I just want to have a good time

Chapter 116 116. Revenge yourself

Chapter 116 116. Revenge yourself
The two children in a coma were hugged by Shi Xiao and the others.

The next step is to deal with those scumbags who were thrown aside and tied up.

Fortunately, these scumbags are still in a coma.

They didn't know that the so-called boss in their mouths had already been chopped down, and it would be their turn next.

Shi Xiao, who was expressionless, took the two blood-stained knives and threw them in front of the woman curled up in the corner.

"Avenge yourself," he said, turned and left.

Conditions have been created for them, and if they dare not even pick up a knife under such circumstances, then their tragic fate is not worthy of sympathy.

Song Jia, who had been not far from these women, looked at the smiling boss who was leaving, and decisively put the knife on her body into a woman's hand, and caught up with the boss.

Still standing next to Mr. Xiaoxiao, his mood suddenly brightened.

Although these women were all pitiful, Song Jia really looked down on their courage.

Zhang Tiantian also has no supernatural powers. She is an ordinary woman, but she dares to fight and fight hard. She picks up a knife and cuts down countless zombies, not losing to a man at all.

Of course she is too. No one in Shijia Village despises the two of them.

So sometimes the path under our feet is chosen by ourselves, and everyone needs to be responsible for their own choices.

As for the rest of the team, they already knew what Shi Xiao meant. As their own people, they must firmly defend Shi Xiao.

So Liu Yunhao, Che Jun, Jin Yunchang and other people in the team also took out their own knives and placed them in front of those women.

These knives finally caused the women curled up in the corner to raise their heads. While looking at the long knife that looked extremely sharp with a cold light, they were having intense thoughts in their minds.

The devastation of these days has wiped out their courage, and the hand that wants to reach out is always hesitant at the last moment.

Just when Shi Xiao was about to be disappointed that none of these women would pick up a knife, a woman in her early twenties wearing a Song Jia dress stood up.

Stumbling to the front of these knives, although his face was still full of fear, he finally grabbed the handle of one of the knives and lifted it up.

I don't know if it was the lead role, but in the end, except for the two women who seemed to be seriously injured, all of these women stood up one after another as if they had made up their minds, and each picked up a knife.

The moment they picked up the knife, it seemed that the weapon in their hands had given them courage, and the fear on their faces could slowly turn into hatred.

Led by the young woman, they staggered towards the group of tied up scum.

It's not that they don't want to go well, it's that they are too weak, they can only eat a little food every day, and they can barely survive. In addition, they have been tortured for so many days, and they can still stand up. Their perseverance is very good up.

Enduring the pain in his body, he strenuously walked towards the group of scumbags step by step. The hatred on his face deepened with each step. When he walked in front of the group of beasts, the hatred on the women's faces became extremely distorted. .

Thinking of the little things these people have added to them, and thinking of how they were bullied like livestock these days, the knives in the women's hands were finally raised.

It was the same young woman, holding the knife in her hand and uttering a heart-rending cry, she exhausted all her strength and slashed at the place she hated the most in her life.

This force cut off the man in front of her from root to leg. The young woman was only stunned for a moment at this bloody scene, and then she yelled again, opened her eyes and swung the knife again.

She wants to imprint the scene in front of her deeply in her mind.

This scene also made everyone in the convoy standing aside waiting for support, including the men huddled in the corner, feel tight between their legs, and it's not good for an instant!
The intense pain immediately woke up the unconscious man, but before he could react, a cold light flashed in front of his eyes, and he didn't know anything.

Hatred can make people lose their minds, and hatred can also bring people endless strength. These weak women in front of them are good examples.

Under the leadership of the young woman, these women who usually handle kitchen knives at most waved down the knives in their hands.

In short, when they stop venting, there is no good place in these evil beasts, and they can barely be seen as human beings.

This ruthless appearance made the male survivors huddled in the corner turn pale and tremble uncontrollably.

After venting, the women sat on the ground exhausted, and then began to cry regardless.

No one went to stop them, and everyone silently watched them vent to their heart's content.

Only by venting out, these women may be able to be reborn.

It was also thanks to the remote location of the brick factory, otherwise Shi Xiao might not have allowed them to vent to their heart's content.

Watching some of these women cry for a while, he gave Big Brother Yan a look and Shi Xiao turned around and walked towards the yard.

Taking advantage of this time, she should hurry up and collect the bricks!
So amidst the cries of these women, Shi Xiao started the mode of collecting bricks.

Yan Xu nodded his head and sent Shi Xiao, knowing what this girl was going to do.

But looking at the wailing women, the noise made his temples bulge uncontrollably, and he, who has always hated noise, endured the impatience in his heart to arrange the next thing.

They arranged for people to drag the corpses outside the factory building and set them on fire.

Except for those who stayed on guard, Yan Xu led another group of people to inspect the other buildings in the brick factory.

During this process, nothing was found except the supplies. Obviously, the previous group had cleared up the brick factory.

At the same time, Shi Xiao was like a busy bee, collecting bricks and so on.

This brick factory is not much different in size from the previous brick factory.

The only difference is that the inventory is not as large as the previous one, but this is only relative, and these inventories are quite a lot in isolation.

I thought that these women would calm down after she emptied the brick factory, but I didn't expect that they would cry so much and they were still crying.

Even if women are made of water, the amount of water should be dry after crying for so long.

Shi Xiao rolled his eyes impatiently.

She can understand the catharsis and crying after great sorrow and joy, but she has to cry for 15 minutes even if she is less than [-], which is a bit unbearable.

Even if it turned into sobbing now, more than a dozen people were sobbing at the same time, which is still a great burden for Shi Xiao, whose hearing is getting better and better.

It was like a dozen mosquitoes buzzing non-stop in his ears, which was really a great challenge to endurance.

Another brick has been collected, and they still have more places to go, and they don't have this time to spend here with these people.

She, who was not a good-natured girl, couldn't bear it anymore, and ran straight to the women with her fishtail ax on her shoulder, and the ax hit the ground heavily.

The loud noise instantly silenced the sobbing women collectively.

Looking in horror at the impossibly beautiful woman in front of them, she looked at them with an ax in her hand while she was dressed in smart clothes.

Immediately, he remembered the vines all over the sky, the coldness of stabbing the two children's hands without changing his face, and the indifference when he threw the weapons to them.

The silenced women trembled collectively, looking at Shi Xiao carefully, lest the girl should be greeted with the weapon in her hand if something goes wrong.

Everyone in Liu Yunhao breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that the annoying crying disappeared, and gave Shi Xiao a grateful look.

These women cried for a while, making them almost give up the idea of ​​finding a wife, they are so capable of crying.

Thinking of the possibility that my future wife might do the same, I suddenly felt that it was nice to be single now.

(End of this chapter)

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