I just want to have a good time

Chapter 190 190. It's Not That Simple

Chapter 190 190. It's Not That Simple

After more than ten minutes, the chasing and wrestling battle finally died down.

Several big guys were lying on the ground, panting with their mouths open.

Shi Xiao laughed and helped them fetch water, thinking about adding some spiritual water when Shi Yu was not paying attention.

The animal's sense of smell is too sensitive, just after joining, the four big guys stood up together and came to Shi Xiao's side.

Now they don't look at each other disliked anymore, their bodies are all stuck together, and their eyes can't wait to stick to the water basin.

One dog, one pot, impartiality, what the four big guys drink is called speed.

After such an intense physical exertion, the four big fellows became more honest, each occupying a corner and lying on the ground motionless.

The siblings finally started their day's morning exercises. After a while, Zhao Pan and Li Nannan found them and started practicing together.

This is their daily routine during this time, but the effect is indeed excellent.

The physical fitness of the two children is much stronger than when they first arrived, their food intake has also increased, and the change in strength is even more obvious.

Don't laugh at them, they are small but they can already help Shi's father and mother to do a lot of things, and it is light to carry a heavy object of tens of catties.

And they are also very obedient, except that they were woken up by Shi Xiao in the first few days, the two children woke up independently during the following period, and the ability to control themselves is really good.

This time, the two little guys practiced with Shi Xiao and the others for nearly an hour, and they were sweating profusely even when they were tired.

The little ones didn't mind, they ran to the black ball Huang Ya they were interested in after a few slurs with their hands.

It seems a little strange how the two big guys are so good today.

Touching Heiqiu's big head, he cuddled his head affectionately, and then involuntarily lay down on them, his whole body laying on the dog's body.

Heiqiu Huangya let them toss with a good temper. She has gotten used to it for a while, and they are still very tolerant of human cubs.

The two children knew their limits and didn't bother Xiao Bai and Xiao Hua.

But they looked at Xiaobai Xiaohua with interest, Shi Xiao knew that the two children couldn't bear it for long.

But Shi Xiao is not worried, Xiaohua Xiaobai was told by her last night that protecting the Shi family members is their first mission, and they have remembered the taste, so Xiaohua Xiaobai will not do anything wrong to the Shi family.

Even if there is, she will be aware of it immediately.

Shi Xiao felt relieved when he left the backyard, and even Shi Yu showed no worry on his face when he left.

There is nothing to worry about, my sister said last night that the leopard and the fox have been marked by her in a special way, and they recognize her as the master.

No matter what you do, you can be perceived by your sister, controlled by your sister, and will not do anything against your sister's wishes.

Last night, in order to reassure them, my sister specially demonstrated it.

Use instructions to control the two big guys to make various actions.

It would not be surprising if there were black balls and yellow ya in the family. They were raised from childhood, and they had been trained intentionally or unconsciously since they were young, and they were already familiar with their words.

But the wild animals just brought back by these two big guys can't understand human words, not to mention commands, so it's impossible for them to be so docile and follow the commands to make various actions.

Not only that, then my sister let the leopard and fox sniff them one by one, remembering their smell, and then he found that the eyes of these two animals looking at them became very docile, obviously they had already taken care of them. as their country.

This also convinced their family that the two were harmless, at least they were harmless.

He also asked curiously why his sister did such a special trick. In fact, his parents were also very curious, and they stretched their ears to look at his sister when they heard his question.

The answer I got was that my sister didn't know, it just happened naturally. After seeing these two animals, there was this impulse in my heart, and I successfully recognized the master in a daze.

But my sister also said that there is a high probability that it has something to do with her ability.

It's just that not all animals make her feel this way, at least not the wolves that solved so many yesterday.

Shi Yu always felt that things were not that simple. My sister's supernatural powers were so powerful that they could even be called heaven-defying, but would it be so heaven-defying?
He knew that the wood department had an affinity that other departments didn't have, so it was not surprising that Shi Yu's sister was favored by animals.

But when it comes to being able to control animals, he thinks it's a bit exaggerated.

And my sister is already very proficient in controlling the two big ones, it doesn't seem like she just figured it out.

In addition, what his sister said was somewhat vague, which reminded him of something wrong with her sister.

I remember several times he accidentally discovered that my sister was changing the water. Changing the water is a normal thing, but the main reason is that my sister is not so diligent at ordinary times.

When did the siblings see their sister take the initiative to change the water after all these years, which made him wonder.

As for his parents, he also noticed an abnormality, and found that his mother seemed to have become much younger. It is not an exaggeration to say that she was at least ten years old.

Dad's half-white hair seemed to have turned black again, and even his physique became straighter. Although it wasn't obvious, Dad was still a little hunchbacked.

In the past, he thought that after the end of the world, people's physiques were different and became stronger, so that his mother would have such obvious changes.

Thinking about it now, it shouldn't be because of this reason. It is true that people's physique has improved, but Shi Yu has never seen Shi Yu, whose hair has turned black again and looks younger like his parents.

Shi Yu had a hunch that her sister must be hiding something from them.

However, based on his trust in his elder sister, Shi Yu chose to trust his elder sister unconditionally. Whatever his elder sister says, he will do as he pleases. Anyway, his elder sister will only make the family better.

Here Shi Xiao is still smiling and walking towards the living room, completely unaware that her little vest was about to be exposed last night.

After breakfast, Shi Yu took the team to the construction site as usual.

As for Shi Xiao not following, after yesterday she believed that it gave some animals a certain deterrent effect, so she dared not go down the mountain in a short time.

The progress of another project has already exceeded the scope of Yunwu Mountain, and the danger has been greatly reduced. Even if there are some accidents, it can still be dealt with by the means of Shi Yu and those supernatural beings.

And today is also the date of the transaction with the military, which Shi Xiao never forgot.

So Shi Xiao wasn't going to follow at all today.

Seeing that there was still some time, the filial Shi Xiao wanted to show off on a whim, so when his mother stopped him, he followed him into the kitchen to help his father wash the dishes.

"Papa" sounded very clear, and then Shi Xiao was kicked out by his dearest daddy.

Dad Shi was worried that if her girl stayed in the kitchen for a while longer, there would not be enough dishes for the next meal at home.

Dad Shi really didn't know what was wrong with his child. He did everything else well, so why did he make a fuss about the kitchen.

The disgusted Shi Xiao had no choice but to be pushed out of the kitchen by his father, and ran upstairs under the teasing eyes of his mother.

Originally, she thought that going out early and returning late every day didn't have much time to accompany her parents, and she messed up her performance when she wanted to show her performance, so she should go upstairs honestly and make preparations before departure.

——Energy core.

Since the energy core was handed over to Yuan Ling, Shi Xiao hasn't asked about it these days, and he doesn't know what the situation is.

After returning to the room, she came to the space in a blink of an eye.

"Yuan Ling'er, Yuan Ling'er", when Shi Xiao yelled for the second time, little Yuan Ling appeared in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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