Chapter 278

In the end, Fatty carefully found the traces of the car on a trail, and they finally found the base.

When the cold winter came half a month later, these people were extremely grateful for the decision they made today.

If they stayed at home, even without those people, they probably wouldn't be able to survive this cold winter. The thin warm clothes at home couldn't stop the sudden drop of dozens or even hundreds of degrees below zero.

When they came to the base, they collected a large amount of deadwood in advance because of the reminder from the base.

Not only that, the backer of their base, the base chief's sister, took all the mission teams out of the base during the past half month.

The result of following the boss is that they go out and come back with all their tails, not to mention the zombies they killed, the main reason is that they have collected enough supplies, and those who dare to fight in the severe winter don’t have to worry about food The problem.

Of course, they don't know it yet, and some of them are just uneasy when they first arrive in a strange place.


Songwang Village.

After waking up, Song Qian's right eye couldn't stop twitching, and she couldn't hold it down even when she was practicing. There was always a feeling that something was about to happen.

Even when eating, he just ate two bites of biscuits hastily.

Could it be that the group of people in the village did something wrong again.

The more Song Qian thought about it, the more she couldn't sit still, so she climbed to the exit of the cellar and listened carefully for a while, holding the kitchen knife at home.

It was very quiet, and there was no movement above.

But because her right eye kept beating wildly, Song Qian still didn't dare to go out, and continued to lie there and pay attention to the outside world.

Half an hour passed like this, and still nothing was heard.

Song Qian decided to go out and take a look. She couldn't feel at ease if she didn't go out to take a look.

If he is really discovered and blocked in this cellar, then he really has no chance.

As usual, a gap was slowly opened. After observing for a few minutes, no abnormalities were found, and then the scope of the exit was slowly increased, and the whole person crawled out.

Through the window of the utility room, Song Qian carefully observed the situation in the courtyard. She looked normal, but her right eye was still beating wildly.

Song Qian's intuition was right.

Because she went to bed late every night, Song Qian was in deep sleep in the morning. What she didn't know was that at this time during her deep sleep, the group of people from the village came to the courtyard again.

What is different from the past is that this time the boss of them also came here in person.

To be the boss must have some advantages, at least carefulness and courage are not lacking. I found clues on the bed where Song Qian sat. Although there are no obvious traces, there is too little dust here.

Regardless of whether the few people they disappeared were related to this discovery, the bosses were not prepared to let it go.

Although it was not found in the yard, being able to enter the yard meant that this person had something to do with the yard.

So they just need to ambush outside the yard and they will always catch this guy.

At this moment, Song Qian, who didn't know that someone was ambushing outside the yard, was still watching.

On the other side, after learning the exact address of Songwang Village, Shi Xiaoli and Li Ruyi were rushing towards Songwang Village at full speed, and they had already reached the three-way intersection.

And Song Qian had already appeared in her yard, and the intense uneasiness made her feel that there was no luck in her heart.

Looking at the door that was closed differently from last night, she had already confirmed that she might have been found.

Carefully move to the closed gate, and through the small gap in the door, there are two people in front of the left side of the gate. Although no one else can be seen, there must be people in other parts of her house.

Sure enough, after her observation, there were people in the front, back, left, and right of her house, and they really respected her.

So jumping over the wall will only be a self-inflicted trap, so it's better to take the initiative to attack, maybe you can be caught off guard and find an opportunity for yourself, so you won't be so passive.

Song Qian, who had already made up her mind, didn't hesitate anymore, she opened half of the door with lightning speed, and almost at the same time, the ice thorn in her hand shot towards the two whispering outside the door.

When they came to their senses, it was too late, the ice thorns were already close in front, they pierced their throats in shock, and fell down before they even had time to make a sound.

At the same time as the two fell down, the sound made meant that Song Qian had been exposed.

She quickly escaped from her old house and hid in the grass on the left side of the old house, which was as tall as a person.

Almost as soon as she hid, several people ran over from both sides of the old house, and the expressions of the two people who had lost their lives on the ground changed.

They immediately divided into two groups, two of them rushed into the yard to check, and the remaining three cautiously checked around the deceased, the ice thorns on the wound told them that the person who shot was a supernatural being.

Being able to pierce the same part to death with ice spikes at the same time, they had never seen such a good control ability from the supernatural beings in the team, which made them a little nervous.

Song Qian was also very nervous, she had never killed more than two people at the same time.

But after thinking about the tragic death of his parents, the tension disappeared instantly, and only hatred was left.

Perhaps because they were afraid of being attacked by her individually, the three of them did not act separately, but searched outside the door together.

Even so, Song Qian was not prepared to let go of this opportunity. She practiced the control of supernatural powers these days, not for nothing.

It was also an ice thorn, and Song Qian was ready to make a move when she saw the three of them walking towards her hiding place.

Three ice thorns appeared in front of the three of them without warning. One of them reacted quickly and used the knife in his hand to block the catastrophe. The other two didn't react so quickly.

The man backed up a few steps in shock, and shouted, "Who? Come out." He was not only the person in the warning grass, but also intended to inform the two people in the courtyard.

Song Qian came out of the grass as he wished, she had already been spotted and there was no need to hide.

She also wanted to get rid of this man before the two people in the courtyard came out.

Therefore, Song Qian quickly jumped out of the plant before the person drank, and at the same time, the two ice thorns continued to chase the person.

It's a pity that he didn't succeed this time. A wall suddenly appeared in front of the person who was already prepared, blocking the attack of the ice thorns.

Song Qian's eyes tightened. This is a supernatural person. Thinking of the two people in the courtyard, she hardly had to think about it. She ran towards the back of her courtyard decisively, which was the best way to escape.

Almost at the same time, the man behind the earthen wall discovered Song Qian's intention to escape, but when he saw his accomplice who had fallen to the ground and died tragically, the man hesitated for two seconds and waited for the two in the courtyard to join him.

This also unexpectedly gave Song Qian an extra two seconds of escape time.

At this time, the benefits of Song Qian's daily exercise were reflected. She used to be out of breath after running for a few steps, and ran towards the back of the house at an incredible speed.

I never thought of hiding in other yards. If I really did that, I would be killing myself.

Instead, she turned left directly behind the yard and ran towards the west, where a forest was her best hiding place.

While running, Song Qian heard a gunshot, and her speed abruptly increased by another speed.

She didn't expect that there were guns among them, she was really lucky, Song Qian thought to herself while running.

At the same time, Shi Xiao and the others, whose car was about to enter Songwang Village, also heard the gunshot, and their expressions suddenly became serious.

Almost without the urging of the two ladies in the car, Li Rubin's speed increased to the extreme.

Shi Xiao, who was worried, immediately released his mental power and stretched into Songwang Village in front of him.

And the boss and a few brothers who had been prostitution in the house early in the morning stopped immediately when they heard the gunshot.

Standing up with his naked and ugly body, he kicked the woman under him with a ferocious look in his eyes, and immediately ordered the people beside him to take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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