I just want to have a good time

Chapter 196 196. Hard work

Chapter 196 196. Hard work
"Dalong has good eyesight. This leopard has indeed been here once, and now I have subdued it. As for what to steal, it is the mutant wolf I hunted yesterday." Shi Xiao looked at the curious big baby Wei Dalong and smiled.

"Mutated wolf" Yan Xu, who had been silent all this time, opened his mouth, "You are dealing with wolves."

Yan Xu knew about last night's wolf meat. As soon as Su Yiyuan came home last night, he couldn't help telling all about what happened at the construction site, and they even shared two pieces of meat.

Yan Xu thought that there were not many of them, and they had already packed them up yesterday, otherwise how could they divide the meat, but now it seems that he was thinking badly, and the number should not be small.

"Yes, I was cleaning them up, and then Xiaobai Xiaohua sneaked a few bites while I wasn't paying attention, and I cleaned them up instead."

At this time, everyone finally understood the cause and effect, stealing food, daring to snatch meat from the boss, no wonder they would be beaten.

Che Jun and the others looked at Dabai Xiaohua sympathetically.

"I'll help." Yan Xu knew that Shi Xiao couldn't stand up when he was dealing with wolves, so he walked towards the backyard with these words.

"We're going to help too."

With Boss Yan taking the lead, no one else dared to stand still, and followed Boss Yan to the backyard.

"Hey", Shi Xiao, who took a slow step, stretched out his hand and put it down silently, watching the crowd disappearing.

Well, since someone offered to help, she wished for it.

When Shi Xiao arrived one step later, the backyard was very lively, and even his father was invited by Liao Chuan to rest and replaced by him.

The end that Shi Xiao was peeling before was under Yan Xu's hands, holding her dagger to peel off the wolf skin.

In other words, this technique is really skilled enough, Shi Xiao was a little curious about how Director Yan, who has always been well-dressed, would be able to do such things as skinning.

"Xiaoxiao Boss, isn't there?" Che Jun, who had never fought against Liao Chuan, saw Shi Xiao and said, he didn't think there were only these two ends.

The others also looked at Shi Xiao, regardless of whether they could learn from it.

Seeing this, Shi Xiao waved his hand, and several wolves appeared in the courtyard.

These few heads are enough for them to be busy for a while, she doesn't think everyone here knows how to skin animals.

Then he took out a few space daggers. This does not mean that the daggers in reality cannot be used, but relatively speaking, it will take a lot of effort.

Shi Xiao ignored the rest, pulled up one end and started again.

With the ready-made experimental body, Shi's father was dragged to the on-site teaching, and Shi's mother took her two children to watch the excitement.

Wei Dalong followed Shi Xiao all the time, watching her how to skin the wolf with a good eye. Seeing that he was so interested, Shi Xiao simply came to teach on the spot.

After some explanations, Wei Dalong felt that skinning didn't seem too difficult, and his eyes were full of eagerness to try.

Shi Xiao looked at this kid with a funny face, raised his eyebrows and handed him the dagger in his hand, immediately flattering Wei Dalong.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, can I really try?" Wei Dalong confirmed with a dagger.

"Isn't it in your hand?" Shi Xiao pointed to the dagger in Wei Dalong's hand.

It is said that this teenage boy showed a bright smile to Shi Xiao, and then he did not do it immediately after clenching the dagger, but went through what Sister Xiaoxiao taught in his mind, and then followed Shi Xiao's direction. The stripping track continued cautiously.

Although he was already very careful, it was his first attempt after all, and the strength was not so easy to master.

Either the skin was peeled off with too much force, or the blade was too inward, passing through the mucous membrane between the skin and flesh, leaving too much wolf meat on the skin.

Then, under the guidance of Shi Xiao, he was peeling off the meat of Rainy, and finally the meat was cheap for the black ball Huangya who was guarding the side.

After a while, Wei Dalong, who was familiar with the touch, gradually stepped into a better situation.

Boys can learn quickly as long as they dare to learn.

After watching the meeting, Shi Xiao gradually felt relieved, and explained some special points that need to be paid attention to, and took out another end to continue.

On the other side, Dad Shi saw that the teacher was almost done, and seeing that he was no longer needed here, he dragged his wife out of the backyard.

After a while, they brought a bucket of pure water and several large watermelons that had been cut to the backyard, and then the couple hurried to the kitchen to start packing the dinner for the evening.

With so many people helping, the couple felt very sorry that no one was left for dinner.

There is everything in the house, including endless vegetables, not to mention meat, and there are already dozens of mutated sparrow stones that black balls and yellow yas pounced on in the backyard. There are two children brought back.

The couple studied the menu in the kitchen, and finally decided on rice as the main meal, three hard dishes, one serving of spicy sparrow, one serving of python meat, and one serving of wolf meat. Make up for it.

If the meat is to be stewed and rotten, it must be prepared now, so the couple are busy in the kitchen non-stop.

Everyone in the backyard started to get used to it slowly. Although the speed was a bit slow, they were already on the way to proficiency. In addition, Yan Xu, who was no slower than Shi Xiao, the overall speed was faster than Shi Xiao and father and daughter Shi. few.

The mutant wolf's skin had just been peeled off, and Liu Hai Liu Neng Qin Ling, who had been waiting all the time, drew out the long knife on his body to wrap up the next dissection process.

Then the big guys who watched couldn't move their feet at all. They sat around the wolf corpses being dissected, drooling.

With everyone's joint efforts, more than [-] wolves were all stripped before six o'clock on time, and the backyard was cleaned up and the blood was washed away.

The time was much less than Shi Xiao's budget. Originally, Shi Xiao thought that he would have to work the night shift today.

Although Shi Xiao was a bit protective of food, he wasn't really stingy. Seeing everyone working hard, he immediately cut up a few long chunks of wolf meat and distributed them to them.

Shi Xiao didn't dare to cut too much. Now that the weather is hot, it's still considering that these people have installed solar energy storage devices in their homes. It should be possible to drive a refrigerator if they want to.

Everyone is not polite either, no one should know that mutated animal meat is a good thing now, and they all want to eat it slowly when they go back.

Like Wei Dalong and Liao Chuan, who need to support their families, they will not refuse. They are happy to accept it, and they are going to take it home for the family to eat slowly. It will be even better if they can improve their physique.

Yan Xu and Liu Yunhao didn't refuse either, although there were also in their space.

Another Yan Xu also knew that Shi Xiao didn't lack this meat, so there was no need to refuse.

Especially when facing Shi Xiao, Yan Xu didn't think about it any more.

This was given by his beloved girl, so he must accept it!

Except for Yan Xu, Liu Yunhao and Che Jun, everyone went home once, sent back the wolf meat they got, and then came to Shi's house again.

Before going out, Shi's father yelled at them that the meal will be ready in a short time, and told them to come and eat.

There is no such thing as cheating among these young people.

After Shi Yu came back, dinner officially started.

And under the pretext of missing someone, Su Yiyuan, Li Qiang, Zhao Bin, Zhang Tiantian and the others had such a lively meal that even the two children ate half a bowl of rice too much.

After dinner, each went back to each house, each went to each bed, and each practiced each skill.

Before returning to the room, Shi Yu shared the latest progress of the project as usual. The meaning in the words was that the project would be completed within two days at most.

This is really good news, which makes Shi's father and mother very happy. These days, his son has been working around the project of the fence from morning to night. How can Shi's father and mother not see the hard work involved.

The couple also knew the importance of this project.

Enclose Shihe Town and dozens of surrounding villages inside. According to my daughter, once the wall is built, the safety will be greatly guaranteed, and there is no need to worry about zombies breaking in.

After perfecting the rules and regulations of Shihe Town, etc., once they get on the right track, they don't need to stay at home all day long.

Shi's father and Shi's mother thought this was very good news, and also thought that the daughter and son were really great.

He actually led the survivors to do such a proud thing in a short period of time.

For a while, I couldn't help being proud of my two children.

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  Thanks to Brother Zhang 1 for the reward, than (˙▽˙)
(End of this chapter)

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