I just want to have a good time

Chapter 139 139. Continue

Chapter 139 139. Continue
This idea was discussed with my parents and younger brother at the dinner table during breakfast, and the family members had no objections.

Shi Xiao's analysis is quite right, something as heaven-defying as space is indeed easy to attract others' covetousness.

This piece of bread will have to be distributed sooner or later. Instead of letting others wait for complaints, it is better to take the initiative.

So Shi Xiao gave Shi Yu a few new interspatial bags after breakfast, as well as the interspatial bag filled with cement.

The staff is assigned by him. I believe that after training during this period, my younger brother should already have a good idea of ​​how his comrades will fight with him.

After the building materials needed here were put away, the car diverted to the gas station in the city at Shi Xiao's request.

The day when the zombies evolve is getting closer and closer, and Shi Xiao's sense of urgency is getting stronger and stronger. Every day in the future will be very tight.

Today's target is the gas station in the city.

Jiangcheng City is not big, but it is not small. All the gas stations in the city add up to no less than a few hundred.

Even if someone got there first, it would still be enough for Shi Xiao and the others to charge.

On the other side, Shi Yu assembled a good team to bring the tools needed for the construction to the foundation of the wall that they had dug in a day.

These tools were specially collected the day before yesterday. They are not difficult to find, just go to the place where the house is built.

Among them, Shi Yu took the opportunity to collect the building materials from the construction site.

Before the start of construction, Shi Yu released the 'bomb', and distributed the space to five of them in front of all the supernatural beings and the people involved in the project.

The surprise came so suddenly, these five people didn't think of it at all, so they still couldn't believe it when the space bag was put in their hands.

Others looked at them with envy.

These five people are Che Jun, Li Qiang, Meng Xier, Jin Yunchang and Song Jia.

These people were selected by Shi Yu after careful consideration. Except for Song Jia, they all came out to resist the python incident not long ago without fear of danger.

Although it didn't help much, but the spirit is commendable, and it also indirectly shows their quality, which makes people rest assured that their backs are facing each other.

If other supernatural beings knew that it was because of this reason, they would probably turn green with regret.

Under Shi Yu's guidance, the three entered spiritual power on the spot and established a connection with the space bag.

In addition, Shi Yu also released a message that as long as everyone continues to work hard and make a certain contribution, it is not that there is no chance to get a space bag.

Although the chances are slim, this remark has greatly increased the enthusiasm of everyone. The living example is still in front of us, and everyone chooses to believe it.

So, everyone began to build the wall with unusually high emotions.

Hundreds of people were divided into six groups, with nearly a hundred people in each group, with a clear division of labor.

There are dedicated people in charge of each link, so the process is really fast when it is actually done.

With sufficient external conditions of manpower and material resources, nearly a mile of wall was built in only half a day.

According to this speed, it should be completed within a few days. Shi Yu didn't expect the process to be so fast, so it goes without saying that he was happy in his heart.

On the other hand, Shi Xiaoyan Xu and the others went to more than a dozen gas stations in half a day.

Several of them have obviously been patronized, and what these gas stations have in common is that they are relatively close to places where people live.

Even so, there are still a lot left, after all, no one has the existence of space, which is against the sky, like her.

Shi Xiao in the fuel tank didn't move, he must give others some hope, and the rest of Shi Xiao didn't accept it politely.

The harvest of more than a dozen gas stations is still quite good, greatly enriching Shi Xiao's space.

Among them, a fuel tank truck was found in a large-scale gas station. The important thing is that the fuel tank truck is full, which is also a small surprise.

Later, the tank truck was handed over to Su Yiyuan, and accompanied by Liu Yunhao, he was sent back to Shijia Village.

It is a bit exaggerated for such a large car to fit into the space.

As a result, only Shi Xiao and Yan Xu were left in the remaining actions.

Yan Xu is very satisfied with this arrangement, the next time means that he and Shi Xiao can be alone, can you not be happy?

So much so that the corners of Yan Xu's mouth curled up slightly when he was driving, and he couldn't help but peek at Shi Xiao,
He thought what he did was very metaphorical, but Shi Xiao saw it all.

Shi Xiao looked ahead and pretended not to see it, but in reality he was very restless and kept slandering him.

Brother Yan's behavior is too strange, it's fine to just laugh for no reason, but what the hell is peeking at her.

No matter how careless Shi Xiao is, it's hard for her not to think about it.

Sometimes Shi Xiao would think that Big Brother Yan was taken away by someone, and this change is too big.

However, she also knew that this possibility was unlikely, after all, Big Brother Yan was still the original King of Hades when he was normal.

Could it be because of the end of the world, the sudden changes in the world made Brother Yan think about it, so there was such a big change.

After all, living now is a very hard thing, why not make yourself happier, don't normal people think so.

"What are you thinking?" Yan Xu turned his face to look at Shi Xiao, and the corner of his mouth curled up longer.

"Ah! Didn't think about anything?" Shi Xiao, whose thoughts were interrupted, returned a smile.

Look, when did the King of Hades care so much about people before? This is a bit more difficult than the sun coming out of the west.

She also looked at her with a strange gaze, causing Shi Xiao to move to the right side calmly, this gaze inexplicably made her feel flustered.

Shi Xiao thought about many possibilities, but he didn't take the most likely possibility into his heart. The main reason was that it was unlikely. After all, he had worked with him for a few years before, so if he wanted it, he would have already had it.

I have to say that this girl's nerve is really amazing.

No wonder Shi Yu would show Yan Xu a gloating expression when he found out that Yan Xu was interested in his sister.

Fortunately, the gas station arrived, interrupting Shi Xiao's wild thoughts.

This is a large state-owned gas station. The entire gas station has a large area, and there are nine fuel tanks just for refueling.

More than a dozen zombies wandered around the gas station, stopping to listen from time to time.

Shi Xiao and the others tried their best to keep the movement of the car as small as possible, but they still couldn't escape the zombie's increasingly keen sense of hearing.

Qi Shushu turned his head to look at them, and then rushed over.

Without Shi Xiao's chance to make a move, Yan Xu, who was holding a gun after getting out of the car, "bang bang bang" with a dozen shots in an extremely handsome posture, killing all the zombies that were far away from the fuel tank as far as his eyes could come into contact.

In fact, the dozen or so gas stations in front were surrounded by Yan Xu and the others without Shi Xiao making a move.

One shot at a time, Shi Xiao had to admire this marksmanship.

Even with the help of her mental power now, she still can't achieve such a precise shooting rate.

After all, even if you have a golden finger, you need to practice.

Looking at the zombies lying on the ground, Shi Xiao was going to be a happy little craniotomy expert. At this time, nothing makes people happier than collecting energy cores.

After that, she just needs to collect and collect in the cleaned up gas station.

Just as Shi Xiao was happily retracting, a gust of wind blew Shi Xiao suddenly stopped, raised his head and looked towards the back of the gas station, his beautiful eyes widened, and his expression became dignified.

Shi Xiao's sudden face change made Yan Xu also serious.

These days, he is very clear about how sensitive Shi Xiao's sense is. Such a big reaction must have been discovered?
"What's wrong?" Yan Xu asked.

"Brother Yan, there is something behind the gas station, and it's a very powerful big guy."

It wasn't that Shi Xiao was careless, she let go of her mental power when she got out of the car, and she didn't realize the existence of such a thing at that time.

Or maybe this thing is hiding in a hidden place without being discovered by her.

(End of this chapter)

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