I just want to have a good time

Chapter 120 120. Survivor

Chapter 120 120. Survivor

To save or not to save, Shi Xiao hesitated.

There must be zombies in the office building, and the number is not small, otherwise the survivors inside would not dare to step out of the office

Shi Xiao didn't really notice these zombies, she still had the ability to deal with them.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally decided to save him.

Now that she found out, it was really hard for her to act as if she hadn't seen this kind of thing.

Shi Xiao sometimes hates his character.

If you say you have a strong personality, sometimes you will still be soft-hearted, and if you say you are soft-hearted, sometimes you can turn a blind eye.

Taking a breath, she clenched the ax tightly in her hand, and Shi Xiao walked into the office building.

This is a six-story office building.Before coming in, the spiritual force had already conducted a comprehensive investigation on it.

The survivors were in the innermost office on the fourth floor, and Shi Xiao knew exactly where the zombies were distributed.

First of all, the first floor can be easily skipped, after all, the zombies inside have been attracted in the previous round of trapping.

There were six zombies wandering at the stairs on the second floor, and seven zombies in the corridor.

The third and fourth floors are not much different. There are zombies gathered at the stairs, and the same is true in the corridor.

Anyway, it wouldn't take long, since Shi Xiao came in, he was going to clean up the whole building.

Zombies are the biggest natural enemies of human beings. Of course, the sooner they are cleaned up, the better. If they evolve into a climate, it will not be so easy.

At that time, all aspects of zombies will be improved, including the response ability of zombies, which will become more sensitive, which means that the difficulty factor of dealing with them will increase.

Going straight through the first floor and up the stairs, Shi Xiao came to the second floor. Before the zombies on the second floor found her excited, the zombies were pierced by a few vine tips, bringing out the energy core by the way.

It's better to deal with the ones in the corridor, Shi Xiao's figure is strong and shuttles between them, and then there are zombie heads all over the place.

After taking the energy core, the third floor was followed, and these zombies were eliminated as quickly as the second floor.

The reason why he didn't use all his powers was because Shi Xiao wanted to exercise his skills more while ensuring his own safety, so that he could practice as fast as he had in his dream at the fastest speed.

In the later stage of the dream, she was as fast as a wind-type supernatural being, and her strength far exceeded that of a power mutant. These are the goals she is working hard for now.

Then the fourth floor, the fifth floor and the sixth floor, the sixth floor was cleaned by Shi Xiao in less than 10 minutes.

It's a pity that these are all offices, and there is nothing worthy of her collection. Shi Xiao went down to the fourth floor amidst a sound of regret.

He walked straight to the innermost office in the corridor on the fourth floor, and then stomped on it. Although the method was a bit simple and rude, he had to do something.

The three people inside were so hungry that they might even have trouble walking. They were skinny and skinny, and they were thin enough to be a few skeletons still panting.

If Shi Xiao hadn't made this unexpected discovery today, it would be about the same in a day or two.

After all, there are three lives still alive, so it is very difficult to turn a blind eye.

At this end, the violent banging sound at the door shocked the three people who were hiding in the office and sitting on the ground behind the desk, thinking it was a zombie breaking in.

They all smiled wryly, but even if the zombies didn't break in, they wouldn't be able to last long in their current ghostly appearance, they were so weak that they couldn't even stand up.

The three of them were ready to be eaten, they closed their eyes and waited to die.

This is what Shi Xiao saw when he came in. The three people who closed their eyes, if not for the heaving of their chests, would not be much different from the dead.

The clothes on his body were hanging empty, and the skinny ones were really the kind of skin covered bones.

Looking at the empty office, except for tables and chairs, there are some office supplies, and a bucket of purified water that has been drunk. I really don't know how these three people persisted these days?
So if you don't push yourself at a certain point, you will never know how far your potential can reach?

They have already become like this, and the three of them still insist on it, which makes Shi Xiao a little admired.

Looking at the three people who closed their eyes, Shi Xiao didn't bother them, but took out three bottles of water and three bags of bread from the backpack behind him.

With their state like this, it's better to eat something first, otherwise Shi Xiao is really afraid that they won't be able to persist and something will go wrong halfway.

Coughing heavily, Shi Xiao reminded them.

Sure enough, the cough made the eyelids of the three people who were waiting to die with their eyes closed tremble, and traces of eyeball rolling could be seen through the thin layer of eyelids. It was obvious that their hearts were not at peace.

In fact, the same is true. When the three of them heard the violent impact, they were already ready to die.

But the pain that made them fear did not come, but a cough did come, which made them a little surprised and a little unbelievable, and thought it might be their auditory hallucinations.

It is normal to have hallucinations and auditory hallucinations after being hungry for such a long time.

This is also the reason why they didn't open their eyes immediately, for fear that what they would face would be hideous zombies.

But after a while, there was still no movement, nor did they wait for the zombies they thought to bite.

Just as they were anxious, two more coughs sounded, making them finally believe that this was not an auditory hallucination.

It's not zombies, someone came in.

The three of them opened their eyes almost at the same time, and vaguely saw a girl who was more beautiful than a fairy standing not far in front of them, and suddenly injected a light into their hearts, a light of hope.

Even though it was many years later, they still couldn't forget this scene.

This unreal scene made them mistakenly think that they were already dead, but they still couldn't believe it.

It wasn't until each person was stuffed with a bag of bread and a bottle of water in their hands that the real touch gave them a real sense of being alive.

They are too weak, so weak that they are full of double images in front of their eyes, and the instinct to get food is to eat.

A bag of bread was eaten in a short time, and half a bottle of water was wiped out.

The bread is not big, so don't worry about their stomachs being unable to accept it.

After a while, the three of them seemed to be in better condition, and their eyes gradually began to focus.

Finally, they could see the face of the girl in front of them clearly, they saw right in the blur, the girl in front of them was so beautiful that she was not like a real person.

Surprisingly, no one else was found, which means that the girl broke into the office alone and rescued them.

How could such a thin and weak girl find them through the defense line of the zombies.

But what is certain is that this girl must be very powerful.

At this time, they couldn't allow them to think too much. The three of them looked at the green light on their bodies in surprise. The instigator was the weak-looking girl in front of them.

The girl stretched out a hand out of nowhere, and the green light continuously poured into them from the palm of her hand.

With the intrusion of light, the physical strength of the three of them is recovering rapidly, and their condition is getting better and better.

The light disappeared within tens of seconds, making the three people sitting on the ground regretful, and the comfortable feeling on their bodies let them know that the green light was good.

"Try to see if you can stand up." A pleasant female voice came from their ears.

The three of them involuntarily looked at the owner who made the voice. Her firm and encouraging eyes made the three of them involuntarily try to stand up.

The speed is very slow, after all, I haven't stood up for two or three days, and finally stood up with the help of the desk behind me.

They also showed the first smiles in so many days on their faces.

Shi Xiao gave a sigh of relief when he saw the three people standing up, it would be nice if they could stand up, and it would not be in vain for her to waste her power to improve their bodies.

The three people who stood up were also very excited. They thought they would never be able to stand up again.

It felt so good to be able to stand up, and then, needless to say, I took a step and tried to walk.

At the beginning, it was a bit blunt. After all, it is very normal to feel uncomfortable if you always sit on the ground in one position and do it for two days.

Walking is getting better and better. Although it is not as natural as when the body is in its heyday, it is much better than the previous state.

The three of them were very happy, and Shi Xiao was also in a good mood.

Being able to walk meant that it would save her a lot of energy.

Otherwise, she would have to deal with these three people one by one. To be honest, she really didn't want to do such a thing, even if she saved these people.

That's why she wasted her abilities so generously, but the result was good.

(End of this chapter)

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