I just want to have a good time

Chapter 137 137. Restoration

Chapter 137 137. Restoration
If Lin Fan hadn't been stopped by Wang Le and another soldier with quick eyes and hands, he lost his mind and would have thrown himself on his parents who had turned into zombies.

"Head, you can't do this. You must calm down. The matter has come to this point, and nothing can be changed. The living should live better. Otherwise, the elders will not feel at ease, right?"

Wang Le hugged Lin Fan as hard as he could, and said these words faster than his brain.

Although up to now, they haven't figured out who the two old people in the gift are, but the elders didn't run away.

In fact, judging from the expression on the leader's face, he already had an answer in his heart.

When Wang Le said the words that the elders are not at ease, Lin Fan's struggle suddenly stopped.

These few words hit his heart directly, making him stunned.

yes!What parents hope most is that he is safe and sound, and he cannot make parents feel uneasy.

Seeing the leader who stopped struggling, Wang Le heaved a sigh of relief, but he still dared to put the leader down lightly.

Still continued: "Leader, I believe that uncles and aunts are very unwilling to see the leader become like this, think about their wishes, the leader can't let them turn into zombies, and I feel uneasy, calm down, you must calm down, the only way to live Only then can the wishes of uncles and aunts be fulfilled."

Wang Le was pouring chicken soup into his heart again, hoping that the head of the group could really listen to it.

In fact, Lin Fan did listen to it.

Wang Le's words reminded him of one thing his parents often urged him to do, which was to quickly find a companion so that he could live the life of his wife and children.

Lin Fan knelt down on the ground with a bang, looking at his relatives sitting on the chair with red eyes, he could not hold back the tears again.

"Dad, Mom, my son is back." Along with tears, Lin Fan yelled out a sentence that made everyone in the room cry.

But no one answered in a surprised voice, "Son, you are back!"

Wang Le and the others have never seen such a sad leader, nor have they seen such a embarrassed leader.

They all turned their heads sideways, and set their eyes on the zombie trapped in the chair, giving the group leader a good space to vent.

In fact, they wanted to keep their eyes outside the house, but they couldn't. They didn't feel at ease if they didn't stare at the leader himself.

As men, they understand the captain.

Half an hour later, Lin Fan finally calmed down. Kneeling on the ground, he kowtowed heavily to his parents on the wooden chair three times before slowly standing up.

Wiping the tears off his face, he walked into the room with a wooden face and searched for it.

Finally, I found my parents' bag between the wall and the bed.

Two sets of clean clothes were dug out from inside.

Then he went out of the door numbly, found his cousin and asked for a pair of pliers.

Under their eyes, I put on protective gloves, used pliers to cut the parents' long nails along the fingertips, and then carefully smoothed the nails into a smooth shape with a tweezer.

Covering his parents' heads with a leather bag, with the help of the soldiers, Lin Fan wiped his parents' bodies carefully, and then changed them into clean clothes again.

The whole scrubbing and changing process was done by himself, even if his cousin wanted to help, he didn't allow it.

Lin Youliang and his son watched Lin Fan tidy up his parents with tears in their eyes.

Then connect two wooden chairs, Wang Le and the others moved them into the courtyard.

At this time, the sky has turned to drizzle.

On the ground full of rain, Lin Fan knelt down again and kowtowed heavily to his parents three more times.

Lin Youliang also knelt down and kowtowed three times.

Then, although Uncle Lin couldn't kneel down because of her age, she also bowed.

Uncle Lin wept while bowing, muttering how he was not arrested, he should have left long ago.

After getting up, Lin Fan stood silently in front of his parents, watching them who were struggling, unknowingly, all the previous things appeared in front of him.

Every time I see him, my mother will always stumble and nag endlessly in front of him.

He will care about whether he is cold, wear more clothes when the weather changes, drink less alcohol and better not smoke, and will nagging him endlessly when he is bothered, telling him to marry a wife quickly, otherwise he will not recognize him as a son, etc.

And these are just past tense, and no one is nagging in his ears anymore.

Lin Fan looked at his parents who had turned into zombies in pain, and carefully imprinted the voices and appearances of his parents into his mind for the last time.

Then he glanced at Wang Le, clenched his fists and turned his back to them,

Wang Le sighed, and sent out the fire-type abilities.

Everyone couldn't bear to look at the two elderly zombies on the wooden chair, and they all pursed their lips and took two steps back, leaving space for Qin Ming, the fire-powered man.

Qin Ming glanced at the head's back, and under the nod of the squad leader Wang Le, two fireballs were thrown on the head's parents.

Amidst the piercing screams of the zombies, the two fires burned rapidly, turning into two piles of ashes in just a dozen seconds.

And at the moment when the fire ignited, Lin Fan who turned around and wanted to rush over was hugged tightly by Wang Le and Lin Youliang.

Especially Wang Le broke out in a sweat, fortunately he didn't relax his vigilance.

That is supernatural fire, the temperature of the fire is so high that it is easy to be burned even if it is close.

In this way, the fire was quickly extinguished under their eyes, and Wang Le let go of the head's hand.

Lin Fan had already calmed down, and walked slowly to the two piles of ashes, stroking the ashes with trembling hands, took out a cloth bag from his body after a long time, and took the ashes in with both hands bit by bit.

After making sure that there was nothing left on the ground, Lin Fan tied the bag tightly and stuffed it into his bosom.

These are the only things left to him by his parents, so let them stay with him all the time.

The dust has settled, and Lin Fan has gradually returned to normal, but it will take time for the deep pain in his eyes to fully recover.

Looking at the red-eyed uncle and cousin, Lin Fan took a few guns and bullets prepared in advance from Tang Le, and walked towards his cousin.

Handed these to him, "Brother Liang, these are left for your self-defense, and cousin, if you want, you can follow the route I gave you to the military headquarters where I am, and a security base has been set up there. Although the journey is somewhat It is far away, but this route has been cleared by us, and the big danger is gone, as long as you pay more attention to reach the base safely, there is no problem, report my name there, and someone will arrange for you properly."

How could Lin Youliang, who took the gun, be unwilling?
He who stayed in the village was worried every day.

Almost every day at home, there is a scene of being knocked into the door by zombies.

For safety, behind the gate are heavy objects pulled over by them.

It's just that it's not an option to stay like this for a long time. The door looks solid at the moment, but after a long time, seeing his two children who are barely grown up, how could Lin Youliang not be in a hurry.

The idea of ​​leaving has already sprouted in my heart, and the reason why I haven't left is to wait for my cousin.

Hearing his cousin say the same thing, how could Lin Youliang not agree?Quickly nodded.

Lin Youliang looked at Lin Fan moved. He didn't expect that his cousin didn't blame him at all. The guns in his arms were the evidence.

Not only did they not blame them, but they were still thinking about them.

With tears in his eyes, he looked at Lin Fan and muttered, "Fanzi, I really don't know what to say, anyway thank you!"

Lin Fan patted him on the shoulder, took out a map from his pocket and handed it to his cousin.

"Follow the route I marked above, and you can reach the place in at most two days without any accidents." Lin Fan said in a hoarse voice.

Lin Youliang nodded, and after carefully looking at it, he folded it neatly and carefully put it on his body.

Then Lin Fan turned to Uncle Lin again, "Thank you, Uncle and Aunt, for taking care of my parents all the time." After finishing speaking, Lin Fan bowed again.

But before he could bow down, he was grabbed by Uncle Lin, "Son, that's enough." Uncle Lin said in a trembling voice.

(End of this chapter)

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