I just want to have a good time

Chapter 156 156. White Fox

Chapter 156 156. White Fox
There was no need for him to pull the car door for this pause, and the people in the car had already got off.

"Sister, what's wrong with your car? Did something happen to you?" Shi Yu pointed at the sunken place in the front of the car.

"It's okay, I just bumped into a mutant animal." Shi Xiao glanced at the dent and smiled.

"Mutated animal, what kind of animal has no eyes."

"Here, take a look at the back of the car." Shi Xiao turned his face to the tree not far behind the car and murmured.

Shi Yu subconsciously followed her sister's movements and looked over, only to find a vague shadow under the tree, which looked quite big.

Shi Yu looked carefully. Although the sky was already dark, through the faint moonlight, he could still see that it was an animal with white hair.

Especially the two eyes are bright and bright, especially in the dark night, and there is a penetrating smell when looking around.

Shi Yu really didn't see what kind of animal it was.

Shi Yu was really a little confused. Since the car was hit by this animal, why did it come to Shihe Town together? This is a bit unscientific.

"Sister, why did it come back with you? It won't bite and hurt people, right?" It's not surprising that Shi Yu is not most concerned about this, he is most concerned about the latter.

The survivors in Shihe Town are really not many, and after being rescued, Shi Yu doesn't want to be hurt by the mutated animals again.

Especially the mutated animals came here with their sister.

"I guess it's because of my ability," Shi Xiao said, looking at the fox in the distance and thinking about it.

"Ability?" Shi Yu didn't expect this to be the reason.

"Well, maybe it's because my wood-type ability contains a lot of vitality, and this vitality is also attractive to intelligent animals."

Shi Yu was taken aback, his sister didn't say that he hadn't really thought about it, it was true.

The black ball Huang Ya in the family obviously likes his sister much more than him. As long as his sister is there, the two big cats don't notice him at all, as if he doesn't exist, they always cling to his sister from left to right.

Now he understands that the two big ones just like the smell of his sister, no wonder.

Thinking of this, Shi Yu instantly felt much more comfortable.

They completely forgot that before the end of the world, these two also liked Shi Xiao much more than him, and they always liked to point their ass at him.

"Sister, have you thought about what to do with this thing? You can't just let it go back to Shijiacun." Shi Yu looked at his sister.

Yan Xu, Su Yiyuan, and Liu Yunhao also looked at Shi Xiao, what Shi Yu said was true.

This white fox mainly didn't mean to hurt anyone, otherwise it would be much easier to deal with.

Shi Xiao is also thinking about this issue, looking at the fox's appearance is to rely on her.

As my younger brother said, I can't take it back to Shijia Village.

Another white fox is no more yellow than a black ball. It has been raised since childhood and is a domestic pet. It has no hostility towards humans in its bones, and it will not actively hurt other people.

Shi Xiao would not feel at ease if such a big fox went back to Shijia Village with him.

Looking at the white fox under the tree [-] meters away, Shi Xiao really didn't know what to do for a while.

killed?If she hadn't killed it before, she wouldn't be able to now, and besides, she wasn't the one who killed it.

It must not be received in the space.

Space, Shi Xiao suddenly froze, how could he forget this matter.

She can ask Xiao Yuanling first, remember that Xiao Yuanling said before that living things can be accepted in the space, the condition is that only normal animals do not include those with enlightened intelligence.

This white fox doesn't look like he has fully opened his mind, maybe it's okay.

Thinking of this, Shi Xiao consciously entered the space, and began to quickly communicate with Xiao Yuanling.

"Yuan Ling, show me a mutated animal to see if it can be accommodated in the space."

"Animal? All right, but the master has to attach the consciousness to it so that the Yuanling can see it."

"Understood," said Shi Xiao, allocating part of his spiritual power to wrap the white fox under the tree.

At the moment when the mental power was covered, the white fox seemed to have noticed something, and looked around with a pair of narrow fox eyes.

Small sample, quite sensitive, Shi Xiao smiled.

"See clearly?" Shi Xiao asked.

"It's clear. Although I have opened up some spiritual consciousness, it is only at the stage of ignorance. It doesn't hinder the owner, so don't worry about taking it in. Moreover, this kind of time is just right. Once an animal at this stage enters the space, it will automatically be stamped with the mark of the space. , become the property of the master.

The owner has absolute control and dominion over it. The owner pays more attention to animals at this stage, which will be of great help to the owner, and even if the intelligence is activated in the future, the space will not be affected by the previous imprint. Rejection occurs.

It's okay, Shi Xiao was really a big surprise, and after the surprise, there was a surprise.

Thinking of having absolute control and domination, Shi Xiaoan couldn't stand it any longer.

In the blink of an eye, the snow fox wrapped in spiritual power disappeared under the tree.

"Sister?" Shi Yu stretched out his hand and shook it a few times in front of Shi Xiao, not understanding why the good sister was taken aback.

"Oh, it's okay, what did you just say?" Shi Xiao returned to his senses.

"I mean what is my sister going to do to that animal in the back?"

This was too thorough, Shi Yu repeated it impatiently.

"No need, it's already gone." Shi Xiao motioned everyone to look behind the car with his eyes.

"Hey, I'm really gone." It was Su Yiyuan's voice, with a slightly unexpected tone.

The white fox was lying under the tree before, but now it is empty and empty.

It's fine to leave anyway, and it will save everyone from worrying about it.

But as expected of a mutated animal, this speed is really fast enough, this guy was still there just now.

Only Yan Xu glanced at Shi Xiao with a gloomy expression. If he hadn't been dazzled, he would have seen an unbelievable scene where the white fox disappeared out of thin air.

I just don't know whether Shi Xiao didn't see it or said it on purpose.

Now that the mutated animals had already left, Shi Yu no longer struggled with this issue, and only then remembered the reason why he was waiting here.

His brain almost forgot the business, no wonder his sister always called him a stick.

He hurriedly told his sister that Shihezhen came to the strange military convoy and called her to find her.

military vehicle?These two words immediately made Shi Xiao think of Captain Lin and the others on the highway.

She thought it would take a few more days, after all, there must be time for them to discuss and prepare for so many weapons.

Shi Xiao really didn't expect them to come so soon, as expected even a soldier couldn't resist the temptation of the space device.

This is good news, Shi smiled.

Their coming means that they brought a lot of weapons, which means that Shihe Town will be more confident in the future.

At the same time, Yan Xu and Liu Yunhao also reacted. They both witnessed the whole transaction between Shi Xiao and Captain Lin.

However, Yan Xu was not too surprised by this matter, he was also suspicious of the identity of the so-called Captain Lin.

If he is really in a high position as he thought, this speed is not surprising.

"Sister, what should I do? Should I go home first or meet them first." Shi Yu couldn't help asking.

Shi Xiao didn't answer his younger brother but looked at Brother Yan, "What do you think, Brother Yan?"

After all, she is not the only one, she must be very tired after going out for a day, and she has to take other people's feelings into consideration.

"We have no objection, you just make up your mind." Yan Xu, who had a cold face at first, immediately changed his face and said softly when he heard a soft sound.

(End of this chapter)

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