I just want to have a good time

Chapter 188 188. Parents' Love

Chapter 188 188. Parents' Love
By the time Lin Fan and his team returned to Dayang Town, the dusk was already thick.

This trip to the urban area did not really enter the urban area, and it took a whole day just to go to the residential area on the northern outskirts of the urban area.

A total of more than 200 survivors were rescued, and the survivors entered Dayang Town together with the team.

Under Li Yong's arrangement, the survivors were arranged into the village where they were temporarily stationed. Out of humanitarianism, each of them was given two bottles of water and two packs of instant noodles, enough for them to eat for tomorrow.

Wang Le of the resident office is reporting to the head of the regiment on the fact that the army came in during the day and took away the space bag.

Lin Fan nodded to express his understanding.

In fact, he thought that due to the importance of the space bag, it should have arrived yesterday, but when he heard the survivor Wang Le said, he also understood the reason.

After Wang Le left, Lin Fan looked deeply at the energy cores on the ground, and then waved his hands to put a few bags of energy cores in the office into the space.

Walking to the window, Lin Fan raised his eyes and looked in the direction of Shihe Town, his eyes were astonishingly bright against the backdrop of the night.

Looking forward to meeting Miss Shi Xiao tomorrow.


The next day, Shi Xiao, who got up early, came to the bathroom to wash up.

The water supply has been restored to the taps in the house.

Don't get me wrong, restoration of the water supply does not mean that the human water supply system is restored.

The fact that Shi's family has water is entirely due to Shi's father.

This is also thanks to Shi Xiao's indiscriminate collection of things before.

Let Shi's father find some water storage buckets, which are very large.

It took Papa Shi half a day to install the water storage bucket on the roof, and connect it directly to the water pipes at home, so that the water at home is very convenient.

On this point, Shi Xiao really admired her father's wisdom, she hadn't thought of this at all, and was thinking about coming back to boil water to wash.

How did Shi Xiao know that as a parent, he only wants to give the best to his children.

Shi's father and Shi's mother began to feel distressed when they thought that their son and daughter had been out for a whole day, and they couldn't take a hot bath when they came back tired.

Then he thought about it, if the electric water bucket at home hadn't inspired him, Dad Shi still couldn't remember the water storage bucket that the two children had bought before.

So Dad Shi found the water storage bucket he had put into the space, and with the help of his wife and two children, he started to fiddle with it.

On the roof of the building, there are five water storage barrels that are as high as one person. Even if they are open and used, they are enough to meet the family's water needs for a few days.

Shi Xiao, Shi Yu and the others took a hot bath after they came back.

Of course, the siblings couldn't help praising and adoring their parents. The couple laughed out loud after being teased, and suddenly felt that the half-day's hard work was really worth it.

Even the baby's eyes were narrowed in joy, and her face was flushed.

They are also participants, Shi Xiao and Shi Yu naturally will not forget the two little guys, hugging them is a burst of intimacy.

It is convenient to have water. After washing, Shi Xiao went straight to his backyard.

After I came back last night, I arranged Xiaobai Xiaohua in the backyard.

Thinking of the chaotic scene when he brought two big things in yesterday, Shi Xiao couldn't help but touch his forehead.

The cries of the four animals almost burst the sky, not even Yan Xu, who didn't know why, was startled.

Good guy, when she removed the two big things from the car last night, the black ball Huangya that was heading straight towards her and Shi Yu abruptly changed direction.

He rushed towards Xiaohua Xiaobai, perhaps because of his strong sense of territory, the black ball and Huang Ya rushed over without even hitting, and then tore apart.

My God, the scene was so chaotic at that time, the four big guys bit together instantly.

Biting their red eyes, they didn't even listen to their yelling to stop, and it lasted like this for a few minutes before being separated by Shi Xiao with vines.

It took Shi Xiaohui such a long time to start, there is no lack of her little thought.

Hei Qiu Huang Ya's doing this is exactly in her favor, so it would be good for the two of them to shake Xiaohua Xiaobai well.

The ending can be imagined, Xiaohua Xiaobai was injured in the first place, although his physical strength is not bad, but his mobility does have a lot of influence.

So although the two of them were fierce, they were undoubtedly defeated by Hei Qiu Huang Ya.

In other words, even if they are under normal circumstances, it is really not certain who is stronger and who is weaker among the four big guys.

Heiqiu Huangya drank Shi Xiao's Lingtan water for a while, no matter in terms of spirituality, physique and physical aspects, he was different from the past.

Although Shi Xiao hadn't personally verified the real strength of Black Ball and Huang Ya, but just because these two guys dared to run up Yunwu Mountain at will before the end of the world, it can be seen that Black Ball and Huang Ya are strong.

After Xiaohua Xiaobai was given a painful meal, her injuries became worse than before, but there was no threat to her life.

Pained, Xiaohua Xiaobai looked at the black ball and Huang Ya, and their eyes were different.

Although aggrieved, I can feel that these two guys are not weaker than them, and even stronger than them when they swing their claws.

Especially Xiaohua had dealt with these two guys once before, and she still had an impression of Black Ball and them. Now she clearly felt that their strength had increased again, and Leopard's eyes were full of fear.

After Shi Xiao wrapped the black ball and Huang Ya around, Xiaohua Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the master's expression was wrong, the loosened black ball Huang Ya stayed honestly in front of Shi Xiao, and stared at Shi Xiao with two pairs of innocent dog eyes.

But they forgot that at this moment their mouths were covered with blood, this appearance was not innocent at all, and even a little scary.

Shi Xiaoyan glared, "You two are so bold, why do you pretend not to hear me when I call you, and go to the house to expose the tiles after three days without calling, is it itchy, ah..., and tell you them Do you know that the two will be new members of our family?" As he spoke, Shi Xiao pointed at Xiaohua Xiaobai who was lying on the side.

Following the master's fingers, the black ball and yellow ya looked at Xiaobai Xiaohua, and couldn't help but bared her teeth at them again.

"Papa" Black Ball Huang Yayigou was slapped.

"It's not allowed to do this, you want to get along peacefully in the future, you know?"

This slap hit the black ball, Huang Ya's childish behavior disappeared immediately, she became honest, and nodded her head in a very humane and obedient manner.

Next is Xiaohua Xiaobai, Shi Xiao solemnly told them that they are not allowed to fight in the future, and took them to meet their family members solemnly, and told them Shi that this is the person they want to protect in the future.

Feeling the seriousness of the master, Xiaohua Xiaobai also nodded seriously, and clearly wrote down the taste of the master's family.

At the moment when they are marked, they will only resolutely carry out the master's words, and will not dare to have the slightest disagreement.

Seeing that the four big guys understood everything, although they were still a little unconvinced, the farce was over.

Then Shi Xiao took them back to the courtyard, Xiaohua and Xiaobai were directly assigned to the backyard, the front yard has always been the domain of black balls and yellow yas.

Shi Xiao didn't plan to put these animals in the same place when they couldn't get along peacefully and get familiar with each other.

About buffering?Shi Xiao knows this.

During the whole process, Shi's father and Shi's mother didn't dare to get too close. Regarding the sudden addition of two big guys in the family, who looked like beasts at first glance, it was impossible to say that there was no uneasiness in their hearts.

Fortunately, there are Hei Qiu Huang Ya and the others at home. The couple saw the scene where the two of them didn't suffer just now, so they were relieved a little.

He held the two children in his arms tightly and didn't let them get close.

Children are generally more courageous, especially during this period of time when the couple found that under the influence of their son and daughter, the two little guys seemed to become more courageous.

If he got close to these two beasts, he didn't know what he did to provoke them, thinking that the couple's strength in holding the two children was stronger, and he decided to remember them in the future.

Zhao Pan, Li Nannan and the others didn't know anything, they didn't do anything, just because of the worry of the two elders, they might lose their freedom.

(End of this chapter)

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