I just want to have a good time

Chapter 121 121. Take, Leave

Chapter 121 121. Take, Leave
After walking for a while, the three of them stopped and stood in front of Shi Xiao gratefully.

They knew that they were able to stand up and recover so quickly because of the girl in front of them.

"Thank you, thank you..." The three of them were grateful and knew what to say, so they could only keep saying thank you.

Shi Xiao nodded and accepted it, then looked at them and said, "Since we can go, let's get out of here quickly."

It didn't matter whether the three of them were willing or not, Shi Xiao walked first, but the speed was much slower than usual.

She has done everything she can, as for the choice of the three people in the office, it is beyond her control.

Seeing the Tianxian girl who had already left the office, the three of them gritted their teeth and followed without hesitation.

This is simply a choice without a choice. If you want to live, you can follow, if you want to die, you can stay. It is said that as long as there is a chance of life, no normal person will think about dying.

So it's better to take a gamble. This fairy girl can find them and heal their bodies with special abilities, which shows that she is not a simple person.

The reason for thinking this way is that the three of them didn't know that there were supernatural beings outside, and they only thought that the girl had supernatural powers.

In fact, I don’t blame them. Although there is electricity in the early days of the end of the world, and mobile phones have some signals, they are only limited to making calls, and they are still in a state of being out of time. Don’t even think about surfing the Internet.

The three of them hid in the office, which can be said to be isolated from the world, and they had no idea that people with supernatural powers had appeared in this world.

In addition, he had just narrowly escaped from death, and his mind had not fully returned to normal, so there were many things that he couldn't think of at all.

At this moment, after all, they had just recovered, and they were a few steps behind Shi Xiao. Naturally, they were a few steps behind Shi Xiao. They were staying in the office, and they would soon lose sight of Shi Xiao.

The three of them were a little anxious, and quickly tried their best to speed up and walked out of the office where they had been hiding during this period.

Only after the three of them came out did they realize how powerful Miss Tianxian is.

The zombies in this place are all separated from each other, and it can be seen from the flat marks that there is absolutely no return of the knife.

Afraid?Of course I’m afraid, it’s a lie to say I’m not afraid.

But it is within the tolerable range.

After hiding for so many days, it doesn't mean that there is no gain.

At least when seeing zombies, he was not as frightened as he was at first.

This is also the reason why seeing so many corpses of zombies can distract you from observing the cause of death.

Shi Xiao deliberately slowed down when he saw the three people following him.

In this way, when they were away from the stairs, the three of them finally caught up.

Panting, they looked at Shi Xiao flatteringly, and passed by the corpses of zombies all over the place. If they didn't know that Tianxian girl is really powerful at this time, then they would be really stupid.

So pleasing is a must.

"Let's go!" Shi Xiao glanced at them and stepped down the stairs.

Shi Xiao didn't care about their ingratiating smiles. This kind of smile is very common in the last days. I don't know how many times I saw it in my dream, and I was already numb.

The three of them hurriedly followed, but no matter how fast they were, they were still much slower than walking on flat ground. After all, they had just recovered, and things like going up and down stairs were still a big burden for them.

Even so, the three of them kept up with Tianxian girl as quickly as possible, lest Doudou and the others would make Tianxian girl unhappy.

They knew in their hearts that the girl had a very good heart to save them.

I have to say that these people can still get it right.

Then it was the third floor, the second floor, and soon reached the first floor, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, almost thinking that the legs were not theirs anymore.

Seeing the three of them dragging their thin bodies and following her to the first floor without saying a word, Shi Xiao nodded secretly in his heart.

Sure enough, those who can survive to this moment in such a difficult environment are ordinary people, at least this perseverance is much stronger than ordinary people.

After leaving the office building, Shi Xiao didn't drive away immediately, but stopped at the same spot.

The three who were lagging behind looked at the fairy girl waiting outside and smiled gratefully.

After going down several floors, they were out of breath, and they all looked gratefully and quickly took two sips of water in their hands.

Feeling much better, and then looking at Shi Xiao with some anxiety, they don't know what they will face next?How the girl will arrange them.

"Let's go." Shi Xiao said with a blank face, and then led the way ahead.

She saw the uneasy emotions of the three of them, but so what?

She is not the Virgin Mary and will not take care of other people's emotions.

She had used her mental power to observe just now, but she didn't see any of them nearby, so she could only send these three people out first.

It is impossible to carry it all the time.

After walking for a few minutes, Shi Xiao heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Che Jun, Jin Yunchang and the others.

At the same time, Che Jun and Jin Yunchang, who were in charge of security, also saw Shi Xiao and the three thin people behind her.

Before Shi Xiao could walk over, the two greeted him.

So Shi Xiao stopped, and after they stood still, he said softly: "The survivors found will be handed over to you."

"Don't worry, Miss Shi, leave it to us." Che Jun, Jin Yunchang and the others nodded quickly, knowing that something was wrong with Shi Xiao.

Shi Xiao nodded without talking nonsense and immediately turned and left. Che Jun and the others did not set their sights on the three survivors until they could no longer see the back of the boss.

In other words, these three people are really miserable. They are so thin that they are completely inhuman, and they are as thin as a paper man, as if they can be blown away by a gust of wind.

Che Jun led them to a safe corner and asked them to rest here and walk together when they finished their work and went back.

On the other side, Shi Xiao walked straight towards another large warehouse according to the information fed back from his mental power.

This warehouse is even bigger than the previous one, because the big target is also obvious, and she can find it quickly even if she has no mental power.

Shi Xiao bluntly collected all the things inside. With the cement in these two warehouses, the materials needed for the wall are not only enough, but there may still be a lot left.

In this way, under the leadership of spiritual power, the stone statue took over two small warehouses one after another before giving up.

Afterwards, Shi Xiao wandered around the cement factory again, killing a few incomplete zombies hiding in the corner.

When she returned to the gate of the cement factory, everyone was already waiting there.

In addition to the three survivors brought by Shi Xiao, she also found several other survivors.

But the situation is far better than the few people she brought over, at least they are not so thin and out of shape.

Shi Xiao gestured an ok gesture to Brother Yan who was coming up to him, and then walked towards the car outside the cement factory with the prepared crowd.

It was getting late, the sun that used to hang high in the sky and scorched the earth had already set half of the mountain.

The night in the last days is still dangerous, and there are many uncertainties. If there are no special circumstances, it is better to avoid walking at night.

Knowing this, everyone got into the car without talking nonsense.

The survivors were all arranged by Yan Xu in the compartment at the back of the truck, and there must not be many extra seats in the car.

Let's leave here first, and then we have to pick up another batch of survivors.

Soon the gate of the cement factory was closed, and the convoy left here.

Ten minutes later, the convoy arrived at the brick factory where the survivors remained. In the end, except for a few people, everyone got into the back compartment of the truck and was ready to leave here.

The various people who stayed, their homes are nearby, and they would definitely not be reconciled if they didn’t go home to take a look. They still had hope in their hearts.

After watching the convoy leave the brick factory in this way, the few people who stayed behind found their own cars and left quickly without delay.

Just in such a hurry and waiting for the convoy to drive to the high speed, the sky was still dark.

For a few minutes, except for the headlights, the surrounding area was pitch black, the blackness like splashed ink, not to mention the moon, and I didn't even see a single star.

It seems that tomorrow will not be a good weather, everyone sitting in the car couldn't help thinking.

It was still the same way as when it came. After cleaning up when it came, it was very smooth when going back, so the speed is really not slow.

 Let's watch it together, the author has worked hard (^▽^) Come on

(End of this chapter)

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