I just want to have a good time

Chapter 189 189. Contest

Chapter 189 189. Contest
In the end, no action was taken on this matter, and they didn't know what Aunt Xiaoxiao and grandparents said. In short, there were two more big guys in the family, but there was not much change from before.

Now the two children are still tightly protected by Shi's father and Shi's mother.

As for Yan Xu, who was attracted by the sound of animals biting, he was indeed startled for a moment by the four animals beaten into a pile when he first arrived.

It was only for a moment, because Shi Xiao was there, and he found that Shi Xiao's eyes were very relaxed, so he didn't go up to stop him immediately.

Shi Xiao's expression was obviously not worried, so Yan Xu was also relieved.

But this relaxed and confident appearance is really damn attractive, Yan Xu couldn't bear to look away.

No matter how reluctant you are, you have to look away. At the gate of Shi's house, it is very impolite to keep staring at other people's daughters like this.

Yan Xu didn't want to create a bad image for his future father-in-law and mother-in-law.

So he set his sights on the four big guys in the fight.

Because he didn't pay much attention to it before, he realized that the two extra big guys looked very familiar.

Yan Xu has always had a good memory, and he has definitely seen these two animals before.

Especially the fox, only a few days had passed since the day it was discovered, although it was a little different from when it was seen that day.

His hair, which was originally white as snow, was covered with strands of blood, and his body was covered with scratches and bite marks. It really looked a bit miserable.

There is also a leopard that is very similar to the one that appeared in the village.

What puzzled him was that if it was really those two animals, how could these two get together and be brought home by Shi Xiao.

There are doubts in my heart, but he strives for excellence in his work, and other than being critical, he has never been a character who likes to break the casserole and ask the end.

Until the big guys were separated by Shi Xiao, trained, and then brought into the yard, the girl didn't seem to find his way, let alone the two of them talked.

Since he was not found and Yan Xu confirmed that there was no danger, he left quietly based on the principle of not causing trouble for Shi Xiao and the others.

So Shi Xiao really didn't know anything about his visit last night.

Cough, it seems a bit far-fetched.

Here, Shi Xiao walked towards the backyard after washing up.

She was the first one in the family to get up, and as soon as she walked out the door of the living room, the black ball and Huang Ya greeted her. The two dogs looked fine, and it seemed that last night didn't affect them too much.

The two were very happy to see Shi Xiao, regardless of their big physique, they acted coquettishly in front of the master, making a "humming" sound, and were not satisfied until they were touched.

Then they followed the owner to the backyard. From last night to this morning, they have gone to the backyard many times.

Although the number of times went quite a lot, they did not initiate conflicts with the two newcomers again, they just paid attention to each other cautiously and warned.

Suddenly there are two strangers in their territory, so they may be completely at ease.

When he arrived at the backyard, Shi Xiao saw Xiaobai and Xiaohua lying obediently under the two trees in the backyard.

Seeing her coming, Xiaobai Xiaohua immediately got up and moved towards the master.

Due to the two pairs of dog eyes staring at each other, they stopped a few steps away from Shi Xiao.

The atmosphere between them was much better than last night.

Although there was a little hostility in their eyes, they were able to restrain themselves, but they all stared at each other fiercely and then looked at Shi Xiao flatteringly.

Shi Xiao, who watched the lawsuit with the eyebrows and eyes of the four big dogs, endured the hard work with a smile.

Based on the current situation, I believe it won't be long before they can get along peacefully.

The atmosphere between Xiaobai and Xiaohua also looked much better than yesterday.

Perhaps it was the experience of fighting the enemy together yesterday that made the hostility between them a lot less. After all, they were once comrades in the trenches.

Shi Xiao looked carefully at the two big guys, they seemed to be recovering well after being bruised all over yesterday.

The energy and spirit have also recovered, yes, it is not in vain that she wasted a little bit of power yesterday to help them heal.

It's just that the body still looks a bit miserable, with messy hair and dried blood covered on it.

Especially Xiaobai, the red blood stains were particularly conspicuous on its snow-white hair, and it might not fall off in a short time without washing it several times with water.

Forcibly lowering the white fox's appearance a lot, let Shi Xiao look at it not to mention being an eyesore.

Just these blood stains on their bodies, Shi Xiao felt that she was busy enough today.

Seeing that they didn't dare to move forward, Shi Xiao took the initiative to take a few steps forward, and Xiaobai and Xiaohua came up to her as soon as she moved.

Grinning two big mouths, he looked at Shi Xiao with an absolutely trusting gaze, and his body involuntarily rubbed towards Shi Xiao, just like the black ball and yellow girl looking for a model.

The two emotional stones smiled and felt it clearly, stretched out two small white hands, and patted them a few times.

As the owner, such a simple request can still satisfy the pet.

In the end, before taking a few shots, the black ball and Huang Ya who attacked suddenly forced her head away and inserted it into the middle of Xiaobai Xiaohua.


The result is almost unthinkable.

Xiaohua Xiaobai, as a fierce beast in the forest, how could he be so provoked by the black ball and Huang Ya and not move.

The four big ones started chasing in the back garden, but they didn't bite like yesterday, but kicked, kicked, and wrestled without any ambiguity.

Shi Xiao didn't stop them, he just yelled that they are not allowed to scratch or bite, and they are not allowed to damage the vegetable garden. As for the other Shi Xiao, they are left to them.

But just in case, she still stood by the edge of the vegetable garden, and anyone who crossed the line would be kicked away by her.

After going back and forth a few times, Xiaohua and Xiaohong also knew that the vegetable garden was inaccessible, and these big guys put away their claws and teeth and started wrestling in the open space in the backyard.

At this moment, Shi Xiao has never been lucky that his backyard is big enough, otherwise it would not be enough for them to roll over.

The injuries on Xiaobai and Xiaohua's body have also recovered, and none of the four big guys can do anything for a while, and it can be regarded as a temporary tie.

While Shi Xiao was watching with relish, Shi Yu also came to the backyard.

It's not a little strange to see a few big guys tumbling.

Originally, he only came to the backyard when he heard the movement, and he was already prepared for the big guys to fight in his heart.

Originally, he was a little worried about the black ball and the yellow ya, seeing that the big guys didn't kill him, so he wasn't so nervous.

Also, if the bite was really strong, my sister wouldn't be so leisurely standing on the sidelines watching the battle, she seemed to be full of interest.

Calling out sister, Shi Yu stood with her sister and watched.

"Sister, which of them do you think can win?" Shi Yu couldn't help but opened his mouth after watching for a few minutes without seeing the winner.

Shi Xiao glanced at his younger brother, "Look carefully, whether the black ball and the yellow ball cooperate more tacitly, and they are also stronger in terms of physical strength."

Shi Yu saw that it was true that when one of the two dogs was in a difficult situation, the other would support without hesitation, and then attack together, without any lack of stamina.

On the other hand, leopards and foxes don't seem to cooperate well, so generally speaking, they both suffer more times and suffer more, so their physical exertion will also be more.

"Understood, it seems that none of them can do anything to the other for the time being, but the disadvantages will emerge after a long time." After speaking, Shi Xiao glanced at his younger brother, with deep meaning in his eyes.

Shi Yu nodded. My sister was right. No matter how good an individual is, he can't be as good as a group that cooperates with each other tacitly.

 The author's words ask for a monthly ticket, a monthly ticket, a monthly ticket ヾ(≧∪≦*)ノ〃

(End of this chapter)

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