I just want to have a good time

Chapter 123 123. Fighting

Chapter 123 123. Fighting
After successfully destroying one, Wang Le, who was floating in mid-air, quickly confronted the other one. After several consecutive gunshots, another mutant wolf fell to the ground.

Regardless of how powerful he looks now, his intuition tells him that this state will not last long, because the consumption of supernatural powers is particularly severe.

So he wanted to take this opportunity to eliminate a few more mutant wolves.

Wang Le's sudden explosion greatly inspired the soldiers in the battle.

Even Lin Fan, who was fighting a mutant wolf on the side, did the same.

At this time, Lin Fan's upper body was metalized, holding a gun in his right hand, and condensed a long knife with his left hand using supernatural powers.

Unusually brave and fighting with a mutant wolf.

After avoiding the sharp claw of the mutant wolf, it slid into the belly of the mutant wolf.

The metal knife in his hand slid into the mutant wolf's relatively softest abdomen, and slid down to the bottom.

In the next second, the internal organs of the mutant wolf fell out.

The severe pain caused the mutant wolf to howl fiercely, and then fell to the ground.

After wiping the wolf blood from his face, Lin Fan crawled out the moment the mutant wolf fell down and threw himself into the battle again.

It slashed at the back leg of the mutant wolf that was biting towards a soldier.

Even if he used the fastest speed, it was still a step late. The soldier was bitten off the arm holding the gun, and blood immediately flowed out like a fountain. The strong smell of blood made the soldier a target of public criticism and attracted everyone The attention of several wolves.

This scene made Lin Fan's eyes tear open, he gritted his teeth and went forward, the movements of his hands became faster.

While swinging down the metal knife, the gun in his hand shot at the other mutant wolf that was biting at the soldier, and successfully attracted the firepower.

Fortunately, the previous knife didn't miss out. It chopped off one of the mutant wolf's hind legs, reducing its combat effectiveness, so that Lin Fan would not be in a desperate situation.

The battle in the dark night continued, soldiers were injured or even died from time to time, and everyone was at their wits' end.

It's not that no one noticed the dangerous situation of Lin Fan and this soldier, it's just that everyone is in danger and it's hard to escape.

There are too many mutant wolves, if one is killed, another will pop up.

The whole combat area is the most relaxed, and it is Yan Xu and the others.

With a few people, Yan Xu attracted most of the mutant wolves in this direction.

And with their current abilities, they still have enough power to deal with these mutant wolves in front of them.

Now Che Jun and Liu Yunhao are already at the second-level intermediate level, and Yan Xu, a freak, has even reached the third-level intermediate level, so it goes without saying that Shi Xiao.

Therefore, for the time being, there is no phenomenon of lack of power stamina, and even if there is, there is no need to worry about it. As long as you have energy and energy in your hands, you don't have to worry about the power being exhausted.

Yan Xu and Liu Yunhao cooperated tacitly, and Che Jun's fireball was almost a one-hit kill, as long as the mutant wolf he aimed at was rarely able to escape.

In just a moment, the corpses of mutant wolves were already piled up around them, at least a dozen of them.

Such a strong combat power, and attracted so many mutant wolves, greatly relieved the pressure on the soldiers and gave them time to breathe a sigh of relief.

And Shi Xiao, who was protected at the back, was like a tool man the whole time. She had no chance to make a move at all, and was tightly protected by Yan Xu and the others.

It is also because of this that she has the energy to observe the surrounding situation with mental power.

Seeing that more and more soldiers were injured or died at the mouth of mutant wolves, Shi Xiao's face became more and more serious.

Shi Xiao has always respected soldiers. Whenever the country is in trouble, it is this group of lovely people who rush to the forefront.

Seeing them bleeding and even losing their lives in front of him now touched Shi Xiao a lot.

When he saw a soldier in the distance whose gun arm was bitten off by a mutant wolf, he was completely fearless and still used his other intact arm to fight with a dagger, although he was just trying to kill himself.

The blood on his arm gushed out like a spring, even if there were no mutant wolves, he would be dead within a few minutes at this bleeding rate.

Seeing this scene, Shi Xiao could no longer maintain the idea of ​​being alone, and couldn't stay still any longer.

She couldn't just watch these soldiers die at the mouth of this group of animals, even if they lured these mutant wolves.

Shi Xiao couldn't pass the hurdle in his heart.

With almost no warning, Shi Xiao spread his wings and disappeared under the surprise of Yan Xu and Liu Yunhao.

In an instant, it appeared above the injured soldier's headspace, and at the last moment of crisis, a creeper vine came out of thin air to wrap the soldier and hang in the air.

At the same time, several other Humulus vines spread rapidly, and the branched vines wrapped around several mutant wolves with lightning speed.

This shocking change appeared right in front of Lin Fan's eyes. Looking at the huge vine balls in front of him, Lin Fan, who rarely had other emotions, couldn't help cracking his expression.

The mutant wolf that they had exhausted all their efforts to kill was trapped in the plant ball.

Following the sudden appearance of these plants, Lin Fan should say that the surrounding soldiers all found Shi Xiao hanging in the air.

A pair of colorful wings is particularly dazzling and bright in the night, and the owner of the wings is also amazing.

Even in mid-air, they can still clearly see the delicate facial features, their fair skin is even more shining in the night, and there seems to be a sea of ​​stars in their eyes, which can make people instantly intoxicated.

Appearing in this way at this moment, the shock brought to these fighters will make them unforgettable forever.

Even the angels in the sky can only do so.

Dazed was just a flash of thought, and in this flash of thought, the vines spread out overwhelmingly at an incredible speed, covering the entire area of ​​the expressway, and even extending to the surrounding trails.

Consciously avoiding the warriors, he enveloped one mutant wolf after another. In just a few seconds, dozens of mutant wolves were wrapped in the vine ball.

A wolf disaster that could be wiped out was easily solved by one person.

It is still the weakest plant ability in their eyes, which subverts their three views too much.

So much so that the soldiers who have always been calm looking at these vine balls were a little at a loss.

The blood seeping from the vines and the howling of wolves told them the horror of this plant.

After a few minutes, the wailing faded away.

Yan Xu and the others quickly came to Shi Xiaoshen when the vines rushed towards the mutant wolf on the high speed.

When the vines appeared on their side, Yan Xu, Liu Yunhao and Che Jun stopped attacking, because there was no room for them to use their skills.

Once this big killer came out, neither zombies nor mutated animals could compete with it, and it could almost be said to be invincible.

As soon as the battle situation stabilized, Shi Xiao released the wounded soldier who was still in a dazed state wrapped in vine leaves.

At this time, the soldier didn't know whether he was dizzy due to excessive blood loss, or was stunned by being suddenly wrapped in vine leaves.

The bleeding on the soldier's arm had already stopped. As early as the moment he was wrapped in vine leaves, Shi Xiao released a trace of supernatural power to give him a simple treatment, at least to stop the bleeding.

If he died from bleeding, why did she bother to save him from the wolf's mouth?

At this time, apart from the excessive blood loss and his face turning pale, the soldier looked okay.

After Shi Xiao's treatment, the wound had already scabbed faintly, but unfortunately the arm was gone, otherwise there was still hope that the arm could be broken with supernatural powers.

A few minutes later, there was no movement in the vine ball, and after mental strength, Shi Xiao confirmed that the wolf inside had lost its vital signs.

This is a mutated animal. If it was replaced by a human being, it would be wrapped tightly by humulus, and the game would be over in less than 2 minutes.

Not to mention the ubiquitous thorns of humulus vines, which can suffocate people to death just by suffocating them, and the thin air inside such a thick layer can't last long.

Once confirmed, the vines began to move again.

Such a big movement made all the soldiers standing aside take a few steps back, including Lin Fan.

They saw that the vines of these plants were covered with sharp thorns, and the blood on the vine balls was all thanks to them.

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(End of this chapter)

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