I just want to have a good time

Chapter 163 163. Survivor

Chapter 163 163. Survivor

The survivors who hid looked at the plants in the corridor, and rationally told them that this was a good opportunity and they should seize this opportunity.

But seeing the lush but extremely lethal plants in the corridor, he hesitated.

Just in the midst of hesitation, the plants in the corridor retreated, and disappeared completely in just a few minutes, leaving behind piles of zombie corpses.

The retreat of the plants finally made the survivors' hearts stop fluctuating, and they resolutely walked out of the ward or office where they were hiding with something that could be used as a weapon.

It was only when I came out that I realized that the corridor was completely silent, except for the high pile of zombie corpses in the corner, there was no walking zombie anymore.

In the outpatient hall, he did what he could do. After Shi Xiao stopped transferring his powers, he finally started the purpose of their visit this time.

The first target is naturally the pharmacy in the hall.

The pharmacy is divided into a traditional Chinese pharmacy and a western pharmacy. Through the glass of the window, you can clearly see a few zombies that slipped through the net.

In order to save time, they are going to act separately.

Shi Xiao is in the group of Su Yiyuan, and Yan Xu and Liu Yunhao are in the group.

The two sides exhorted each other to be careful and then started to act.

Shi Xiao and Su Yiyuan frowned slightly and looked at the closed door of the pharmacy, hoping it wasn't locked from the inside.

Su Yiyuan put his hand on the doorknob and pushed it down. It went smoothly, and he smiled immediately.

He whispered, "Miss Xiaoxiao is fine."

Shi smiled, and made a one-two-three gesture with his free hand. Su Yiyao, who had been pressing the doorknob until three o'clock, pushed hard, knocking the two zombies at the door into the air.

Immediately afterwards, several cold light swords and axes slashed across the pharmacy, and the zombies fell to the ground and their bodies were separated.

The three zombies in the pharmacy were dealt with in just one face-to-face meeting. Su Yiyao couldn't help but marvel at the sharpness of the knife in his hand at such a fast speed.

Ever since he had this weapon, it seemed like he was on the hook since the duel with the zombies.

There is no need to worry about getting stuck at all, with a light swipe, the zombies will fall down effortlessly. This is thanks to Sister Xiaoxiao, who gave them such a good weapon for free.

This Shi Xiao ignored Su Yiyuan who was smiling at him inexplicably, and started collecting medicinal materials.

As expected of a traditional Chinese pharmacy, the scent of the medicine is very strong, and there is no smell of zombies at all.

The Chinese pharmacy is very large, and the compartments for the medicinal materials alone take up one or two hundred square meters, not counting the Chinese medicine warehouse behind.

Surrounded by her spiritual power, these disappeared one by one out of nowhere, and Su Yiyuan watched this scene enviously.

He couldn't have the ability to collect objects out of thin air without touching them, which was automatically attributed by Su Yiyao to his low level of abilities.

In fact, he is not wrong to think so. The higher the level of the ability, the higher the mental power will be. If you can practice in a targeted manner, it is not hopeless to achieve the ability to extract objects from a distance.

So right now, I can only touch the collection medicine cabinet with my hands honestly, of course, the speed is not a little slow.

When Su Yiyuan finished collecting the medicine cabinets in his area, Shi Xiao had already come out of the warehouse behind.

When the two arrived at the western pharmacy opposite, Yan Xu, Liu Yunhao and the others only received about 1/3 of the western medicine.

The two joined in immediately, and Shi Xiao directly entered the warehouse behind, and the warehouse that was full of mental strength was instantly emptied, regardless of the type of medicine, it was just right to take it anyway.

With the two of them joining, the western pharmacy turned into a mess except for a few shelves in a few minutes.

Then there is the operating room, surgical equipment, sterilized surgical kits, etc., which may be used someday in the future.

With the background of the previous vines, the whole process can be regarded as very smooth.

Although there will definitely be zombies that slip through the net, these zombies in twos and threes are not a problem for them at all.

Except for the time it takes to open the door and destroy them, it only takes a few seconds.

In this way, Shi Xiao and the others ran several buildings in a row, collecting a large amount of medical equipment and surgical kits.

Every time he went to a building, Shi Xiao would repeat his tricks and use vines to clean it up. For Shi Xiao, no matter whether there were survivors or not, he could clean up some zombies.

In the end, they also found the control center of the hospital, destroyed the monitoring system inside, and took away the hard disk inside.

By the time they turned back to the outpatient building of the hospital, an hour and a half had passed.

"Boss, there seems to be someone in front of Sister Xiaoxiao." Su Yiyuan spoke suddenly while walking, and saw nearly a hundred people standing in front of the outpatient building with sharp eyes.

Although they are far away, their postures and walking postures reflect that they are human beings, not zombies.

They were indeed people, but there seemed to be a lot more people than expected, which Shi Xiao didn't expect.

Apparently, those people in front of the building also saw Shi Xiao and the others, looking in their direction eagerly.

They have been gathered in front of the building for almost an hour.

The survivors in the hospital were alright, they didn't look too embarrassed, after all, there were big bosses who had cleared the way for them.

Even if you encounter zombies, it is only one or two occasionally. If you can run, you can run away. In order to save your life, you will endure the fear and use the weapons in your hands to eliminate the zombies.

It is very difficult for the survivors who came from the community.

They could be said to have been killed from the crowd of zombies, and the wooden sticks and knives in their hands had been stained with the body fluids of the zombies and smelled bad.

It should be said that they killed a bloody road and ran out.

The saying that the potential is forced out is really a wise saying.

They never knew they could do this.

In order to protect himself and the one he loves, even if he is afraid in his heart, he resolutely takes up the weapon in his hand and fights with the zombies.

It is worth mentioning that several of them awakened their abilities at a critical moment.

One of them is the man in the young couple, who has awakened the fire element, and awakened at a critical moment in order to protect his wife.

At that time, they had already ran out from the upstairs of their own house. Although they were mentally prepared and the speed was fast enough, there were too many zombies downstairs.

Some said their neighbors, and some wandered over from other places. In short, looking at the young couple was like flies seeing meat, and immediately stared at them.

The speed of the young couple was fast enough, but there were zombies everywhere, and they were still surrounded by several zombies.

The couple greeted the zombie's head with hands and feet while waving the baseball in their hands.

A man's strength is stronger, and his aim is better. Although he can't completely wipe out the zombies with a stick, it can still make them fall to the ground and hold them temporarily.

Women can't do it, and maybe they are also a little timid, the baseball bat in their hands can't always hit the vital parts of the zombies.

In addition, there were more and more zombies, so he was a little flustered, so that he made a wrong judgment in one swing and swung empty, which eventually caused him to lose his balance and fall to the ground.

Falling to the ground at such a time is a fatal thing, in fact, it is almost fatal.

The moment the man found his wife lying on the ground, he smashed the head of a zombie that was about to pounce on him with a stick, and kicked another one over.

But it was obviously too late to deal with the other two zombies, and the two zombies had already stretched out their hands and rushed towards his wife.

In times of crisis, the man had a splitting headache, and the only thought in his mind was that his wife should be fine. Looking at the zombies that were about to approach his wife, his head was about to explode at that time, and suddenly burst out the fire power.

At that time, there was only one feeling, which was that his body was hot, hot like a fire, and he could only follow his instinct, so two balls of fire appeared in his hands, and he instinctively threw them on the zombie, and saved his wife in time at the last moment.

After getting up, he didn't even dare to say any more and continued to run towards the hospital. On the way, he met survivors who also escaped.

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(End of this chapter)

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