I just want to have a good time

Chapter 122 122. Accident

Chapter 122 122. Accident
In this way, the car drove smoothly on the high speed for nearly half an hour, and everything looked fine.

Seeing that there were still ten minutes to get off the expressway, an accident happened.

When passing through a certain intersection, a group of cars suddenly rushed up, if Liu Yunhao's car skills were not superb, drifting and dodging in time, he would have hit them head-on.

Because the incident happened so suddenly, even if he dodged in time, he drifted sideways for one or two meters, which also scared the vehicles behind.

Especially the survivors on the truck, the sudden brake without warning caused them to fall into the carriage unpreparedly, and there was a burst of wailing, but fortunately, there was nothing serious.

Fortunately, the distance between the cars behind was sufficient and there was still time to buffer. There was no accident, but some cars inevitably rushed out of the original lane and swayed in all directions.

The other party obviously didn't expect that there would be a car on the highway, and the same steering wheel narrowly avoided Shi Xiao's vehicle, but crashed into the side of the highway, and the whole car stopped on the highway in a horizontal shape.

At the same time, all vehicles are blocked at this intersection.

This sudden scene made the old driver Liu Yunhao, who has always been quiet, couldn't help it. He was about to unbuckle his seat belt and get out of the car to find their theory, but Shi Xiao grabbed him.

"Don't go down, move the car quickly and let them pass."

Shi Xiao's expression was too serious, Liu Yunhao immediately realized that something might have happened.

Before he had time to think about it, he quickly started the car and quickly turned around to make way for the road.

And Yan Xu also realized that something was wrong, got up and pulled the intercom on the car to notify the car behind to return to the original lane.

Although the twilight is deep, you can still see through the headlights, and the cars behind are also parked crookedly.

After receiving the notification, the vehicles behind obviously sensed the seriousness of Boss Yan's tone, and turned around as quickly as possible.

The car that hit the side of the highway also seemed to slow down.

While Shi Xiao and the others were moving, the car also started to move, quickly turning the car out of the road from horizontal to vertical.

At the same time, the window of the driver's cab was lowered, and he stretched out a hand, signaling Shi Xiao to go first.

Under the dim light from the fallen car windows, Shi Xiao and the others could clearly see that the people sitting in the car were actually soldiers.

Thinking of the situation fed back in his mental power, Shi Xiao was a little moved. It is already so critical that they can still let them go first. I am afraid that only soldiers can do such a thing.

It is true that no further delay is allowed, the time is running out, Shi Xiao decisively asked Liu Yunhao to drive to the middle of the road, and then picked up the walkie-talkie in the car to tell the vehicles behind to leave quickly, and they stayed behind.

Even the boss Xiaoxiao said that, and the team members felt a sense of tension even more. Based on the trust in the two bosses, everyone quickly started the car and left the intersection at the fastest speed.

It actually only took tens of seconds from crashing to driving away from the intersection.

Just when the last car reached the intersection, Shi Xiao knew it was too late, when a huge black shadow rushed towards the car.

At the same time, gunshots rang out.

Almost subconsciously, Shi Xiao exposed a hand out of the car window and a few vines shot out, instantly wrapping the huge black shadow, and slammed it to the ground, allowing the last car to pass smoothly.

This scene happened so fast, almost in the blink of an eye.

All of this is due to Shi Xiao's mental strength, otherwise she would not have predicted so accurately and stopped the shadow in time.

Seeing the car passing by, Shi Xiao relaxed a little, and the next moment he opened the door and walked out, Yan Xu also opened the door and got out of the car the moment Shi Xiao got up.

Nowadays, this situation does not mean that staying in the car will be safe. In fact, encountering mutant animals in the car is not only not necessarily safe, but also has certain dangers. The most important thing is that it will affect performance.

Obviously Yan Xu also thought of this.

The two bosses got out of the car, and Liu Yunhao and Che Jun naturally wouldn't stay in the car, so he got out of the car resolutely.

There is another team with the same idea.

It doesn't matter if you don't get out of the car, these black shadows are too huge, and the target is too passive to stay in the car. If they step on them a few more times, not only the car will be deformed, but their lives will also be endangered.

All of a sudden, gunshots and various supernatural powers bloomed in the night sky like fireworks.

Then a hard battle began.

The moment they got off the car, Shi Xiaoyan, Yan Xu, Che Jun, and Liu Yunhao stood back to back.

In the short seconds of getting off the car, more than a dozen huge black shadows appeared at the intersection of the highway, and pairs of eyes bigger than copper bells gleamed in the night, each staring at the target in their eyes.

Under the light of the headlights, Shi Xiao and the others already knew that the huge black shadows were mutated giant wolves, and the number was still increasing.

In the blink of an eye alone, Shi Xiao's mental power revealed huge mutant wolves, at least twenty or thirty of them, not counting those who were shot dead.

How could such a large pack of wolves appear here?Shi Xiao really couldn't figure it out.

The urban area is also a long way from here, and it’s not like Shi Xiao has never been to a zoo in the urban area, and there are at most a dozen of them.

The number of these wolves obviously has nothing to do with the urban zoo.

Yunwu Mountain is even more impossible. First of all, the distance is not close, and the animals that are accustomed to the mountain rarely go down the mountain. The food in the mountain is relatively sufficient at this time of year. This possibility hardly exists.

But where did these wolves come from?
With these questions in mind, Shi Xiao and the others joined the battle.

It doesn't matter if you don't join, as long as they are here, they are the targets of these wolves.

Although the battle was fierce, Shi Xiao hardly had a chance to make a move.

As long as the giant wolves approached them, they were baptized by Yan Xu's thunder group, and then they were stunned, and then the afterimage passed by Liu Yunhao's knife and the knife fell, and the head of the giant wolf fell to the ground.

Not only Shi Xiao but even Che Jun are useless.

This scene made Shi Xiao silently take back the Humulus seeds in his hand.

The battle situation on the other side was much more tragic. Although hundreds of soldiers had guns in their hands, casualties soon appeared.

These mutated wolves are too difficult to deal with. After mutating, not only their speed but also their strength are obviously different.

More importantly, the hardness of their mutated skin and bones has also evolved. Even if a pistol wants to destroy them, it needs to consume a lot of bullets when they don't hit the vital parts.

But the mutant wolf's reaction ability is too fast, how can it stand still and let you practice.

Unless it is a sharpshooter, pistols are really not very useful in fighting mutant wolves.

The situation of ordinary soldiers among these soldiers is really not optimistic.

A giant wolf broke through the defense of the bullets and rushed to the middle of several soldiers. The two soldiers flew up with a wave of its claws, and at the same time, it opened its huge wolf mouth and bit the other soldier who was shooting.

Fortunately, this was a wind-type supernatural warrior, and when danger approached, he dragged the warrior next to him to dodge.

Even so, the gun in his hand still did not stop firing.

Before one of the soldiers who was blown away fell to the ground, a huge mouth popped out suddenly and volleyed into his mouth. He bit down on the waist, and immediately blood dripped down the wolf's mouth to the ground.

Then the giant wolf shook its head a few times until the prey in its mouth no longer struggled, dropped it, and aimed at the next target.

"Li Tie", Wang Le is that wind element supernatural power user, his shrill cry was drowned in the attack of the mutant wolf.

The speed was too fast, even if he wanted to rescue him, it would be too late. In a blink of an eye, Wang Le saw the comrades who were joking and laughing together before being thrown on the ground with no signs of life.

This scene greatly stimulated him, Wang Le only had one thought at the moment, which was to kill these damn mutant wolves and avenge the dead comrades.

Perhaps it was because of his deep obsession, he was in the midst of fighting the mutant wolf, and in another dodge, he was suspended in the air, which made him stunned on the spot.

Wang Le woke up almost instantly, quickly seized this opportunity, raised his gun and shot at the mutant wolf chasing him.

Due to the good vision in the air, the bullet hit directly between the eyebrows, and then fired at the same location several times in a row. The mutant wolf, which was chasing its prey in mid-air, fell to the ground with a "slap".

(End of this chapter)

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