I just want to have a good time

Chapter 124 124. Treatment

Chapter 124 124. Treatment
These vines seemed to appear suddenly, and then disappeared at an astonishing speed.

After disappearing, mutant wolves strangled into balls appeared in everyone's eyes.

This is more than just getting rid of the blood all over the body. The body of the mutant wolf is covered with dense holes the size of a little finger like a honeycomb. Those with intensive phobia can close their eyes.

After a while, the corpse of the giant wolf without the support of the vines seemed to wake up, and limp on the ground like a piece of mud.

Seeing this, the soldiers were completely relieved that they had been carrying it all the time. This relief made them, who were extremely nervous before, sit on the ground with weak legs.

The battle took all their strength.

Of course, this wasn't the first time they had fought mutant animals, and they had encountered them in the base as well.

But such a huge number of mutated animals is the first encounter, and it is also the most difficult pack of wolves.

God knows how these ordinary soldiers persisted?
Thinking of this, the soldiers looked gratefully at the young lady who had saved them.

When they fought with the wolves, they were all ready to sacrifice, but they didn't expect to save their lives by turning around.

Many people couldn't help but get red eyes, especially when they saw the dead comrades in arms.

This battle can be said to be the worst they have ever experienced after the end of the world.

Speaking of which, they were the ones who made this young lady implicated. They were the ones who lured the wolves here. She was able to save them regardless of past suspicions. This was already extremely kind-hearted.

Not to mention that at this moment, this young lady is still helping their wounded comrades in arms.

Shi Xiao was indeed healing the wounded soldiers.

She has compassion for ordinary people, let alone here is a soldier she respects?
Among these people, only a few fighters were not injured, and those who survived from the wolf's mouth were more or less wounded, and some were relatively serious. If they were not treated in time, even if they did not die, they would be no different from disabled people.

With this ability, she naturally wouldn't just watch.

Thanks to her ability, it was enough to make it, otherwise it would really not be able to withstand her use like this.

Now Shi Xiao was standing in front of the warrior whose thigh had been torn off, which was the most serious wound on his body.

The wound that was bigger than the man's palm was still oozing blood, the soldier obviously lost too much blood, his face turned pale and his body began to shake, apparently unable to hold on.

Even so, the soldier gritted his teeth and said nothing, his strong appearance deserves everyone's respect.

As for those with minor injuries, they can handle them by themselves. These are things they must learn during their military career.

And this kind of large-scale injury is no longer within the range they can handle. The hemostatic medicine on their bodies is not effective at all due to the trauma.

Shi Xiao squatted in front of the soldier, without any hesitation, his small white hand was attached to the wound, and a ball of green light suddenly appeared, covering the wound.

As the light appeared, the severe pain disappeared bit by bit, followed by a warm, itchy and comfortable feeling, so comfortable that the soldier felt like he could fall asleep in the next second .

The blood stopped instantly under the green light, and the wound was healing at a speed visible to everyone.

The torn muscle grew rapidly as if taking hormones, and the torn muscle was completely filled in less than a minute.

When Shi Xiao took his palm away, the wound had returned to normal. If it weren't for the thick layer of blood on the leg, people would mistakenly think that the leg was not injured at all, and the result was too surprising.

As the person involved, it was even more inconceivable. He touched the place where the wound had been with his hand, and pressed down hard.

It didn't hurt, and he didn't feel it at all. If he hadn't lost too much blood and his whole body was still collapsing, he would have thought it was just a hallucination.

Then he refused the support of others, and the soldier stood up by himself.

He was completely unaffected, except that his body was a little weak, no different from before he was injured, and a surprised smile appeared on the soldier's face.

Excited, he turned to Shi Xiao and kept saying thank you, Shi Xiao smiled back.

This smile was so beautiful, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was as graceful as a fairy, and it instantly made the little soldier's pale face blush.

The soldiers who watched and witnessed this scene saw their comrades who had recovered as before, and their faces were nothing but shock.

It's not that there are wood-type supernatural beings in their army, but they haven't found that supernatural powers can also heal this function, and the ability is still so heaven-defying.

How many surprises this girl will bring to them.

In fact, it's not as bad as they thought. Just like the soldier whose arm was bitten off by a mutant wolf, Shi Xiao can only help stop the bleeding and scarring, and can't create something out of nothing. The broken arm is alive, and it's even worse if you lose your life. possible.

The wood-type ability can promote cell regeneration, and her ability is even more special. It possesses a strong vitality. As long as the body is not missing, it will not be difficult for her.

Shi Xiao didn't pay attention to the shock of others. At this time, she was concentrating on helping the seriously injured soldiers recover from their injuries.

Under her supernatural treatment, she quickly recovered her health and received their most sincere thanks.

Then it's time to leave, the delay here is a bit long, and I don't know where the rest of the team are now?

At this time, Shi Xiao was stopped by a soldier who was tall and straight, with a serious face and sharp eyes, and he was very imposing at first glance.

Amid Shi Xiao's doubts, the soldier saluted them seriously.

While the man was saluting, the soldiers sitting on the ground stood up and saluted in unison as if they had made an agreement.

Shi Xiao was taken aback by this scene. No soldier had ever saluted her before. How do you feel about it?It was so shocking that she even forgot to return the gift.

The soldier in front of him had an astonishing aura, and his eyes were determined. Although his appearance was ordinary, his tall and straight body and the aura all over his body had automatically made up for this defect, which was not considered a defect.

"Thank you for the generous help of this lady and gentlemen. I am ashamed to say it. We are the ones who brought this disaster over. I am really sorry for hurting everyone."

Lin Fan's thanks are sincere, and his apology is also sincere.

The wolves were indeed led by them. If it wasn't for this lady and those gentlemen, they would be really dangerous.

So this thank you must be said, and it should be said as soon as this lady rescued them.

It's just that before he walked up to him and opened his mouth, he was stunned by the young lady's next actions.

He actually used supernatural powers to heal their people, and what he didn't expect was that the healing effect was so amazing.

The soldiers after treatment, except for the broken legs and arms, were completely uninjured. Not only the soldiers were grateful, but he, the regiment leader, was also grateful.

Therefore, after the young lady was treated, she was stopped.

These people are their saviors, and the current conditions are limited and they can't do much, but thank you must be said.

Shi Xiao, who was stopped, looked up at the strong man in front of her. What was strange was that she could see sincerity from this indifferent face. This thank you was indeed sincere.

She was familiar with this face, Shi Xiao had seen him in the mental power in the previous battle. .

A very brave person, he wiped out five or six mutant wolves with his own power, his skill is very good.

If the previous broken-arm soldier hadn't been able to wait for her rescue if it wasn't because of this man's ability to attract fire.

So Shi Xiao still has a good impression of the person in front of him.

But what I didn't expect was that the position of the person in front of him should not be low. Although his clothes were nothing special, Shi Xiao could still tell from his aura and the performance of the soldiers around him.

Looking at his age, he is only in his 30s, but he just doesn't know what position he can achieve.

(End of this chapter)

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