

Sensing what Shi Xiao meant, Yan Xu, Che Jun, and Jin Yunchang immediately stood beside Shi Xiao and the two children on guard.

Although this person was beaten to the ground and vomited a lot of blood, he looked like a powerful bow.

But he is a supernatural person after all, and his physical condition cannot be guessed like ordinary people.

As the saying goes, there are still three-point nails in the rotten boat, who knows if this guy has any back-ups?
It is always right to be cautious.

Indeed, Aaron, who was beaten to the ground, wanted to fight back.

He also listened to Shi Xiao's words, he didn't want to die.

But that kick was too powerful, not only broke his ribs but also hurt his internal organs, even his brain was hit hard.

I am in extreme dizziness at this moment, and I have to bear severe pain even if I move.

If it weren't for his physique of a supernatural being, he might have already fainted, how could he still be able to endure these pains soberly.

Under the dizziness, except for the sound, he couldn't see the people in front of him clearly, even if he wanted to use the last ability to pull back before dying.

But in order to survive, he still held back his intermittent begging for mercy.

What he didn't know was that it was this intermittent begging for mercy that hastened the pace of his death.

The child who was looking down at the two knives in a daze, suddenly tightened his expression when he heard the sound of begging for mercy, and different emotions began to appear on his face.

Nervous, fearful, and finally strong hatred surfaced on the faces of the two teenagers one by one, their bodies were shaking violently, and large drops of sweat began to appear on their faces.

The hand holding the handle of the knife became tighter and tighter, and a voice echoed in his head, "Kill the devil, kill the devil!"

Aaron, who was lying on the ground, didn't know that his voice had been stimulating the two children, and he was still begging for mercy intermittently.

"Ah... ah..." Two consecutive screams that burst into the sky sounded, almost piercing everyone's eardrums.

Then the two children held the long knives in their hands and slashed at the sound that made them terrified.

The voice was like a devil, tearing their nerves one after another, and the two little girls who couldn't stand the torture finally broke out.

As if dazed, the knife in his hand slashed at Aaron who was naked on the ground.

Yan Xu, who had been prepared all along, threw a power grid at the first moment when Aaron wanted to stand up and resist. After being paralyzed by the power grid, he was greeted by two hysterical slashes of knives.

Aaron's last memory was a knife slashing at his neck.

But these two children continued to slash as if they didn't know it, repeating the movements of their hands mechanically, even though the person in front of them had been chopped off.

In the end, it was Yan Xu who calmed down the two children with a knife in one hand.

As for the hacked corpse, who would care about him?A tattered piece of clothing was casually attached to it.

Everyone saw this scene, even the women who had been humiliated in the corner.

Waking up from the screams of the children, they finally dared to raise their scarred faces and saw the crazy actions of the two children.

The knife after knife made the blood of the women in panic boil, as if the knife was in their hands.

Seeing the blood of the person they hated splatter, this kind of bloody scene that made them feel horrified in the past, actually made them feel strange pleasure in their hearts, especially to relieve their hatred.

At this moment, he also vaguely understood the intention of the girl just now.

 Thank you dear friends for your recommendation and monthly ticket support, I love you ()
(End of this chapter)

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