I just want to have a good time

Chapter 132 132. Woman, synonymous with the weak

Chapter 132 132. Woman, synonymous with the weak

Mo Beibei didn't expect Miss Shi Xiao to help her heal her wounds. Ability is such a precious thing, how can it be wasted on her?

Mo Beibei's touch cannot be described in words.

Just when everyone thought that Shi Xiao was treating Mo Beibei alone, she actually walked towards them.

Except for Xiong Jie who already knew about it in advance, the others were really surprised.

They are not blind, it's not that they can't see that Miss Shi seems to have a better impression of Mo Beibei.

Then, under the eyes of several girls, Shi Xiao helped them groom their bodies one by one with supernatural powers.

In the process of combing, Shi Xiao felt that the injuries on these girls were not as easy as they showed.

There are hidden wounds in the body, although it is not enough to kill in a short time, but if you don't take care of it carefully, even if you survive, your physical fitness will decline day by day, and you will suffer if you live.

Looking at the girls who were about the same size as her, Shi Xiao couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Fortunately, I met her. After sorting out her abilities, not only will there be no problems, but my physique will be improved to a higher level.

Speaking of so many injuries on their bodies, if their bodies hadn't improved after inhaling spiritual energy after the end of the world, I'm afraid they couldn't hold on to the abuse of those beasts.

Although there were many wounds, large and small, Shi Xiao couldn't be troubled by them, nor would it take too long.

By the time Shi Xiao stopped, the women had all returned to normal.

They returned to normal and their appearance became clear. They all looked good, especially Mo Beibei Xiong Jie's facial features were very delicate.

The face that was beaten by those beasts before was not human-like, with bruises, redness and swelling intertwined, and it was impossible to see his appearance clearly.

Feeling the changes in themselves, Xiong Jie and the others were pleasantly surprised, and they no longer envied Mo Beibei.

To be honest, although I am saved now, I am only a little relieved.

No one can understand their own physical condition better than them.

According to their current bodies riddled with holes, if they can't take good care of them, it's hard to say how long they can live.

During the resistance against those beasts, everyone was beaten terribly, vomiting blood happened almost every day, they knew it clearly.

The pain in the internal troubles of their bodies disappeared very obviously. The body seemed to have unloaded a heavy load. The previous heaviness was gone, and the whole body had strength.

Once the body was comfortable, I felt that my breathing became much easier, and the girls turned their grateful eyes to Shi Xiao.

I thought that a big boss like Ms. Shi would be very cold and aloof and difficult to get close to, but I didn't expect her to be so nice.

What kind of fairy character let them meet.

Thinking about it this way, their luck is actually not bad after all, God has not completely given up on them.

Rescue them from the sea of ​​suffering, give them a place to live, give them food, and heal them.

They are not supercilious anymore, every bit of this is seen in their eyes and kept in their hearts.

Several people swore secretly in their hearts that Miss Shi would be their reborn parents in the future, no matter what they were asked to do?Even if it is murder and arson, they are absolutely fine.

Their life was originally taken, even if it was returned, there would be no pity.

But now the girls all stood up and bowed deeply to Shi Xiao.

Shi Xiao wanted to escape, but he could.

Just thinking that this was their way of expressing their gratitude, and these girls had just suffered a catastrophe, I was afraid they would think too much, so I accepted their gift abruptly.

In fact, the reason why Shi Xiao is so tolerant towards them should be said to be influenced by the dream.

Before the end of the world, the ratio of men and women has been unequal, and there are more men than women.

After the end of the world, it was not so outrageous in the early days.

The number of women who survived is not small, but it is still far from the number of men.

Women are inherently inferior to men because of physical factors.

After the end of the world, it is synonymous with the weak.

There are very few people like Shi Xiao who have loved kung fu since childhood and have a strong and resolute personality.

Women with awakened powers are fine, at least they can live with dignity.

In other words, it is not very tiring to live with the protection of family members.

The problem is that the order and laws have completely collapsed after the end of the world. In this environment, some people's desires are infinitely magnified, and the evil in their hearts is completely released.

And women are the first targets.

This also led to a sharp decline in the number of women in just two years after the end of the early days.

More often, they were tortured to death.

A few years after the end of the world, the situation of zombies improved slightly, and by the time those in power at the various bases realized this problem, the ratio of men to women had become seriously out of balance.

It can be said that it is good to have one woman among 100 men.

Among these women, either they were well protected by their families, or they were truly capable. Only a small number of them were struggling to survive.

Think about it, seeing the cruelty of the post-apocalyptic world, being abused and devastated by men in all aspects.

Among the surviving women, except for the very few who are well protected, most of them are disgusted and disrespectful to men.

Especially those female men who survived by their own abilities, strong women, they don't need men.

Later those in power have realized the importance of this matter.

Knowing that it is allowed to continue like this, even if the zombies are wiped out, no newborns will be born, what is the point of human beings working hard to eliminate the zombies to the end?

Then those in power in various places issued a series of female protection systems to address this issue, mainly targeting women under the age of 45.

Eligible women can not only obtain the right of residence in the inner city of the base for free, see a doctor for free, but also get free food every day, and the points of participating workers are also equal to those of men.

It is clearly stipulated that there is no discrimination or insult to women. Once discovered, they will face severe punishment, and even the base will be expelled in severe cases.

This series of rules and regulations will appear in the sixth year of the last days, but it will appear too late.

Many women are exhausted physically and mentally, and their bodies and minds have been greatly devastated, so that within a few years after the emergence of these rules and regulations, there are very few married people, and even fewer newborns.

Therefore, this is also the most fundamental reason why Shi Xiao tolerated them so much.

Of course, she is also a woman, and it is inevitable that she will empathize and resonate to a certain extent.

Therefore, on the basis of protecting family and friends, Shi Xiao doesn't mind protecting some women.

If she can be self-reliant, she likes it even more.

After Shi Xiao received this gift, he quickly helped them up, and he could obviously feel that they seemed to be a little more relaxed than before.

It's not surprising when you think about it. When you feel better physically, you will naturally feel relaxed.

She had no idea that the reason these women felt relaxed was because they had already made up their minds to go through fire and water for her.

"Okay, I accept this gift, and I won't do it next time," Shi Xiao said helplessly.

Everyone shook their heads in unison to say no, they saluted because they were too excited and didn't know how to express it.

"What about the two children?" Shi Xiao asked.

"They were upstairs, and fell asleep after eating at noon," Mo Beibei said under the prompting of everyone's eyes.

In fact, the sisters couldn't bear to see the two children suffer from physical pain, so they took the initiative to put them to sleep.

Even the two children were crying in pain when they fell asleep. Now that I think about it, there were still too few knives to chop those beasts.

 Thank you for your recommendation and monthly ticket support, I borrowed the 1500 book coins rewarded by Zhao Yilin Ziyan, thank you dear *(*)* wow~
(End of this chapter)

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