Chapter 117.

"Enough crying." The cold voice reached the ears of these women.

"When you've cried enough, stand up quickly. What's the big deal? What's more important than being alive?" Familiar, light, familiar, and heavy. You should be very clear. You're all grown-ups. I don't think I need to say more. "

Shi Xiao looked at them coldly, although they could be saved if they were able to take up weapons in the end, but after crying for so long, Shi Xiao still felt indifferent to these women.

Of course, except for a few of them, the other few include the young woman who stood up first.

As soon as Shi Xiao came, he noticed that the woman's tears had dried up, and she obviously stopped crying a long time ago.

This is more or less the same. In this world, no matter men or women, if they don't learn to be strong, they can only depend on others, or even become others' playthings.

Even though the women who were frightened by Shi Xiao had collapsed, they supported each other and quickly stood up from the ground.

The situation of these women made Shi Xiao frowned slightly, but finally couldn't bear it.

He grabbed his backpack and pretended to take out a dozen pieces of women's clothing from it and threw them at them.

"What are you looking at? Put it on!" Shi Xiao urged impatiently.

Isn't it just a few clothes? It's also worth thinking about. Women are troublesome.

Shi Xiao couldn't help complaining in his heart, completely forgetting that she was also a member of the women.

That's right, except when she's working, she's a bit feminine, and she's a woman at other times.

While thanking carefully, the women put on their clothes, and finally they were no longer naked, and Shi Xiao's complexion improved a lot.

After wasting such a long time, Shi Xiao didn't want to beat around the bush, and said directly.

"What are your plans next? Do you want to go to relatives, or stay here, or you want to go with us."

In line with the principle that since he has been saved, it is good to do it to the end, Shi Xiao said these words, and at the same time, these words were also addressed to the survivors in another corner.

Although these men are very useless, it is not incomprehensible, after all, they are really not as ruthless as those people.

Since there is a plan to take them away, if there is no accident, they can simply take them away together. Of course, this depends on their own wishes.

Shihe Town now has a lot of empty rooms, even if all these people go back with them, they can still live there.

"I'll go with you." The first one to speak was the young woman whom Shi Xiao admired, she almost didn't even think about it.

Shi Xiao nodded and showed a slight smile for the first time. The girl's appearance is very delicate. If it is not the end of the world, she is probably still a treasure in the hands of her parents. How can she forcefully mature.

Shi Xiao looked at her, "What's your name?"

"My name is Mo Beibei," Mo Beibei said.

"OK, I see"

"Let's go too," Lin Dan, Xiong Jie, Liu Yun, Li Jiao, Liu Mei, and He Xue said a step slower than Mo Beibei.

They don't want to stay here, there are horrible memories here, they will go crazy if they stay here.

As soon as they finished speaking, other people expressed their desire to follow along, including the men who had been hiding in the corner and several elderly people.

These people are not stupid, they are ordinary people with no power to restrain their chickens. They are fine here for a short time, but staying here for a long time is a dead end.

As for the unconscious men lying on the ground, no one has asked for their opinions.

When these people were expressing their opinions, Yan Xu brought people in and stood with Shi Xiao.

The moment he saw Yan Xu, Shi Xiao suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to discuss this decision with Brother Yan.

So habit is a terrible thing. When cleaning up zombies in Shihe Town, the siblings have already made up their minds habitually. They forgot that this time it is not in Shihe Town, and the idea still needs to be discussed.

"Brother Yan" Shi Xiao looked at Yan Xu embarrassedly, "Brother Yan, I'm sorry, I forgot to discuss with you first about their stay or stay, so I made a decision on my own."

Shi Xiao really felt that she didn't do this well, how could she forget the lesson in her dream and take things up again.

Yan Xu looked at Shi Xiao's cautious appearance, the corners of his mouth rose uncontrollably, and looked at the girl intently, with a very firm tone.

"What are you talking about? Shihe Town is your home. If you don't make the decision, who will make the decision? Xiaoxiao, you can always make the decision no matter what it is in front of me."

Having said that, Yan Xu was very happy to see that the girl had begun to take into account his thoughts.

What he said made Liu Yunhao and the others on the side stare.

Sure enough, in the face of love, no matter how cold-hearted a person is, he will instantly become another person, and if he speaks provocative words, he will just open his mouth.

As the object of teasing, Shi Xiao really didn't know how to answer, especially the last sentence.

What can always be decided in front of him, this is really too tempting to think about,

Brother Yan couldn't be what she thought, Shi Xiao looked at Yan Xu suspiciously.

But after thinking about it, he felt that it was impossible. They had been working together for a long time. If Big Brother Yan really had something for her, why would he wait until now?
So she must have thought too much, um, she must have thought too much.

As soon as he built up his heart, Shi Xiao's expression suddenly became more natural, deliberately ignoring the strangeness deep in his heart.

Shi Xiao followed and nodded, "Well, what Brother Yan said is indeed my home, but isn't Brother Yan and you guys here now? I am a weak woman, and women will grow old if they worry about it."

After these words were spoken, the corners of the mouths of everyone in the team trembled uncontrollably, and they collectively rolled their eyes.

If this girl is a weak woman, then what are they?Is it a weak chick who can't be weak?

Shi Xiao automatically avoided everyone's reaction, and returned Yan Xu with a soft smile. What she said was from the bottom of her heart. Leaving aside her physical abilities, how could her appearance and figure not look like a weak woman?
She really doesn't want to meddle in other things, isn't it a disease not to enjoy the blessings?
After this period of time, everything she needed was ready, so she just stayed at home and didn't go anywhere, just as winter was coming soon.

These words made Yan Xu's eyes much deeper, and a sweet taste welled up in his heart.

This girl is relying on him, he has subconsciously ignored his remarks about whether a weak woman is not a weak woman, and nodded along with Shi Xiao's words.

In order to make the girl he likes beautiful forever, he should put more effort into it.

Seeing Boss Yan nodding his head, Liu Yunhao and Che Jun glanced at each other, and the words "hero, sad, beauty, pass" were written brightly in their eyes.

As men, they also understand, just like Shi Xiao's beautiful face, if he said these words to them and smiled sweetly, it would not exist to refuse.

Seeing Brother Yan nodding, Shi Xiao was happy, and immediately left the unfinished business to Brother Yan. How to arrange it is the business of Brother Yan.

Yan Xu glanced dotingly at the girl who shook her head and began to make arrangements.

Since these survivors agreed to leave, they would definitely bring them back to Shihe Town, but not now. They could not go back together until their plan to come out this time was completed.

It's even more impossible to take a mission together. There are zombies everywhere outside. Instead of losing your life, it's better to wait in the brick factory with peace of mind.

Yan Xu was making arrangements, but Shi Xiao turned to the corner where the men were.

These men were so frightened that they moved quickly, the cruelty before the girl was still vivid in their minds, and they would avoid provoking the girl by staying far away.

The men were moving carefully, how could they escape Shi Xiao's eyes, but their cowardly behavior really made people look down on them.

(End of this chapter)

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