Chapter 157 157. Try
"That's okay, go meet them first, and then go home."

If Shi Xiao didn't think it was troublesome, he really wanted to go home and eat a full stomach before coming out.

"Xiao Yu, lead the way," Shi Xiao continued.

Shi Yu nodded, that's what he meant by coming here to wait for his sister.

Now that the decision has been made, there is nothing to hesitate, everyone quickly got into the car and followed Shi Yu's car towards Shihe Town.

A few minutes later, the car stopped outside the largest hotel in the town.

Several military vehicles parked neatly outside the hotel, including two military trucks.

Seeing the truck, Shi Xiao's eyes brightened a few degrees, he opened the door and got out of the car.

Inside the hotel, Lin Fan and Li Yong, who got the news, also led his troops to walk out of the hotel, and happened to meet Shi Xiao and the others at the door.

"Hello Captain Lin, I'm really sorry I didn't know you were coming and kept you waiting for so long."

Shi Xiao politely stretched out his right hand and spoke first, with a decent smile on his face when communicating with customers before.

In Shi Xiao's eyes, this is not a big customer, so naturally he should treat each other with kind words.

There is a saying that many friends have multiple paths, maybe this will be a network in the future, maybe it will be used someday.

So, kindness is a must.

Shi Xiao's smile amazed everyone on the opposite side, even Lin Fan, a bachelor who has been around for ten thousand years, couldn't help raising his brows.

When I was rescued that day, due to the limited conditions and the darkness of the night, I couldn't see clearly. I only knew that Ms. Shi was pretty.

Under the headlights outside the hotel, they realized that it was not only beautiful, it should be very beautiful, very beautiful.

Forgive them, the literary accomplishments of these soldiers are really limited, and they can't think of any beautiful words.

I have to say that the psychological quality of being a soldier is different. Although it is amazing, it is only for a moment, and it returns to normal before others notice it.

"Ms. Shi, we are actually being rude, and we should have sent someone to notify us in advance." Lin Fan stretched out his big rough hands, and gently shook Shi Bai's small hands.

It is easy to touch and release, and the scale is well grasped, without making people feel uncomfortable.

Big and small, black and white, rough and delicate, are so distinct that Lin Fan couldn't help but take another look.

It seemed that he had never noticed that women's hands were so different before.

"That's fine, let's not talk about anyone. Is Captain Lin coming here this time as I thought?"

Shi Xiao didn't intend to stop being polite, and said straight to the point.

Lin Fan: "It's true, Ms. Shi, we have all the things ready, and Ms. Shi can inspect the goods at any time."

At the same time, Li Yong handed over the invoice to Shi Xiao here.

Shi Yu took it over, glanced at it, and handed it to her sister.

"Sister, is the exchange rate correct?"

Shi Xiao, who glanced at it, nodded, and handed the invoice to Shi Yu again.

Looking up at Lin Fan, he slightly curled his lips and said, "Okay, although it's a little bit beyond my budget, since Captain Lin is here, I can't let you come for nothing. We'll take over these things, but I have to explain something in advance. , The number of space bags is really limited, this kind of transaction is only once, I hope Captain Lin can forgive me."

In the end, the smile on Shi Xiao's mouth disappeared, and his expression became serious.

To say that, Shi Xiao had thought it over before.

Since there is no way for things like space not to be exposed, it is certain that they don't want to be part of the public's criticism, but the number is absolutely impossible.

Since part of it is going to be scattered, of course the target must be chosen carefully, and the soldier is indeed a very good choice.

In Shi Xiao's heart, a soldier has always been an image of an indomitable man. When encountering danger, he will always rush to the front line without changing his face and regardless of his own safety.

It was the kind of person she respected since she was a child, and Shi Xiao really needed something, so instead of giving it to other people, why not give it to this group of lovely people.

Hearing this, Lin Fan was taken aback, and took a deep look at Shi Xiao. Everyone could hear the seriousness in this girl's words. It seemed that this kind of transaction was only this time.

Also, how could an artifact like space be like a Chinese cabbage?

Then Lin Fan also nodded seriously, agreeing with Shi Xiao's opinion.

Having said that, it doesn't matter if you don't agree. If you don't agree, this girl will be annoyed and she won't want to exchange it anymore.

Threats with force, jokes, people alone can match their regiment, or even surpass them, what to fight.

Besides, it is impossible for them to do this kind of thing as soldiers, and their military spirit as soldiers does not allow it.

Seeing that Captain Lin agreed, Shi Xiao's face immediately changed, and the smile appeared on his face again.

Said: "Since this is the case, it is getting late, so let's start inspecting the goods now."

"Should be," Lin Fan said, and glanced at Li Yong beside him.

Then Li Yong ordered four soldiers, accompanied by Shi Yu, Che Jun, Liu Neng, and Su Yiyuan who volunteered, got into the car and started ordering goods.

After an hour of waiting, the weapons on the two trucks were all unloaded while the number was determined.

Shi Yu: "Sister, there are a total of 1 guns, 70 bullets, 7 grenades, and [-] energy cores. The number is no problem."

Shi Xiao nodded to his younger brother, and immediately looked at Lin Fan, "The number is no problem. According to the number of these weapons, Captain Lin can exchange a total of seven interspatial bags."

While talking, Shi Xiao turned over his hands and several small gray cloth bags appeared in the picture.

"This is the space bag. There is a space of more than 100 square meters in it, and the height is nearly ten meters. Captain Lin can confirm it first. Just drop blood, so don't worry."

As he spoke, Shi Xiao took out one and handed it to Lin Fan who was a few steps away from her.

She said this out of good intentions, so Captain Lin can get a space for free.

Of course Lin Fan understood the implied meaning of Shi Xiao's words and remembered it in his heart.

But after taking the gray cloth bag in Shi Xiao's hand, the expression on his face still couldn't help cracking, showing a rare expression, which was hard to describe.

To be honest, if you don't believe that the girl in front of you won't joke about such things, you can't make people believe that this thing in your hand is a space artifact.

This shape is too casual. To be honest, if it is thrown on the road, it will definitely not let people take a second look.

Li Yong also stretched his neck to look at the small cloth bag in the head's hand, it was really small, a little bit bigger than the lucky bag during the Chinese New Year.

Just this thing, this is too... Forget it, let’s not talk about it, everyone understands.

Shi Xiao stood aside and was not in a hurry, there must be a process of acceptance, this thing is really dusty and not very conspicuous.

Uh... well, it should be extremely inconspicuous.

As the head of the regiment, Lin Fan took out a dagger decisively and poked it on his index finger, although his face was hard to see.

Suddenly a big snowdrop appeared, and decisively wiped it all on the gray cloth bag in his hand.

Then the blood beads were quickly absorbed, and then a mysterious and mysterious feeling appeared in Lin Fan's perception.

An empty space suddenly appeared in his mind, almost the same as what Miss Shi said before.

This is the little dusty cloth bag from before, it's incredible.

The small eyes stared round involuntarily because of surprise, and the eye muscles kept beating because of surprise.

To be honest, this kind of Lin Fan really doesn't look good
Li Yong on the side didn't understand what the head of the regiment looked like.

Needless to say, it must be the space bag in the leader's hand that can make the leader so surprised and lose his composure.

 Ask for monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass (*╰╯`)

(End of this chapter)

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