I just want to have a good time

Chapter 126 126. More than enough but not enough

Chapter 126 126. More than enough but not enough
At the same time, this question is also a strange place for Yan Xu, Liu Yunhao and Che Jun.

It would not be so strange if there were a few wolves, after all, it is not impossible to come from other places.

Dozens of heads at once make people wonder.

This question made Lin Fan show a wry smile, and began to talk about it.

They didn't expect to be so lucky that they encountered a wild wolf breeding ground during the rescue.

In fact, there is no problem if they encounter it, but among the survivors they rescued, they obviously heard something wrong in the courtyard, and some people used their abilities to open the gate of the wild wolf breeding ground in order to be a hero.

Just because he is a supernatural person, he feels that he seems to be superior to others and invincible, and he has swelled to the point that he no longer knows his last name.

Although he didn't know it was a wild wolf breeding ground before he opened it.

Not only did this person not think of it, it should be said that everyone didn't think of it either.

Who would have thought that someone would raise wild wolves in this non-grassland place, and raise so many at once.

As a result, he who wanted to go in to be a hero was the first to become the ghost of these wolves, and he didn't use his supernatural power until his death.

Thanks to their quick response, the team was decisively divided into two teams during the battle with the wolves. One team led by him was responsible for attracting the wolves, and the other team led by Li Yong was responsible for protecting the rescued survivors.

In order to attract these wolves, they put in all their strength, but they didn't expect that an accident happened while passing the high speed. Now that I think about it, it's thanks to this accident.

Speaking of this, Lin Fan, who is used to having a sullen face, couldn't help sighing.

It turned out to be like this, just saying how could there be so many wolves here, it was too abnormal.

Shi Xiao and the others finally understood the origin of these wolves.

If it weren't for this accident, Shi Xiao really didn't know that there was a wild wolf breeding factory in Jiangcheng City.

Sure enough, money is touching, as long as there are enough benefits, there is really nothing you dare not raise.

Although there will always be a few unreliable people who are not sure of their own position, and feel that no one can match him in heaven and earth.

But Shi Xiao really didn't think it was a bad thing this time, if he was released unintentionally after these soldiers left, it would really be a disaster.

"That's how things are." Lin Fan looked at the silent people and made a brief summary, then turned his attention to Shi Xiao.

"Miss Shi, I... can I ask where you received those boxes?" Lin Fan couldn't hold back after all, and asked again, with a hard-to-see embarrassment on his face, unlike his usual indifferent The appearance really does not match.

Lin Fan also felt that he shouldn't inquire, after all, this is personal privacy.

But he has a feeling that Miss Shi Xiao, who possesses a powerful ability, should not be the kind of person who reveals her secrets at will.

That's why he knew he shouldn't ask but asked.

As for him, he had a flustered feeling that this girl did it on purpose.

After discovering it, Lin Fan's first guess was that there was a space power. Isn't that what's written in the novels?
Don't ask how people of Lin Fan's level know about novels?
Ever since the emergence of supernatural powers in the last days, such words as supernatural powers in novels have always come from the mouths of his soldiers, so he naturally heard a lot of them.

Here, Shi Xiao smiled faintly at Lin Fan, his slightly curved eyes were peaceful, making it impossible to see any waves.

It was too peaceful, but it made Lin Fan feel hopeless. Just when he thought the girl would not speak, Shi Xiao spoke.

"Actually, it's not impossible to say, who made Captain Lin a soldier I respect? I believe Captain Lin also has a guess in his heart. That's right, the things were received by me in the space."

"Space, could it be that Ms. Shi has awakened the power of space?" Lin Fan was very excited when he heard the word space, and he spoke quickly, staring at Shi Xiao with a more solemn expression.

Shi Xiao shook his head, causing Lin Fan's eyes to darken. Did he think wrong?

Shi Xiao said again calmly: "I'm afraid I will disappoint Captain Lin. I don't have the space ability that Captain Lin mentioned. I wonder if Captain Lin has it?"

This remark caused disappointment to flash across Lin Fan's solemn face, it was not true, he thought..., so he said, "No".

Shi Xiao nodded, that's right, she followed another self for decades in the dream, and she didn't find the existence of spatial abilities.

Shi Xiao was not going to sell the lawsuit anymore, he directly took out a storage bag from his body, put it in the palm of his hand, and let Lin Fan, who was a few steps away from him, look at it.

"This is...?" Lin Fan looked at Shi Xiao with a feeling in his heart.

He didn't think Miss Shi Xiao would casually bring out a useless cloth bag.

"Don't you want to know where you got the stuff? It's inside, it looks inconspicuous, but it's actually a space bag." Shi Xiao said shocking words lightly.

Sure enough, Lin Fan's hunch was correct, and there was a gleam in his small eyes.

Resisting the urge to touch it, Lin Fan looked at Shi Xiao seriously, and another smile appeared on his solemn face.

"Miss Shi Xiao, you really surprised me. I would like to ask if you still have this thing?"

Although it was a question, Lin Fan was almost sure that Shi Xiao definitely still had the space bag she mentioned, otherwise how would a normal person dare to show such a precious thing to others so easily.

"What does Captain Lin mean?" Shi Xiao looked at Lin Fan with a half-smile, pretending to be stupid.

At this time, Liu Yunhao and Che Jun, who was standing aside, understood it, and they looked at each other.

Just now they felt strange, why did Shi Xiao expose the matter of the space so carelessly?

You know, what they are facing is not ordinary people, but soldiers.

What does military mean?It means that there are powerful force values ​​and weapons. Now that they want to use force, how many people can resist.

Don't doubt the allure of the space bag, even soldiers can't resist his allure.

Even they want one, but unfortunately they just dare to think about it.

However, it is not hopeless. Shi Yu once said that as long as they pass the test of Shi Xiao and based on their contributions, it is not difficult to get a space bag.

This is also the reason why they rushed to the task.

Maybe one day after passing the test, you will be able to get a space bag. Thinking about this kind of thing, it feels so beautiful.

As for cheating?Such a thing does not exist.

They also saw that Shi Xiao is a very generous girl as long as you don't touch her bottom line.

The weapons on their bodies, as well as the free energy cores during missions, are the best evidence.

Don't underestimate the weapons on their bodies, even if they have limited knowledge, they still know that the weapons in their hands are not ordinary.

It is truly killing people without seeing blood, no matter how soft or hard it is, it will be the nemesis when encountering it.

How could he be a stingy person who can give away such a good thing?
The weapons in their hands are the envy of other people in Shijia Village.

These were given to them by Shi Xiao for free, and they were completely different from those exchanged with points or energy and cores in the future, and the meaning was even more different.

Liu Yunhao and Che Jun were full of thoughts for a while, secretly calling Shi Xiao that this girl is really too courageous.

But this also indirectly reflects Shi Xiao's confidence in himself.

At the same time, this matter cannot be replicated. If someone else dares to do this, I am afraid that he will fall into a place of eternal doom.

It's a trivial matter to finish playing with one's life, and I'm afraid that even the family will be affected.

At this moment, no one has any idea about their eyebrows and eyes, their eyes are all focused on the gray cloth bag in Shi Xiao's hand.

Yan Xu even stood beside Shi Xiao without saying a word.

This Lin Fan took a deep look at Shi Xiao, and immediately said: "I mean, if Ms. Shi has it, I can exchange it, no matter what, as long as I have Ms. Shi here, I can mention it."

Hearing this, Shi smiled brightly, talking to smart people would save trouble, Captain Lin obviously saw what she meant.

"So that's the case. See, I was so nervous that I didn't understand Captain Lin's meaning, but I'm sorry, Captain Lin also knows how something like this can be like Chinese cabbage. "

 Double monthly ticket activity at the end of the month, please give me your support (﹡o﹡)
(End of this chapter)

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