I just want to have a good time

Chapter 166 166. Long Memory

Chapter 166 166. Long Memory

Then the woman rushed to Shi Xiao, pointed at the face that made her jealous, and when she was about to vent, she suddenly felt a chill, which made her shiver unexpectedly.

The outstretched hand was withdrawn abruptly, and only then did she realize that three cold lights were shooting at herself, especially the most handsome one. The coldness like a sharp blade made her take two steps back uncontrollably.

She suddenly had a feeling that if she retracted her hand more slowly, she might lose her protection.

But he still said bravely: "You... don't think that I'm afraid of you because there are so many people. Did I say something wrong before? Didn't she dislike the bad smell on us? And my husband apologized, why don't you Accepting, isn't it just looking down on us? Can you do whatever you want if you are strong?"

I have to say that this woman still has some guts, she can still say so many words under Yan Xu's cold eyes.

For this point, Shi Xiao really admires this woman who likes to write.

Brother Yan's cold eyes cannot be tolerated by ordinary people.

"I have to say, you are right about one thing." Shi Xiao said suddenly.

Step forward and stand in front of the woman expressionlessly, because she sensed Brother Yan's intention to do something.

For matters between women, it is better for women to solve them, so as not to gain the reputation of bullying women, although Brother Yan is not a person who cares about reputation.

This sudden movement made the woman subconsciously take two steps back, "What... what?"

Shi Xiao smiled sarcastically, and said, "At this moment, capable people can indeed do whatever they want, even if I kill you, believe it or not, no one here will save you."

While speaking, Shi Xiao deliberately weighed the fishtail ax in his hand a few times, scaring the woman back two steps, looking at the cold light on the axe, the woman was really a little scared at this moment.

Seeing the woman's timid look, Shi Xiao continued: "And why do I have to accept an apology, why can't I accept it if I don't want to? Or do you think you have the ability to make us accept it."

As he said that, Shi Xiao took another step forward with chills all over his body, and suddenly he raised his ax and slashed at the woman. The speed was too fast, and by the time the woman reacted, the ax had already been retracted, and she didn't even have time to scream.

When the woman came to her senses, she saw a few strands of hair falling on the ground, her face turned pale with fright, her body trembled like a sieve, and she broke out in cold sweat.

This scene also scared the others, and they all stared in horror.

The ax that was raised suddenly, at that moment they even really thought that the young lady was really going to kill someone, after all the young lady really shot out the murderous intent in her eyes.

The action was too sudden and too fast, they had no time to save them, and they dared not save any more.

People are realistic, the woman's husband didn't even think to save her, and even took a few steps back in fear, and the others were even more irrelevant.

Besides, they already have something to ask for, and they will not offend the person they want to curry favor with for the sake of irrelevant people.

Seeing the strands of hair falling on the ground, everyone heaved a sigh of relief in unison. It was so good that they didn't kill anyone.

The woman was so frightened that her legs went limp and she slumped to the ground. She had never felt that death was so close to her.

The sharp ax just flew past her eyes, and at this moment she really regretted it, clutching her beating heart to feel the fact that she was still alive.

Looking at the woman holding an ax with a smirk at the corner of her mouth, how could she naively think that a woman who dared to kill zombies would be a man's vassal.

Shi Xiao squatted in front of her, his face was normal but his eyes still had a cold light, "I know it's not too late to be afraid, I advise you to keep your mouth shut at this time, it's your luck to be alive, don't be the last Because my mouth lost the life I managed to save, you have to know that your life is too fragile at this time, no one will spoil you, so you met me, try it with someone else, your head Is this head still here?"

If it wasn't for the fact that she is a woman, Shi Xiao really wouldn't be so scared.

well!Who makes fewer women survive in the last days?

The woman learned to be good now, and also felt that Shi Xiao didn't really want to kill her, but the feeling of facing death before made her unforgettable for the rest of her life, so she nodded hurriedly.

She has been spoiled since she was a child, spoiled by her family, and she can't see anyone more beautiful than herself, but this doesn't mean she is stupid.

It's just that I don't like to think habitually, it's just that my mouth is faster than my brain habitually, and I still choose to size up the situation when encountering difficulties.

After all, there is really only one life, and she really doesn't want to die.

Looking at the expression on the woman's face, Shi Xiao knew that she understood.

It's not in vain if she figured it out, she said a few more words, glanced at the woman and Shi Xiao stood up.

The woman also stood up with trembling legs, and the first thing she did when she got up was to walk to her husband.

Everyone thought she would seek comfort, but they slapped her towards her, and the man flew a few meters away with the slap, and rolled in a circle along the way.

At the moment when she was facing death just now, her husband was what she thought of, but what she didn't expect was that instead of moving forward, her husband quickly took a few steps back.

This is the husband who keeps saying that he loves her, lives in her, eats her, spends her, and even escaped from the zombies that she smashed over. It's really ironic when you think about it.

The woman wanted to yell, but thinking of the lesson she had just taught, she finally held back the thin anger in her heart and glared at her husband fiercely.

Many people were not surprised by this slap. Although they were also frightened at the time, many people still saw the man's retreat.

It's normal for them to be indifferent. After all, they are strangers. A woman's husband shouldn't be.

Seeing danger and avoiding it is indeed not what a man should do, and it is still very despised.

With this woman's personality, it's not normal to find out that she doesn't respond.

In other words, this slap was really powerful enough, and I didn't see how much strength the woman used. The man in the embrace was lying on the ground and didn't get up for a while.

Shi Xiao glanced at the man who fell to the ground, and a sneering smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again, it doesn't matter if such a man with a different appearance is not worth it.

Although women are jealous and brainless and can't control their mouths, they are indeed the same. If you don't like it, you don't like it.

Shi Xiao could clearly see the hatred shot towards the woman in the eyes of the man who was crawling on the ground after being beaten.

And after he got up, his eyes quickly changed to flattery in fear, apologizing and even swearing around the woman.

Such a man can't give him a chance. Once he has a chance, he will definitely trample the object of his hatred under his feet without hesitation.

Fortunately, the woman didn't seem as stupid as she imagined, and she never bought it.

The farce caused by this woman was temporarily over, and the couple also hid in the crowd amidst the tussle.

More than ten minutes were wasted in vain, so that no one had a good impression of these two couples.

"That gentleman and lady, I don't know if you can take us with you. We promise that we will never make trouble for you."

Some people in the crowd couldn't help but opened their mouths. The three men and one woman couldn't let go of their hearts without voicing.

At this time, everyone dare not speak indiscriminately. You are asking for others, and if you make others unhappy because of your words, the loss outweighs the gain.

"Brother Yan, what do you think?" Shi Xiao didn't speak, but looked at Yan Xu beside him.

Hearing Shi Xiao's voice, Yan Xu immediately withdrew his cold gaze, and nodded to Shi Xiao with all the air in his body.

The girl he likes is so kind, and being insulted is just a threat, if it were him, she would never show mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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