I just want to have a good time

Chapter 138 138. Decision

Chapter 138 138. Decision
"We are all a family. Why are you talking about this? Son, although your parents are gone, we are still your relatives. You are not allowed to be so polite between relatives."

Uncle Lin held Lin Fan's hand tightly and said seriously with tears in his eyes.

Lin Fan still looked at Uncle Lin with trembling lips with red eyes, knowing that the old man spoke from his heart.

He wanted to give Uncle Lin a smile back, but he couldn't move his stiff facial muscles.

"Okay, I won't say anything." Lin Fan nodded.

Then he said: "Uncle, we may not stay here for a long time, and we will leave soon, but before we leave, we will clean up the zombies in our village. You should also prepare quickly and bring more food and drink." Let's go to the safe base."

Uncle Lin looked at his son and nodded. To be honest, Uncle Lin really didn't want to leave his hometown.

He and his wife are both so old, and they can live for a few more days.

But he knew that if they didn't leave, his son would never leave.

For the sake of his son and grandson, he had to nod whatever he said.

Seeing Uncle Lin nod his head, Lin Fan felt relieved. He knew that it was hard for the elderly to leave their homeland. If Uncle Lin refused to leave, Brother Liang and the others would definitely not leave either.

Lin Fan felt relieved, "Alright then, we are going to clean up the zombies now, the door of Uncle's house must be closed tightly."

Uncle Lin was in a hurry, "Should we go now? No matter what, we have to wait until after lunch!"

"Yeah, it's not too late now." Lin Youliang also persuaded, as if he would not open the door if Lin Fan left him.

Seeing the concern of the two, Lin Fan finally nodded, it was indeed not too late for dinner.

When another brother came along, they did not eat, although they had food in the car.

Uncle Lin immediately became happy when he saw it, and quickly looked at the old wife beside him. Before he could speak, the old wife walked quickly towards the kitchen.

Lin Youliang was also happy. Seeing his mother entering the kitchen, he also thought of his wife, and hurried into the bedroom to call for his wife who took care of the two children to help her make lunch together.

Before, because he didn't know who was outside the door, he asked his wife to protect the two children from wearing them out, and then he only felt guilty after knowing that his cousin had come, and he didn't think of his wife.

Lin Youliang's wife came out of the room very quickly, along with her two children.

Lin Fan called someone, got a shy smile from his sister-in-law, and then went into the kitchen to help his mother-in-law make lunch.

The two children also called people under the introduction of their father.

The children had good personalities, and they didn't show any expression of fear when facing Lin Fan's dark face.

Lin Fan didn't want to have a dark face either, since his parents' ashes were still on his chest, this face couldn't be softened no matter what.

He and his brothers were invited into the living room by his cousins ​​and uncles, and had a fairly sumptuous home-cooked meal.

After lunch, Lin Fan bid farewell to his uncle's cousin and his family, and began to clean up the zombies in the village.

When Lin Fan returned to the temporary station, the sky was already dark.

Nearly a thousand zombies and six zombie animals were eliminated in Lin Laozhuang, and nearly a thousand energy cores from Miss Shi's mouth were harvested.

Although there are many zombies, they do not have an advantage in the village. Most of them are kept at home, so it is not too hard to kill them.

However, a few zombie animals made them waste some effort. Unlike zombies, these things are still a bit difficult to eliminate.

However, because of their abilities, they were all able to solve them without any risk.

Not long after Lin Fan returned to the station, he received a call from Chief of Staff Sun (base chief) when he was about to rest.

Lin Fan thought he would wait for two days, but on second thought, it was true. Even Chief of Staff Sun couldn't calm down on such an important matter.

He was clearly told that the space device must be replaced, and the weapon would arrive within two days, but he was asked to try his best to figure out the so-called energy core during the exchange.

Even if the chief of staff didn't say anything about this matter, he was prepared to do so, and this was also something he was puzzled about.

He always felt that Miss Shi would not prescribe the use of energy cores to offset the matter for no reason, maybe this girl really knew something.


When it was dawn, the four members of the Shi family, including the two younger ones, all got up.

After a day and night of rain washing, the outside world looks clear, bright and refreshed.

The air has also become fresh, and the mutated sparrows are chirping on the branches early in the morning, giving people the illusion that it is not the end of the world.

Shi's father and Shi's mother went to prepare breakfast after exercising as usual, Shi Xiao and Shi Yu took the two young ones to practice martial arts together.

They have been exercising since they were young, and when they encounter danger, the two young ones will not be helpless to fight back.

The two younger ones were also obedient, and they never cried out that they were tired or bitter. They practiced with Shi Xiao and his brother for an hour.

The four of them stopped until they heard the sound of their parents calling for dinner.

Shi Xiao patted the heads of the little ones very pleased and took them to wash and have breakfast.

Another busy day after breakfast.

Shi Xiao and Brother Yan Liu Yunhao and Su Yiyuan left the village first, and Shi Yu was going to be late.

He wants to organize people in the village and people in the town to go together.

Under Su Yiyuan's leadership, Shi Xiao came to the site marked on the map for the construction of the wall. Seeing the already dug foundation, he had to say that his younger brother and the others moved really quickly.

And Su Yiyuan told her that the entire excavation and foundation project was completed yesterday.

She gave Shi Xiao a small surprise. She thought that such a large project would take three or four days, but she didn't expect it to be so fast.

The car arrived at the first place smoothly, after estimating the approximate bricks needed, Shi Xiao released the corresponding quantity.

Put a batch every few hundred meters, and it took half an hour for the car to complete the work.

Except for lime cement, all other materials have been piled up.

The reason why these two materials were not taken out in advance, of course, is because they are susceptible to moisture, so they can only be used on the day of construction.

And these follow-up work will be handed over to Shi Yu, Shi Xiao is not going to take over, she has her own things to do.

At the same time, in order to speed up the progress of the project, Shi Xiao prepared to take out several space bags.

If the construction speed is to be accelerated, it is necessary to construct multiple places at the same time. If Shi Yu is alone, he may have no place to spare.

It was enough for Shi Yu to run back and forth every day just to hand out cement and other things, not to mention other cumbersome things, and supervisors couldn't handle these things alone.

On the other hand, Shi Xiao felt that it was time to release space.

When you have something that others don't have, even if you are powerful, you can't get rid of being coveted.

As the saying goes, it is easy to hide a sharp spear, but hard to guard against a hidden arrow.

Shi Xiao had already considered this issue when she exposed the matter of space. Instead of being coveted by others all day long, it would be better for some contributors to have it.

Shi Xiao is not afraid of encountering a white-eyed wolf, even among relatives, there is no guarantee that he will not be betrayed, so Shi Xiao wants to try to trust some people.

After all, who can figure out who's final thought among people.

Of course, if this thing can let her see a person's quality, it can be regarded as making the best use of it, although the price paid is a bit high.

Of course, her things are not easy to get.

The most important thing is that she has a purified energy core that no one else has, which is also her greatest confidence.

There will be at least a few months of buffer time, and the method of purifying the energy core of the previous life in memory was accidentally discovered by a light system a few months after the end of the world.

Don't underestimate these few months, just a few months will make you ahead of others, and your abilities will advance by leaps and bounds, making you more confident to survive.

I believe that as long as you have a long brain, you will not have the thought of betrayal.

(End of this chapter)

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