I just want to have a good time

Chapter 136 136. Shock

Chapter 136 136. Shock
"Mom and Dad, my son is back."

Lin Fan looked at the yard and groaned in his heart.

How much I hope my parents can still hear his voice, and come out to greet him happily.

Lin Youliang looked at his cousin's unbearable grief under his dark skin, but he didn't say the words after all, and immediately nodded to Lin Fan.

Then a group of people entered the yard.

This is a very typical small farmyard. Although it is not a building, it is also very beautifully organized.

It is not a bungalow but a ridged glazed tile house like an ancient building, and each room has oversized windows with excellent lighting.

The courtyard is very large, the entire east side near the house is paved with cement, and the west side is a reserved vegetable field and garden.

It's a pity that no one paid attention to the beautiful scenery and the best place at this time.

There was no need for Lin Youliang to lead the way into the courtyard, Lin Fan had already found the place.

Looking at the West Room whose doors and windows were covered with wooden boards, he heard the unique sounds of zombies coming from inside.

Lin Fan approached Westinghouse step by step, and Lin Youliang also accompanied him.

Wang Le and others who came with the leader have already learned the general idea of ​​the matter from the conversation between the leader and his cousin.

Although I don't know who is locked in the room, but from the unusually heavy footsteps and red eyes of the leader, it can be seen that the people inside are absolutely very important to the leader.

Seeing such a leader, they felt uncomfortable.

A person as introverted as the head of the group can let them see the pain, which shows how much pain is in their hearts.

Lin Fan could hardly bear it any longer, his clenched fists couldn't help shaking, and every step he took, he used his best strength.

Every time he heard the "hoo hoo" sound from the zombies in the room, he would keep thinking of the voices of his parents. The more this happened, the more painful his heart would be, as if he was being torn apart alive.

After all, the tough man still couldn't hold back his tears, and big ones rolled out of his eyes, which made Lin Youliang, who had been following him all the time, feel even more guilty, and cried together with him.

Lin Fan stroked the wooden door, crying silently.

"Fanzi, our family is ashamed of you!" Accompanied by his old wife, Uncle Lin tremblingly also came to the Westinghouse, looking at Lin Fan with tears in his eyes.

These days, Uncle Lin is also feeling guilty in his heart. His body, which was originally quite tough, has stepped down in a short period of time.

These days, he was bedridden almost every day. If he hadn't heard Lin Fan's voice from the yard, Uncle Lin wouldn't have the energy to get up at all.


Lin Fan couldn't bear it anymore, wrapped his arms around the skinny uncle, buried his head tightly on the uncle's shoulder, his body trembling.

Uncle Lin's lips trembled, and a pair of old skinny hands patted Lin Fan's back lightly.

Again and again, as if to comfort the wronged child.

Maybe it was venting, but Lin Fan finally controlled himself after a while.

Opening a pair of eyes wet and red with tears, he withdrew from Uncle Lin's arms.

Only then did he realize that Uncle Lin was much older, his originally straight spine was slightly bent, and his body was even more emaciated.

Thinking of what Uncle said just now, and seeing Uncle's current appearance, and his cousin, the hidden anger in Lin Fan's heart completely disappeared.

Speaking of which, if the uncle and cousin were selfish and didn't care about his family's affairs, there would be so many things.

Lin Fan wiped away the tears on his face with a palm, and he said in a deep voice, "Uncle, don't blame yourself for this... accident, and don't say sorry and guilty to me. Speaking of it, I still want to thank you all." Take care of my parents."

As he spoke, Lin Fan solemnly bowed to his uncle, aunt, and cousin.

Uncle Lin quickly pulled Lin Fan up, trembling his lips, squirming a few times, "Good boy", finally only said these three words.

Lin Fan's words finally moved the stone that was pressing down on Uncle Lin's heart, and he, who had been out of breath these days, finally felt better.

After taking a few deep breaths, Lin Fan felt much better. He asked his cousin for an ax and told them to hide in the room.

Lin Youliang knew what his cousin was going to do next, and also knew that he was doing it for their own good, so he obediently helped his parents back to the room.

Through the window of the house, Lin Youliang saw Lin Fan with an ax chopping the wood on the door, and he raised his hand to stop the soldiers next to him who wanted to help.

Against the rain, one person unloaded all the wood on the door piece by piece, and was drenched by the rain in a short while.

Looking at the door revealing the true face, listening to the sound of knocking on the door.

Lin Fan just stared blankly at the door, silent for a long time, then took the key that his cousin gave him, tremblingly trying to insert it into the lock.

But the hand trembled so badly that I didn't go in once, twice or three times or I didn't go in.

The soldiers at the back felt very uncomfortable seeing such a regiment leader. Wang Le wanted to reach out to help the regiment leader several times, but he held back and shrank back.

In the end, Lin Fan inserted the key in the fourth time.

With a slight twist, just a push and the door will open.

But Lin Fan was timid. Lin Fan, who was not afraid of the sky and the earth, never changed his expression even in the face of bullets, was timid.

He fears!He was afraid of seeing his parents who turned into zombies.

He was even more afraid of killing his parents with his own hands.

Lin Fan's eyes were red, the muscles on his face were tangled, and the veins in his hand holding the doorknob burst out. He didn't make the simple movement of pushing it away.

"Head, let me come!" After all, Wang Le couldn't bear to see the leader in such pain, so he stepped forward and said.

Lin Fan shook his head, "Wang Le, prepare the ropes. Once the... zombies inside come out, they should be tied up with ropes immediately. Remember not to hurt them for the time being."

"Yes, leader, we've made a note." After speaking, Wang Le glanced at the leader worriedly, stepped aside, and gave the ready eyes of the brothers behind him.

Then he kept a close eye on the leader, just in case something went wrong, he would be able to rescue him in time.

The leader's condition is so bad that he has to worry.

In the past, they should have worried about themselves, and an iron man like the leader would be like a cockroach that couldn't be killed, and only others would die.

Lin Fan took a deep breath, finally firmly clenched the hand on the doorknob, enduring the severe pain in his heart, and pushed back hard.

Then the two elderly zombies behind the door were knocked flying by the sudden movement and fell to the ground.

The soldiers behind Lin Fan took the opportunity to rush into the room. Before the zombies could react and get up, the soldiers wearing thick protective gloves controlled their hands and stuffed each of them in their mouths. Wood blocks prepared ahead of time.

The reason why it is a wooden block is because this thing is the most common and very easy to obtain, but if there is a foreign object in the mouth, there is no need to worry about being stabbed by the sharp fangs of the zombies.

Then they were bound tightly with ropes during the struggle of the two old lost people.

Zombies have great strength, so in order to prevent them from breaking free, they were wrapped with a thick layer of rope.

Lin Fan just stood at the door blankly watching his parents who had turned into zombies being tied up like mummies.

Looking at the mummified bodies of their parents, the cloudy whites of their eyes, they were stuffed with wooden blocks and tried to attack and bite the people next to them.

The people in front of him didn't look like his parents in his memory at all.

The impact at this moment was too great, if Lin Fan hadn't leaned his back against the door, he would have been unable to support himself and fell down.

His palms were clenched into fists, and he involuntarily clenched blood, and bright red blood flowed from his mouth because of his teeth being clenched too tightly.

Step by step, he walked towards the parents who were controlled in the seat with vain steps.

(End of this chapter)

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