I just want to have a good time

Chapter 125 125. Heart

Chapter 125 125. Heart
Shi Xiao: "You don't need to thank you. Although you really brought the wolves here, you didn't do it on purpose. You soldiers can shed blood and tears for the people, so we should help."

From the very beginning, she also knew that this group of soldiers didn't do it on purpose, otherwise she wouldn't have vacated the travel position and let them go first when the car accident happened.

The leaders all sincerely thanked him, so Shi Xiao naturally wouldn't be stingy, and waved his hands and said no thanks.

Although Yan Xu didn't speak, the meaning in his eyes was already obvious.

Liu Yunhao, Che Jun and the others also meant the same thing, and waved their hands one after another.

Although they thought that the man in front of them who made them feel stressed was more for Shi Xiao and Boss Yan.

"Thank you", Lin Fan thanked him solemnly again, these words touched him very much.

Not only did the young lady not blame them for bringing the wolves here to suffer in the center of the fish pond, but she even remembered that they shed blood and tears. Having to say these words greatly comforted Lin Fan and the others.

To be honest, what happened these days made Lin Fan lose confidence in many people.

Some people regard their contributions as due, and even confidently raise some excessive demands, and threaten that they are soldiers serving the common people. Isn't that right?

Shamelessly asking the army to meet their unreasonable demands, they can't see the status quo at all, forgetting that the so-called early order in the last days has completely disappeared.

And the reason why they are still performing their duties is to be worthy of the clothes they put on, and for the beliefs they have believed in for a long time.

"You're welcome." Yan Xu, who had been standing silently next to Shi Xiao, spoke, his eyes were scrutinizing the person in front of him, but there was no hostility.

He has always respected most soldiers, especially those who have just shed blood.

I thank you solemnly, and Lin Fan stopped worrying about this issue, and began to introduce himself seriously.

Anyone who knows Lin Fan knows that if he can seriously introduce himself, it means that he approves of the other party. Obviously, he already approves of the four people in front of him.

"Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Lin Fan."

In order to express goodwill, Lin Fan showed a smile as if his face was cramping, but this smile is better than not smiling, it is a bit ugly.

"Shi Xiao", Shi Xiao said his name generously, and nodded to Lin Fan as a greeting.

The three of "Yan Xu", "Liu Yunhao" and "Che Jun" exited almost at the same time, and they also nodded their heads.
Among the three, Che Jun was the better one. Due to his profession, he could be considered eloquent, with a smile on his face.

Of the other two, one is really cold, and the other is not good at speaking and communicating with others.

But obviously Lin Fan didn't care about these things, he himself was also a person with few expressions, he didn't think there was anything wrong with such a person, and he even thought it was quite good.

Lin Fan carefully memorized the names of the people in front of him, especially Shi Xiao's name, and nodded in return.

Then he said again: "Although the matter of the wolves was an accident, it was indeed our fault anyway. If it wasn't for all of us, we wouldn't be in danger. I'm afraid we are almost home now. Not only that, but also Saved us so I'm going to be a little mean.

Of course, we have nothing to sell, nothing more than food and weapons. You don't seem to be short of food, so prepare fifty rifles and two boxes of bullets.

Of course, I know that these things may be insignificant and incomparable with the lives of our soldiers. There are not many weapons, and I hope you can accept them. "

Lin Fan had already thought about these things when he stopped Shi Xiao.

Shi Xiao's ability really shocked him too much.

This girl's combat power is something they look up to, not to mention that the supernatural power also has the ability to heal.

Not to mention Shi Xiao's kindness to their team, even if there is no kindness, even with strong combat power, they can make friends as long as they can, and they cannot be easily offended.

Lin Fan never thought about recruiting special troops.

It is impossible for such a person to be inferior to others, let alone a girl, it is even more impossible.

It has to be said that those who can become the head of the regiment have a clear mind, and Lin Fan is especially eager for it.

As he said, they really don't have many weapons, and the follow-up supplies have not yet arrived. Although it will make people feel distressed to take out these weapons, it can be regarded as a good relationship with Shi Xiao and the others.

The world is impermanent, who knows when it will be encountered again.

As soon as he finished speaking, several uninjured soldiers came over carrying several boxes, obviously ready in advance.

Looking at these things, to be honest, Shi Xiao and Yan Xu were quite surprised.

Several people glanced at each other quickly, the meaning in their eyes was self-evident, this man named Lin Fan is an interesting person.

To save people is to save them all according to the heart, Shi Xiao really didn't think too much, let alone plan to repay.

Surprisingly, this person is really good.

In other words, can it be ordinary people who can become leaders in the army?
However, not planning does not mean not wanting.

Although these weapons are not very harmful to mutated animals, they are useful to zombies, even mutated zombies.

So the more hot weapons, the better.

Especially there are so many normal people in Shijia Village, these guns and ammunition are exactly what they need.

In Shi Xiao's original plan, this item was naturally not to be missed.

It's just that it hasn't got its turn yet, and it's almost time to put it on the agenda when the materials for the fence are finished.

I didn't expect there to be such a surprise. Although there were not many, there was not much left.

Shi Xiao immediately looked at several boxes with interest. Through his mental power, he could clearly see the rifles and bullets in the boxes, not only that, but also several pistols.

A few boxes of weapons Yan Xu was surprised at first, but there was nothing special about them. He had them himself, and even had better ones than these.

Liu Yunhao, Che Jun and the two had a hint of interest in their eyes, they didn't expect that there would be unexpected joy in saving lives.

But at this moment, the three of them didn't say a word, they just looked at Shi Xiao, waiting for the girl's decision.

They are all sensible people, how could they not see it, all this is for Shi Xiao's sake.

In this situation, who would be willing to take out dozens of weapons and two boxes of bullets, these are life-saving things.

After admiring it here, looking at the things in the box with satisfaction, Shi Xiao then looked at Lin Fan with a smile on his face.

Said: "Okay then, we will accept Captain Lin's wishes. To be honest with Captain Lin, we do need these weapons."

Shi Xiao was not polite at all, and after speaking, a few boxes on the ground disappeared out of thin air with a wave of his little hand.

This move shocked Lin Fan and the soldiers nearby again.

Some soldiers thought they were dazzled, and couldn't help rubbing their eyes. Only after they opened their eyes did they realize that it wasn't dazzled, and the boxes had indeed disappeared.

Ma'am...that's unbelievable.

Where did this fairy come from, she can still collect things out of thin air, this girl makes them feel more and more unfathomable.

"Miss Shi, you..." Lin Fan stared at a pair of small eyes, his face was shocked, he couldn't calm down at all, and pointed to the place where the box disappeared.

That is to say, he was able to recover and ask questions so quickly because of many troubles.

If you don't believe me, look at the other fighters who still look incredulously shocked, and some of them even forgot to close their opened mouths.

Here, Yan Xu glanced at the place where the box disappeared, looked at Shi Xiao thoughtfully, and seemed to understand her intention of doing so.

This girl is also too courageous, she would be so desperate to cover her up with someone else, she wouldn't be able to show her off.

Yan Xu looked at Shi Xiao helplessly, how did he find that Shi Xiao's courage was much stronger than before in such a short period of time, even though he was also very courageous before.

Shi smiled but looked at Lin Fan without saying a word, instead of responding immediately, he glanced at the corpse of the mutant wolf and asked her doubts in her heart.

"Captain Lin, where did you get this thing? There are too many wolves."

Looking at piles of corpses, at least forty or fifty, the number is really astonishing.

(End of this chapter)

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