I just want to have a good time

Chapter 146 146. Anyang Town

Chapter 146 146. Anyang Town

Upon arriving home, Shi Xiao didn't go upstairs immediately, but sat in the living room and chatted with Shi Yu about building the fence for a while.

There is also the gate of the wall. Shi Yu told his sister that he has found a worker who can do carpentry.

There are three people in total, one of them is a supernatural person, and the awakened one is from the metal system, which just complements his craftsmanship.

As for the ready-made wood, when the giant python was eliminated, it broke a lot of trees. After being exposed to the sun for many days, Shi Yu collected them at the request of his sister and piled them on the west side of the Shijiayuan wall.

These woods are enough for the gate wood, and I am not afraid of not enough. I dare not say that there is no shortage of wood now.

Of course, since it is hired to do it, it is not free.

Wang Zhen, a gold-type supernatural being, doesn't need food or points, so he can get four purified energy cores every day, and the wages are considered extremely high.

Of course, this has something to do with the use of his abilities to assist in work, so it is set so high.

The other two want points. They have no shortage of food for the time being. They have collected a lot. It is no problem to eat it for a year or two without spoiling it.

Points are different. Points can be exchanged for more things. Even if there is no food, it is not too late to exchange points for later.

And what they want to exchange most is one of the weapons, which they urgently need right now.

Seeing the weapons in the hands of those people under Mr. Shi's hands, they are really greedy. Fortunately, they can still be exchanged for points.

After the siblings had a discussion, Shi Xiao nodded repeatedly, and looked at his younger brother with relief. How long has it been since the younger brother thought things were so comprehensive.

The engineering arrangements are well organized, and many things that she didn't think of are also completed, and the progress is not slow. At this speed, it will take about a week.

Shi Xiao is completely relieved now, he can completely let go of the matter of the fence, and can devote himself to the outside affairs.

She still has a lot of things to do. Seeing that a month is about to pass, and there is not much time left for the zombies to evolve, she has to start hurrying up.


After a night without dreams, Shi Xiao didn't stay in bed the first time after waking up.

After breakfast, the siblings who had been exercising with their two children went out separately under the worried eyes of their parents.

There are still more than two months, and winter will usher in here. It should be said that the whole world is ushering in winter, a winter that people will never forget.

Today, Shi Xiao is mainly looking for things that can be used for cooking and heating in winter.

Gas tanks for cooking, as well as various types of carbon, are sold in almost every town, so the difficulty is not too great. "

There are also in the urban area, Shi Xiao drove past, but today is not in Shi Xiao's plan.

She scoured all of the two gas tank shops in Shihe Town.

The goal this time is to collect in some surrounding towns, and the purpose is naturally for the safety of Shihe Town.

Of course, eliminating zombies to obtain energy cores is also in the plan, and of course Shi Xiao doesn't mind passing along the other gains.

Jiangcheng is a medium-sized city, and there are about dozens of towns surrounding Jiangcheng in four directions: east, west, north, south, and north.

There are four small towns closest to Shihe Town.

Today, I will visit these small towns one by one from near and far.

Yan Xu, Liu Yunhao and Su Yiyuan were indispensable to go together.

Shi Xiao and the others left first. Shi Yu, who went out with his sister, was ten minutes late in order to gather all the people together.

Among these people was Zhao Qing who was brought back yesterday, and now she was standing with Zhang Tiantian, waiting to leave later.

Shi Yu already knew that she was a power mutant, and her sister had told him before she left.

Shi Yu was really surprised. He looked at the ordinary and shy elder sister with admiration, and thought about what kind of job to arrange for her.

And since they are not normal people, their income will naturally be different.

No matter men or women, as long as they are superhumans or mutants, they have a daily income record of [-] points, which is [-] points higher than that of normal strong laborers. Naturally, the points will be different depending on the workload. The workload of superhumans is often higher than that of normal people. Not a lot.

Of course, points can also be exchanged for two purified energy cores, which is much higher than a normal person's three days to obtain one energy core.

Zhang Tiantian is responsible for the recording work, and the main work is recording and registration.

After the gathering in Shijia Village, they gathered in the town again, and soon the mighty convoy set off from the town.

On the other side, the team of Lin Fan's army also marched from the south of Jiangcheng to the north.

Here Shi Xiao has come to Anyang Town, the nearest town to Shihe Town.

As soon as he arrived in the area of ​​Anyang Town, Shi Xiao thought of her best friend Song Qian. Her family lived in Anyang Town. I don't know how this girl and her family are doing now.

Now she still has nothing to spare, and knowing that the two girlfriends are safe for the time being, she is not in a hurry to find them.

Wait a little longer, when she completes her immediate goal, she will definitely make time to find two girlfriends.

Speaking of which, Anyang Town is half the size of Shihe Town, so it can be regarded as a relatively large town in Jiangcheng City.

The degree of liveliness is also unmatched by Shihe Town, and the population density is even more unmatched, at least it is three or four times that of Shihe Town.

If this data was good before, it would not be good news now.

Their vehicles were parked far away on the national road 1000 meters away from the entrance of Anyang Town.

Their arrival caused a commotion, and many zombies rushed towards them.

After a while, dozens of zombies that Yan Xu had killed with a pistol lay outside the kung fu car.

There are already so many zombies here, one can imagine how many there will be in the town.

The situation in Anyang Town is much worse than that in Shihe Town as Shi Xiao expected.

With so many zombies, guns are no longer useful, after all, she only has four guns.

And Shi Xiao was already ready when she came, this time for a quick battle, she also planned to run a few more places, so she was not ready to practice.

Ever since, Shi Xiao got off the car directly, watching more and more zombies stretch out their white and tender hands.

Immediately afterwards, a few vines rose from the sky and swept towards the zombies. Almost instantly, there was no standing zombie within a hundred meters, and they were strung on the vines like candied haws.

As Shi Xiao moved forward, the vines continued to spread, and more and more zombies were strung on the vines. If an aerial photo was taken at this time, the scene would be shocking enough to make people dumbfounded.

Although Yan Xu, Su Yiyuan, and Liu Yunhao saw this scene more than once, the shock in his heart still remained unabated.

The three of them followed behind Shi Xiao like a tool man, watching the zombies being strung together by vines like tofu.

Also, whenever the vines appeared, there was no need to charge the energy cores. When the vines penetrated the zombie's head, the branches had already wrapped the energy cores and sent them to Shi Xiao.

Although they don't know how to transport it, presumably it should be a function of Shi Xiao's ability.

This girl's ability cannot be deduced by common sense, and it is normal for them to have things they cannot understand.

In this way, they walked into Anyang Town following the overwhelming vines.

Half an hour later, apart from the zombies hiding in hidden places in the main streets of Anyang Town, there were no traces of zombies on the streets, of course, the piles of corpses piled up into hills were not counted.

This miracle has been created in a short period of time, even if the army comes over, it may be difficult to do it.

Once again, the three of them felt that they didn't know enough about Shi Xiao's abilities, and the wooden tie, which was inconspicuous to others, could really play well in the hands of Shi Xiao.

And after eliminating so many zombies, the girl's powers showed no sign of being exhausted at all.

If they were to attack purely with abilities, they might not be able to hold on for long.

Even Yan Xu, who has a higher level of abilities, can only last a little longer than them.

The danger in a large area has been eliminated, and the rest is nothing to fear. The next step is to collect supplies.

The few people gathered while walking, completely ignoring the successive waves of prying eyes.

Yes, prying eyes.

It has been more than 20 days since the end of the world. Anyone who is brave, cautious and capable will not sit still, but will come out to collect supplies and find a safe place to hide.

Even if you dare not at first, as long as you take the first step, there is nothing to be afraid of next.

(End of this chapter)

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