I just want to have a good time

Chapter 147 147. Anyang Town

Chapter 147 147. Anyang Town

Shi Xiao didn't care about these prying eyes.

These people didn't dare to have any thoughts about the ability they showed, even if they had it, they couldn't stand them.

Shi Xiao does not blindly believe in his own ability, but has self-confidence.

With the increase of her spiritual power, the surprises brought at the same time are not only mental power.

No matter from vision, hearing, taste, and the perception of danger, everything has been enhanced a lot.

Even without mental strength, Shi Xiao's ears and eyes couldn't hide the movement within tens of meters from her.

The group of people hiding on the other side were severely suppressed by a few ruthless people who suddenly appeared in Anyang Town.

Thinking of the terrifying vines that covered the sky and the zombies on the vines that looked like dumplings, these people felt shuddering.

And the instigator of everything turned out to be the only woman among them, which almost blinded their eyes.

Comparing the two, they are so weak that they are in the dust.

Speaking of the arrival of a few people, it can be regarded as indirectly helping them.

"Brother Li, tell me who these people are from and why they are so powerful, especially the girl inside, she is simply invincible." A person hiding in a small supermarket asked the person who was obviously in the lead.

"I don't know, as long as we know that it's someone we can't afford to provoke." The man called Li Ge looked at the few people who had disappeared in the distance with a gloomy expression.

"Brother Li is right, but this way we can get some credit, Brother Li, do you think we should go and say hello to them?" Another person also said.

Brother Li didn't answer and fell into deep thought. Sun Liang was right, such a powerful person should get acquainted, there is only good for them and no harm.

It's not just Li Ge's team who have this idea, but several other people have this idea.

Such a powerful person wants to get acquainted.

With this thought in mind, these people walked out of the shops they were hiding from.

Now these streets are completely different from when they rushed in after going through all kinds of hardships. There is not a single zombie on the street, and occasionally a few came out from the corners, which no longer arouse their fear.

These people rushed towards Shi Xiao and the others at the same time.

Shi Xiao, who came out of a big supermarket here, quickly found the store she was looking for.

A gas shop, found.

To be honest, there are really not many stores like canned gas, that is, some rural areas and some people who do business still use them.

The door of the shop was wide open. Obviously, when the accident happened, the shop was already open for business.

Shi Xiao entered the shop with confidence, and when she found it, her mental power told her that it was safe inside, and there were no zombies standing up.

Yan Xu and the others followed resolutely, and had obsessive belief in Shi Xiao.

Looking at the full gas tanks in the store, Shi Xiao was in a good mood, and with a wave of his little hand, he filled all the space.

I didn't miss the accompanying products, such as stove pipe parts.

Then a tobacco and alcohol grocery store next door was not let go, and was also wiped out by Shi Xiao's little hand.

Surprisingly, a large amount of charcoal was found in this grocery store, which was placed in the warehouse behind the store, and Shi Xiao accepted it unceremoniously.

In this way, from the street to the end of the street, not only Shi Xiaoshou, Yan Xu, Su Yiyuan and the others were not idle, they all put supplies in their own space bags.

One thing to mention is that Su Yiyuan and Liu Yunhao each got a space bag when they set out to collect supplies yesterday.

The two were so excited at that time!Liu Yunhao, who is so reliable, almost slipped his wheels and almost didn't get into a car accident, and was teased by Su Yiyao, a talkative person.

Just as they walked into a seed shop, Shi Xiao raised his brows, but his subordinates continued to move, and the seed shop was evacuated in an instant.

When I went out, I was not surprised to see a few groups of people standing not far away.

There was no surprise on Yan Xu's eyebrows, and he should have sensed their arrival.

Su Yiyuan and Liu Yunhao raised their eyebrows unexpectedly.

On the other side, they saw the strong and ruthless people coming out, and these people approached them in unison.

"What's the matter?" Su Yiyao asked two steps forward after being prompted by the boss.

"It's nothing, it's nothing. Hello, my name is Li Tie. These are my brothers. We just came here to thank you. The zombies here are thanks to everyone's actions. Your abilities make us admire all over the place, so take the liberty come over."

Li Tie stood up to speak first, with an exaggerated smile on his face.

As the saying goes, it is easy to reach out and not hit the smiling face. Li Tie has a deep understanding of this, and he must smile at this time.

"That's right, what this brother said is that my name is Song Ji and we are also here to thank you," another group of people also stood up and said.

"Yes, hello, my name is Liu Yang. Speaking of which, we should be more grateful. If it weren't for a few of you who came in time, we would have almost collapsed here when we were besieged by zombies. Thank you so much."

As he said this, the person took the lead and bowed, and the people behind him hurriedly joined together. Brother Liu was right, if they hadn't arrived, they might have really disappeared.

At that time, they were besieged by zombies. Even if three of them had supernatural powers, they couldn't stand the loss.

Just when he was about to despair, vines all over the sky suddenly appeared, and zombies were pierced on the vine branches one by one. There was no way to describe the feeling at that time.

This scene, I'm afraid it will be hard to forget for a lifetime.

So this thank you is sincere, and the tone is very sincere.

"……My name is……"

Listening to these people's introductions, and seeing that Mr. Xiaoxiao and Mr. Yan had no desire to speak at all, Su Yiyao had no choice but to speak again.

"We have received your thanks, and we are very happy to be able to help you, but it really doesn't have to be like this. Now that the world is so difficult, everyone should not gather here. While there are not many zombies in this meeting, hurry up to collect supplies. This opportunity But it's rare."

Su Yiyuan liked to talk a lot, but he also had to separate people. He didn't want to say too much about these strangers, so he deliberately reminded them.

Everyone is an adult, and everyone who wanted to say a few more words understood in their hearts when they heard what Su Yiyuan said.

I know that the people in front of me don't want to talk too much with them, but what they said is right, they are still chattering here at this time, it really shouldn't be, and collecting supplies as soon as possible is the right thing to do.

Seeing that everything that needs to be said has been said, Shi Xiao nodded to these people, took a look at Big Brother Yan, turned around first, and walked towards another street.

It wasn't until they all turned their backs that these group of people dared to put their eyes on the ruthless boss.

Except for the kid who was talking to them, they only dared to glance at them, and didn't dare to look at them at all.

There are not many big bosses, and they can't bear the aura, especially the second tallest man among them, with cold and sharp eyes.

None of them dared to make eye contact with him.

What shocked them was the girl, even though they only glanced at it, it was enough to surprise them.

Not only is her ability amazing, but her appearance is also so beautiful, she must be God's own daughter, she is really enviable and jealous!
But they didn't dare, they could really see the girl's strength, so many zombies looked like they were playing in clothes, wouldn't it be easier to deal with them, and only foolish ones would dislike the female boss.

Seeing the big bosses who had turned the corner and disappeared, several groups of people who didn't know each other looked at each other and quickly dispersed.

As the person said before, such a good opportunity cannot be wasted.

Not only that, they are going to go back and call a few more people after they have collected, and take this opportunity to store more supplies.

Without the hindrance of the zombies, they collected supplies many times faster, packed the car and left Anyang Town as quickly as possible, thinking that they would bring more people to come again after returning.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you Zhao Yilin for the 100 book coins rewarded by Ziyan (﹡o﹡)
(End of this chapter)

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