I just want to have a good time

133 Chapter 133. The Wolf

133 Chapter 133. The Wolf
Shi Xiao nodded, indicating that he understood.

Sleeping is also quite good, the bodies of adults are so riddled with holes, let alone two children under the age of 12.

Sighing, Shi Xiao turned and walked towards the stairs.

Mo Beibei and the others quickly followed, knowing that Miss Shi should be treating the two children.

After reaching the second floor, he took the initiative to open the children's house.

The two children slept in the same room. At this time, the two children with a small blanket on their stomachs were frowning.

Even in his sleep, he would groan from time to time, which made people look very sad.

I am afraid that these traumas will be a hurdle that they will not be able to get through for the rest of their lives. Unless they can lose their memory, it will be difficult to recover.

Shi Xiao walked to their bed with a slightly tight expression, looked at the immature faces of the two children, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that those bastards were too cheap.

They really shouldn't be allowed to die so quickly, but should be allowed to suffer so much before throwing them into the crowd of zombies and watching themselves being eaten.

Shi Xiao's heart ached from being pulled, she slowly stretched out her white and tender palm and hung it over the two children.

Then the two children were shrouded in green light.

Slowly, the expressions on the children's faces began to relax, and their brows gradually became smoother.

Then the marks on his face began to fade slowly, and the red and swollen face gradually returned to its original shape.

It took the children a little longer than Mo Beibei and the others. After the injury was cured, Shi Xiao carefully combed their bodies twice with supernatural powers.

The benefits of this are obvious, it can greatly enhance their physique, and the enhancement of their physique means that the possibility of awakening abilities will be greater.

Maybe one day when they are so strong that they are not afraid of anything, the hurdle in their hearts will pass.

After the treatment, the two children slept significantly more comfortably, and the frequency of moaning was not so high.

Shi Xiao and the others came in lightly and then went out lightly, without waking up the two children.

Afterwards, accompanied by Mo Beibei and the others, I went to see the three men who were still in a coma.

Shi Xiao touched them lightly, they were still hot, this was not a fever caused by injury, the wound on his body had been healed with supernatural powers as early as in the brick factory.

But it wasn't that hot in the brick factory that day, thinking that since they came, Shi Xiao would still use his supernatural power to help them.

These few people were able to protect these girls even when they knew they were invincible, and they could see that at least their character was fine, and their three views were also upright.

So Shi Xiao was not at all reluctant to use supernatural powers to treat them.

If the ability is successfully aroused, it is a good thing whether you stay in Shijia Village or not.

After finishing what he wanted to do, Shi Xiao didn't stay too long, and after saying goodbye to these girls, he left with two big cats.

She could tell that as long as she was here, no matter how gentle she was, Mo Beibei and the others would still be a little nervous, treating her warmly with care and respect, which Shi Xiao was not used to.

I think it will be better if I get acquainted with it later.

When we went back, it was still drizzling, and it seemed that the rain would not stop today.

When they got home, the two little ones had already woken up from their afternoon nap. Seeing Shi Xiao, they immediately threw away their grandparents, who were playing with them in the yard, and immediately got tired of coming up.

Shi Xiao glanced at the living room at home, his younger brother and brother Yan were gone.

Embracing the two little guys who were hugging her, he raised his eyebrows in doubt and asked his parents, "Mom and Dad, where are Xiao Yu and Big Brother Yan?"

"They said they were going to complete the foundation of the wall, and they've been walking for a while." Papa Shi said.

It turned out to be like this, she thought it was still raining outside and Shi Yu would not go out in the afternoon.

If I had known... If I had known, she would have helped Mo Beibei first.

Shi's father and Shi's mother answered, and the daughter saw that the two little guys were accompanied by others. She turned her head and wanted to enter the house, but before she could enter, Shi Xiao stopped her father.

She suddenly remembered the mutant wolf corpse in the space.

If you don't go out today, it's better to dispose of these corpses, so that it's convenient to eat and carry them later.

Then she released the corpses of three mutant wolves in succession under the stunned eyes of her parents.

Shi's father and Shi's mother were surprised for a moment, but quickly reacted and became calm.

I have seen corpses as big as giant pythons. Compared with them, these wolves are not scary.

I have to say that during this period of time, the receiving capacity of the couple has been rising.

When the two little guys suddenly saw the corpse of such a big animal, they were a little scared at first.

But because Shi Xiao and his grandparents were there, he still boldly imitated their appearance and circled around the scary-looking animals.

Shi Xiao told them that this was a mutant wolf, and the two little guys nodded to show that they remembered it.

Looking at the two Xiaojia who are obviously a little scared but strong, a mixture of sadness and relief hits my heart.

The reason why she answered every question was because she never wanted to keep these two children under her wings and not let them know anything.

This is not protecting them, but harming them.

So at home, Shi Xiao didn't deliberately avoid anything because of these two children.

The corpse of the giant python before was the same as the corpse of the mutant wolf this time. Shi Xiao is going to take the two children to see the zombies if he has the chance.

Although you may be scared when you first meet, you will become more courageous when you see more.

Shi Xiao is also planning to teach these two children how to practice when she is busy these days.

In fact, sometimes they get up early, and the children will practice with her, practicing the most basic basic skills.

The two little guys here didn't feel so scary when they looked at it.

Little Zhao Pan even carefully stretched out his fingers to touch the sharp teeth of the mutant wolf.

The black ball and yellow ya are much more excited, in their eyes, these are all delicious.

They kept circling around the corpses of these mutant wolves, and even sneaked up to take a bite when they couldn't help it.

Shi Xiao, who was found, chased him away. The wolf fur is still useful, so we can't let the black ball and Huang Ya spoil it.

The mutated wolf fur is thick and shiny, and the most important thing is that it does not shed hair now. After the whole skin is peeled off, it is warmer than anything in winter, whether it is used as a mattress or a quilt.

The mutated wolf skins in winter are better, but it's hard to see them in winter, and most of them hide in the deep mountains.

These few and the few wolf skins in the space are all ready to stay.

Including the previous python skin, which is made into clothes and worn on the body, the defense power can be called wearing metal clothes, and zombies can't easily cut through it. Even in the late end of the world, people's abilities are generally stronger, and the mutant python skin is still everyone scrambling for it. baby.

Of course such a good thing, Shi Xiao, wouldn't let it sit still.

The python skins were handed over to her parents, and she was going to make at least one set of python skin clothes for each member of their convoy after her parents prepared them.

Fortunately, in the past few years when Dad retired, he likes to learn things when he is free and boring. He has dabbled in everything, and he knows a little about concocting animal skins.

There are plenty of giant python skins, enough for Dad Shi to practice.

If it weren't for the versatile father, such a good thing, it might really be a temporary high beam space.

Uh, too much to say.

Closer to home, Shi Xiao took out two short blades from the space.

I handed one to my dad and kept the other for myself.

Then it peeled off from the mouth very naturally, and it looked like an old hand, as if she had done this kind of thing countless times.

In fact, she did it many times, but not now, but her in the previous life.

Since knowing that what happened in the dream is real, it is my last life.

What happened inside, Shi Xiao felt more and more empathetic, and his sense of substitution became stronger and stronger.

So many things can be naturally integrated into it, and things like skinning can't help her.

(End of this chapter)

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