I just want to have a good time

Chapter 195 195. Stripping

Chapter 195 195. Stripping

It turned out to be like this, just to say, how could the girl not tell him something.

"Dad, let's go." Thinking of the number of wolves, Shi Xiao didn't want to waste a second, took his father's arm and walked to the backyard.

Then Shuashuashua released a pile of mutant wolf corpses for Dad to look at, and under Dad's surprised gaze, he put these mutant wolves back into the space, leaving only two ends.

It's dog days now, and the surface temperature is too high. Even if the corpses of these wolves are placed in the shade of trees, the smell will change within a few hours, so I still peel one end and take it out.

"How come there are so many, laugh! You are sure you are not injured after killing so many mutant wolves."

Papa Shi was both worried and surprised. He thought that at most it would be like the number of days ago, but he didn't expect the number to be so large. If his yard wasn't big enough, he might not be able to pile it up.

"Dad...don't worry so much. If I really have something to do, I can still dance in front of you like this." While talking, Shi Xiao walked around a few times in front of his father and showed .

"And dad, have you forgotten what my supernatural power is? Even if you are injured, it can heal automatically at the first time. Besides, if you don't have absolute strength, your daughter is the kind of person who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth. Put your heart into it Let's go, there are arduous tasks waiting for us father and daughter."

After a long phone call from his daughter, Dad Shi also knew that he was thinking too much, but he couldn't control his heart as an old father.

"Okay, Dad, don't think too much and get to work." Shi Xiao pointed to the other mutant wolf under the tree, took out the dagger he carried with him, and started to work.

Seeing this, Dad Shi also took out his dagger and slashed at the wolf's mouth.

Black Ball and Little White were attracted to them when the master released the corpse of the mutant wolf.

The four big guys circled around the corpses of the two wolves with great interest, looking like they were looking for a place to bite.

Shi Xiao didn't care about them, anyway, these big guys didn't dare to really bite.

In one experience, the father and daughter moved very quickly, and a wolf could do it in ten minutes.

Soon, an hour passed, and the father and daughter stripped and dissected the five wolves.

During the period, because of the temptation of the bloody smell, Xiaobai Xiaohua failed to withstand the test, secretly bit a few bites, and was beaten up by Shi Xiao, who was called miserable and pitiful.

This sound really gave Shi Xiao the illusion that he had hit hard, but in fact it had no effect on their bodies at all.

Shi Xiao really didn't know that the two he brought back had the talent of a playwright.

In the end, Xiaohua Xiaobai, who learned the lesson, succumbed to the stick of the master, and hid under the farthest tree without love.

In Shi Xiao's philosophy, since preaching doesn't work, then use force to solve it. This is the principle that Shi Xiao has followed since he was a child.

However, this stormy operation also woke up Mama Shi and the two children who were taking a nap. For this reason, Shi Xiao received a blank stare from his loving wife Papa Shi.
Not only that, Xiaohua Xiaobai's ghost howling also attracted Che Jun who lived next door, Liao Chuan Liu Neng who lived next door, and Yan Xu Liu Yunhao who lived farthest away.

Even Wei Dalong, Liu Hai and Qinling, who had just installed the last photovoltaic panel, heard it.

The scream was terrible, and the three of them who didn't know what happened hurriedly packed up their tools, and hurriedly ran to the place where the sound came from.

And these voices also frightened some villagers who survived in the village.

The other part went to build the fence with Shi Yu, and they knew about the existence of leopards and foxes last night, so they wouldn't be frightened.

As for those who stay in the village without going out, they are all timid.

Last night, I heard a very horrific fighting sound and the howling of wild animals. As a result, I heard the sound of wild animals again just after noon today.

It made them, who were afraid to leave the house after the end of the world, couldn't help thinking about it even more.

These Shi Xiao knew nothing, at this moment she was immersed in the rhythm of skinning, and the knife was as smooth as flowing water.

The skin is the skin and the flesh is the flesh, and there is no loss at all. This skill can be regarded as practiced, and it can also save Dad Shi a lot of effort when it is processed.

Dad Shi is not bad, but his speed is slower than that of his daughter.

After a while, a knock on the door interrupted the father and daughter's movements, and it was Che Jun and Liao Chuan's voices.

"Uncle Shi, Xiaoxiao Boss" shouted outside.

Then the black ball and yellow ya who heard the movement, including the newcomer Xiaobai Xiaohua, seemed to have missed the target. The arrow "咻" disappeared all of a sudden, and ran to the front yard with hooves.

Then Shi Xiao in the backyard heard a deafening roar.

The big ones are better than the other like a competition. Before Xiaobai Xiaohua didn't come, they didn't do the same with the black ball!
A few steps slower than the others, heck, Shi Xiao, who was more than ten steps slower, came to the door amidst the roars of the others.

Noise can make people feel very unhappy, and when they are unhappy, they will naturally lose their face, so the voices of the cheerful and honest few only gradually disappeared under the darkening face of the owner.

Xiaohua Xiaobai had just been beaten, and she was still very impressed. Seeing that her master's face was not right, she immediately stopped screaming decisively, and stayed a few meters away from her master.

Black Ball and Huang Ya were a little late, but they quickly moved away from the door after reacting.

Although the eyes were a little sour, but the effect was very good, finally quiet, Shi Xiao also threw away the threatening wooden stick in his hand.

Then the door was opened, and people outside the door filed in.

"Brother Yan, Che Jun, Liao Chuan...how do you..." It must be too complete, Shi Xiao looked behind Wei Dalong and the others.

By this time Shi Xiao hadn't realized that they came because of her previous rough behavior.

"Nothing happened at home, right?" Che Jun answered irrelevantly, and glanced cautiously at the new arrivals.

"It's okay, what can be wrong?"

"Then the cry just before?" While speaking, Che Jun's eyes moved to the leopards again.

"Oh... so you were attracted by the screaming." Shi Xiao smiled, and glanced at Xiaohua and Xiaobai, "It was Xiaobai and Xiaohua who were beaten by me for stealing food, that's why they called It's so miserable, don't worry, it's okay."

It turned out that the situation was like this. Knowing that it was the two newcomers who were beaten so badly, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

The sound was scary before, so everyone couldn't help but follow the scream to find out why.

Except for Wei Dalong and the other three who didn't know the situation, everyone else wondered if the leopard fox brought back last night had fought with Black Ball and the others again, but they didn't expect to be beaten.


"Steal something? What did you eat? Sister Xiaoxiao, when will you have these two scary big guys here?"

Wei Dalong was stunned, he hadn't been here for two days, why did Sister Xiaoxiao have two big strangers in her house, and she looked very difficult to mess with.

During the observation, the more Wei Dalong looked at the leopard, the more familiar it became. The young man frowned, and suddenly his mind flashed.

Before Shi Xiao could speak, he couldn't help but "ah", pointed at Xiao Hua and said, "Sister Xiaoxiao, isn't that the leopard that broke into the village not long ago? Sister Xiaoxiao is so powerful, I subdued it." His tone In fact, it is the worship of Shi Xiao.

Seeing the startled Wei Dalong, Shi smiled and shook his head.

Looking at his figure like an adult, he could hear it as soon as he spoke. After all, this kid still needs a few years of training regardless of his age.

(End of this chapter)

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