I just want to have a good time

Chapter 277 277. Gambling

Chapter 277 277. Gambling

The golden blade and the power of thunder greeted these zombies at the same time. After a wave, Yan Xu stopped his ability and drew his knife to face the zombies.

The battlefield was too close to the car, and Yan Xu was afraid that his thunder force would accidentally injure the car, so he decided to use a knife after opening the gap.

As a result, the following time was regarded as Yan Xu's personal performance time. Except for the zombies who fell down in the first wave of abilities, the rest of the zombies were almost completely wiped out by Yan Xu himself.

With a faster speed than the zombies, he chopped down the zombies without missing a beat. His figure was chic and elegant, but he swung the knife quickly, ruthlessly, accurately, and without muddling at all.

On the other hand, Li Rubin beheaded several zombies beside him.

It's not that he doesn't want to kill a few more, it's that Yan Xu's speed here is too fast.

This also made Li Rubin realize Yan Xu's strength. He can't eliminate so many zombies by force alone in a short period of time, and his abilities are even worse. Looking at the zombies all over the ground, Li Rubin couldn't help but feel a little depressed .

He thought that his ability should be regarded as very good, but he didn't expect to meet someone who made him feel that he was frustrated within two days of arriving at the base. This feeling was both low and complicated.

And Li Ruyi, who was always nervous in the car, finally put down the pistol she had been holding when she saw that there were no zombies standing.

After taking off this slack, she immediately felt a sore arm, and Li Ruyi understood that this was the sequelae of her being too nervous.

Soon, the zombies wandering around in the community were almost wiped out by Li Rubin and Yan Xu, at least they were no longer visible on the surface.

From when the zombies found them to when they eliminated the zombies, the survivors in the community had already noticed such a big movement, and some bold survivors had already gone downstairs.

None of these escaped Shi Xiao's eyes, she was waiting for these survivors to throw themselves into the trap, er, they found them, which would save them some effort.

When Yan Xu and Li Rubin walked back after cleaning up the zombies, several survivors also appeared in their sight.

Arranging that Li Ruyi was not allowed to come out, Shi Xiao opened the car door with a weapon in hand and walked towards the survivors.

The posture of carrying the ax is very bluffing, and the walking survivors stopped abruptly. She is really too imposing. The ax glistens under the influence of the sun and looks very sharp. Survivors I feel a little uneasy.

When Shi Xiao stood in front of them, Yan Xu and Li Rubin also happened to be here.

Looking at the three men and one woman who looked very strong with different auras, none of the survivors dared to speak up.

To be honest, if they hadn't seen these people face to face, they might not have dared to come down. They were also betting that these people were not the gang of villains that often appeared here.

Their neighborhood is the closest to the street, and they have a good view from the balcony. They have seen this group of murderous villains on the balcony many times.

Not only kill zombies, but also rob weaker groups than them.

Those who are sensible are better, maybe they can survive, but those who are not sensible will die unless they can defeat them.

The reason why they didn't enter this community was that the large number of zombies in the community blocked them, or it could be said that this group of zombies allowed them to escape the group of villains.

However, the zombies that made the villains fearful were easily wiped out by the two men, and their abilities were immediately superior.

Although they are all old men, they are just normal people without supernatural powers. When they see strong men who don't know whether they are good or bad, they will inevitably appear timid.

After all, his eyes did not dare to look at the strong men.

They are all human beings, why can't they see the fear in the eyes of the survivors, seeing this Shi Xiao smiled, and broke the silence first and opened his mouth.

Originally, she wanted to inquire about the news, so it was normal for her to speak up.

Shi Xiao: "Don't be nervous, we came from Shihe Base and want to ask you something."

"Shihe base?"

The surprised tone obviously did not know anything about the base, and several survivors who did not know each other looked at each other in blank dismay.

They haven't gone out for nearly two months, and they persisted until now. They took advantage of someone to clean up Anyang Town before, so they took the opportunity to stockpile some supplies.

Since then, I didn't dare to go out again. Later, when the zombies reappeared in the community and found that a group of villains had come to their town, I didn't dare to go out.

So the news is a bit blocked, I don't know there is such a place as the Shihe base.

The word Shihe is somewhat familiar. They know that there is a town called Shihe more than 20 miles away from Anyang Town, but they don't know if the two are connected. After all, this town is more remote.

"Yes, Shihe Base, oh, it used to be Shihe Town, where it has become a base now." Shi Xiao saw that these people had never heard of it, and explained a little.

Hearing this, several people finally looked up at the young lady with a soft voice.

Although Shi Xiao was wearing a mask, several big men were stunned for a while, but immediately felt two pairs of eyes like sharp knives shooting at them.

Immediately back to normal after Jijiling, he quickly lowered his head again, but there was still a man surnamed Xiao who dared to speak.

"Little... Miss, has Shihe Town really set up a base?"

He wanted to confirm again, if it was true, was there a place for them to go.

Shi Xiao nodded, "Really, many survivors have joined the base." Seeing what he meant, Shi Xiao added the last sentence.

When they heard this, they couldn't help showing joy in their eyes. This is really good news.

"Thank you, miss, for telling us the news. By the way, just now, miss said she wanted to inquire about something, but what is it?" the man surnamed Xiao thanked happily, and then took the initiative to pass the message over.

Shi Xiao pursed his lips and smiled, "Do you know Songwang Village? We want to go there?"

"Songwang Village?"

The man surnamed Xiao showed a troubled look on his face. He had heard of this village, but he really didn't know where it was, so he looked at the other people.

Someone really knew that a fat man raised his hand timidly and opened his mouth cautiously.

"I know, it's just a little far away."

Not only did Shi Xiao give him an extra look for his chubby appearance, but even Yan Xu and Li Rubin couldn't help but look at this man.

It has been more than three months since the end of the world, and this man can still maintain this body shape. Either there is no shortage of food at home, or he should be much fatter than this before.

"It's okay, I'll trouble you." Shi Xiao said.

Hearing this, the fat man showed a shy smile, and said, "Go straight along the main road of Anyang Town, turn right when you reach a gas station, and walk about two or three miles past a small bridge. Take a three-way road, turn left, and walk about a mile or two to the first village that appears."

Through the fat man's description, Shi Xiao had already outlined a road map in his mind, and then began to thank him.

"You're welcome." The fat man quickly waved his hands.

Knowing the exact address, Shi Xiao was in a good mood. She paused as she was about to leave, and turned to look at the fat man and the man just now.

"Shihe base is a good place, if you are interested, you can go there."

They nodded one after another. Since there are no zombies in the community, they must leave. Living in the same area with a group of villains is really disturbing. It is better to go to the Shihe base.

So after Shi Xiao and the others left, these people hurried back to their respective homes.

If you have family members, call your family members to pack up quickly, and if you don't have family members, it will be faster.

The soft-hearted did not forget to inform other survivors in the community they knew.

An hour and a half later, a convoy of more than a dozen vehicles drove out of the community and arrived at the Shihe base safely along the road when they came.

Of course, there were also some twists and turns. After all, the last road to Shihe Town they knew was blocked by a wall that shocked them.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, monthly ticket, monthly ticket, the recommendation and support of relatives and monthly ticket support, I love you (o▽)ノ Happy National Day ヾ(ε`*)
(End of this chapter)

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