I just want to have a good time

Chapter 165. Chapter 165

Chapter 165. Chapter 165
For a moment, all kinds of sharp voices filled the ears, and the chattering people were in a bad mood for an instant.

The most important thing is that none of these people are clean, and more or less have human tissues from zombies.

Surrounded by them, it can be seen how pungent the smell is.

Shi Xiao and the others killed so many zombies, but their bodies were really not dirty.

Although there are times when we use weapons directly with zombies, their weapons are different!It can be said that killing does not see blood, and killing zombies does not stain.

So except for the initial killing of zombies, there are really not many times when you can get your body dirty.

In addition, the sense of taste of supernatural beings is more sensitive than that of normal people.

It wasn't that she was hypocritical, so many people gathered around at once, mainly because they were so close, and Shi Xiao couldn't laugh because of the strong smell.

She didn't directly lower her face, which is considered to be a good tutor for her.

Shi Xiao can bear it, but it doesn't mean that Yan Xu can bear it. He doesn't like strangers approaching, and he feels that Shi Xiao seems to be a little uncomfortable.

His already cold face became even more serious, and his whole body exuded a sense of coldness, which made the onlookers retreat involuntarily.

Shi Xiao, who finally breathed fresh air, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and gratefully glanced at Big Brother Yan beside him.

"Hey, let's talk when you talk, don't get so close, don't you know how to be polite, the scum is sprayed on people's faces."

Su Yiyuan looked at the boss's cold face, and immediately realized that it was time for him to appear, so he opened his mouth and started talking.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! We just got a little excited when we saw you."

"Yes, we are indeed excited."


When the survivors heard Su Yiyuan's words, they also felt that they were too excited, and they were indeed getting closer. It seemed that someone in the crowd was about to stick to the bodies of these strong men, no wonder they were unhappy.

It's just that I was put off and said a few words. If I encounter someone with a bad temper, I'm afraid they will go straight to it.

"Hypocritical" Amidst the voices of apology, a very dissonant female voice suddenly appeared, with obvious jealousy in her tone.

Just such a person who couldn't pronounce two words clearly, instantly attracted everyone's attention, including Shi Xiao and the others.

"Hey, do you know how to talk?" Su Yiyuan became reluctant when he heard this and glared at the woman. Just as he was about to step forward, Shi Xiao grabbed him and gave him a look.

She would like to hear how hypocritical she is.

"What's the matter? Did I say something wrong? Why are you staring at me? What's the matter? You still want to hit a woman. I can see clearly just now. Don't you think we smell bad? I don't even think about how difficult it is for us to escape. How can the smell on your body be so bad if you don’t kill zombies? Isn’t it hypocritical?”

After she finished speaking, the woman gave Shi Xiao a hard look, and the jealousy in her eyes was nakedly presented in front of everyone's eyes.

Why is it that she is also killing zombies, and she can still look as clean as new, especially the beautiful appearance that this woman can't bear the most.

"Wang Mei, don't talk nonsense." The man next to the woman hurriedly pulled the woman back.

But he saw it, the companion beside the beauty looked at his wife like a knife.

My wife is always so confused, it's fine to play with a little temper, but I don't even look at what time it is, where is it?
They are already asking for others, how dare they let their own temper.

"Oh, what are you pulling me for? Where did I talk nonsense, you turned towards a woman who looks like a vixen instead of me, Zhang Qiang, are you sorry for me?... Come on."

Unhappily, the woman broke free from the man's finger and said with a smile.

Seeing her husband not only refusing to help her, but also yelling at her, the woman could no longer suppress her anger. The depression these days broke out completely, and she looked at Shi Xiao angrily with eyes that seemed to have been quenched by poison.

The reason why she dared to ridicule Shi Xiao like this was that she didn't think that Shi Xiao would have much ability from the bottom of her heart, at most she was helping the other three people.

The ignorant were fearless. The young couple who were also in the crowd looked at the woman and shook their heads.

They clearly saw that these zombies were all dealt with by the young lady with the ax in her hand with her incredibly powerful abilities.

Besides, what she said was obviously jealous of the young lady. To be honest, she had a fairly good face, because the jealousy in her eyes forcibly destroyed that beauty.

No matter how beautiful such a woman is, people will be discouraged and stay away.

The man who was thrown away by his wife looked at his wife helplessly, knowing that his wife was starting to act again.

But his wife never listened to him. Thinking of what he saw from the bedroom window before, the man, Zhang Qiang, felt nervous for a while.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry everyone, my wife is not sensible, I apologize to you on her behalf."

Talking, the man smiled at Shi and they hurriedly apologized, with flattering smiles on their faces.

This scene made the survivors around them sigh with embarrassment.

As the saying goes, it's really good, marrying a wife is like marrying a virtuous person, if you marry back a troublemaker, then life will be wonderful.

The scene where the man was anxious to make an apology made everyone point and point at the woman.

In this way, it aroused the woman's uncontrollable temper even more.

Shi Xiao felt baffled throughout the whole process, what happened to her, she was slapped by someone without doing anything, it really made her feel a little bit annoyed!

Originally, Shi Xiao wasn't going to pay attention to this woman, this is a little shrew who was spoiled and couldn't find her own place, and it was a bargain with such a person.

But at the end, the vixen in her mouth made Shi Xiao a little unhappy.

Although a vixen is described as a beauty, she also admits that she is indeed a real beauty.

Even so, it cannot erase the fact that this woman scolded her.

You can be jealous, you can even point fingers and scold Huai, but pointing at her and scolding her as a vixen is unbearable.

Although the woman's man apologized, to be honest, Shi Xiao really didn't like her.

The reason why this woman is used to this way is that the woman's husband has an inescapable contribution, so Shi Xiao really doesn't have a good impression of her husband because of a woman.

Sorry, sorry, she heard it, but she didn't want to agree, it's her right.

Don't forget that she has never been a sexual person except at work.

When the man saw that no one answered his apology, he immediately felt a bit uneasy, his smile became stiff, and a trace of displeasure slipped from his eyes.

This scene can't escape Shi Xiao's eyes, seeing Shi Xiao's expressionless face here, there is a smile on his face, it's just a sarcasm.

If it is a sincere apology, how can you feel embarrassed because of other people's ignorance? Shouldn't you feel even more ashamed?
Shi Xiao knew that his intuition was right, this man was not a good guy.

Shi Xiao's smile completely angered the woman.

Originally, her husband apologized for her, which made her feel ashamed, but she didn't even give him a look, let alone a reply, and even showed a mocking smile.

Thinking about when she was wronged when she was a child, she couldn't bear it at all!

She grabbed the husband in front of her, obviously it didn't take much effort, but she almost threw her husband away.

This tugging caught Shi Xiao's attention, this woman's strength seems to be quite strong.

(End of this chapter)

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