I just want to have a good time

Chapter 162 162. Chance

Chapter 162 162. Chance
The first hospital in the city is really too big, and Shi Xiao didn't think about cleaning it all up.

Even with her powerful wood-type ability, it would take at least a day to go through the hospital, which Shi Xiao couldn't afford at the moment.

The doors of many rooms in the hospital are tightly closed. For these closed spaces, vines cannot enter. If you want to eliminate the zombies inside, you must break in one by one.

But apparently Shi Xiao and the others were not prepared to do so.

The goal this time is mainly to collect medical equipment and medicinal materials and then eliminate the zombies by the way. As for the other things, they are not part of the purpose of today's trip, so they will not break down the doors one by one.

Naturally, Shi Xiao had thought about the issue of survivors, and in fact, it did exist in this hospital.

In the spiritual feedback, there were three survivors on the sixth floor, six survivors on the thirteenth floor, and two survivors on the fifteenth floor.

Of course, there are not only survivors on the emergency floor, but also survivors in other inpatient departments and various departments. There are probably dozens of people in total.

But if Shi Xiao didn't have the time for their climbing stairs on the first floor, there were only a few of them in such a big hospital, and they couldn't finish it in a few days.

But if you don't save the hurdle in your heart, you can't get over it.

But how to save it is a problem, and it needs to be carefully thought about.

It is impossible for Shi Xiao to know in advance where there are survivors, so the best way is to use her ability.

Use wood powers to do another large-scale zombie cleanup in the emergency building, not letting go of every floor.

If the brain is not stupid, if you want to survive, you should seize this opportunity to escape.

Shi Xiao was not dawdling, two seeds appeared in the palm of his hand, and the vines appeared with the supernatural power, and then climbed up layer by layer along the various safe passages of the building.

The outpatient building has a total of 18 floors. Even though the vines are growing extremely fast, it took a few minutes to reach the top floor.

The zombies wandering in the aisles and corridors of each floor were pierced by these sudden vines in one fell swoop.

Except for the closed door, there is no place that vines cannot reach.

"Sister Li, there seems to be some movement outside." The woman in nurse's attire moved as quietly as possible and walked to the window of the duty room, and carefully opened a corner of the curtain.

If she hadn't reacted quickly and covered her mouth in time, I'm afraid there would be a scream in the next moment.

She turned sharply and looked at the other two people in the duty room. One was Li Hong, the sister Li she was talking about, and the other was Dr. Cao Lin, an obstetrician in their department.

"What's the matter? Liu Li", Li Hong's voice was also extremely low, and she really didn't dare to speak out. They found that the zombie's hearing seems to have improved in recent days. If the voice is so loud, it may attract people. zombies.

They were already frightened by the knocking of the zombies on the door, and the door was already full of things, and they were afraid that they would be knocked open by the zombies if they were not paying attention.

She looked at Liu Li with some worry. Could it be that the zombies were paying attention to her with such a big reaction.

Thinking of this, Li Hong also became nervous, and glanced at the door of the duty room, wondering how long this door could last.

"Sister Li has a lot of plants outside. I still see them..." Liu Li was so excited that she really didn't know what to say.

"What did you see? Don't get excited and speak slowly." Li Hong, who was a little nervous, couldn't let go of the string in his heart when he heard Liu Li's words.

Cao Lin, who was exercising by doing push-ups, also stopped.

"I saw... these plants penetrated the zombies and killed them." Liu Li finally said what she wanted to express, and this was what shocked her the most.

These words made Cao Lin get up and walk towards the window, and opened a corner of the curtain. Sure enough, there were dense green plants outside.

It can be said that the entire passage is full of zombies pierced on the vines of the plants as Liu Li said. Not only that, the plants are still moving, and more and more zombies are strung onto the plants.

"What's going on here?" Li Hong also saw it, and forgot to listen to it because of surprise.

Fortunately, all the zombies outside were taken away by the plants, and they looked completely dead without any struggle.

Even so, Li Hong subconsciously covered her mouth.

"Sister Li, Doctor Cao, the sudden appearance of these plants, could it be that someone came to the hospital, are we saved?"

Liu Li, who had recovered from the shock, thought of this first, and it was what she hoped most from the bottom of her heart.

Sleepy in the duty room for more than 20 days, all three of them lost a lot of weight.

The reason why they can survive so many days is partly due to the snacks and fruits in the nurse's duty room.

All women like to eat snacks and fruits, so their duty room has never been short of these two things all year round.

Unexpectedly, one day these became life-saving things. These snacks and fruits were enough for the three of them to survive for a week.

The other part is thanks to Dr. Cao, who took the risk to go out and get the food back.

Their place is the inpatient floor of the obstetrics and gynecology department, and there is no shortage of food in almost every ward, but it took a lot of effort to get the food back.

Fortunately, Dr. Cao was nimble and brought a mop stick as a weapon. Finally, he came back with food without any risk, and used the mop stick to kill two zombies for self-protection.

It was also what they brought back that time that kept them going until now.

Although Liu Li has already joined the work as a nurse, her actual age is not very old, and she is only in her early 20s.

Girls in this grade still like to fantasize, and she already likes to read some online novels.

For her, through these sudden plants, it is easy to think whether someone is coming.

Now that the zombies have appeared, Liu Li doesn't think it's strange if there are any strange things.

As soon as she said this point of view, it immediately attracted the attention of the other two.

Three people, you look at me, I look at you, the more you think about it, the more you feel that this possibility is the greatest.

If there are people coming, then they...  

"Doctor Cao, what do you think we should do next?" Li Hong spoke after a while.

Both she and Liu Li are women, and their strength is limited after all, so Dr. Cao's opinion is very important.

Cao Lin glanced at the two people in front of him and turned his attention to the window again, this time pulling the curtains completely.

This opens up a wider field of view, and enables a closer look at the plants in the corridor.

It's so spectacular, the plants are still walking around, and the body is full of zombies.

Cao Lin looked very carefully, his eyes were all on the zombies on the plants, and he counted their number in his heart, so Cao Lin already had an idea in his mind.

If his calculations were correct, the zombies in the arrival corridor of these plants should have been almost dealt with by them.

If that's the case, maybe they can really escape.

With this idea, there are several survivors on the [-]th and [-]th floors.

Who would want to stay in a hospital full of zombies, anyone who understands knows that if they can't escape, they will either be eaten or assimilated sooner or later.

So in order to survive, escape is the only way out.

It's just that although I have this idea in my heart now, looking at these thick and dense plants, zombies have been wiped out by their skulls, let alone them, and I still dare not go out for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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