Chapter 279
Like a woman like the wind, Song Qian ran towards the woods at a high speed, and the distance between her and the chasing people grew wider and wider, from the initial 200 meters to hundreds of meters, and the distance was only a few meters away. About to step into the woods.

Seeing that the people in front were about to step into the woods, one of them became anxious, stopped decisively, raised his gun, aimed at Song Qian who was running wildly, and shot.

That kid killed many of their brothers, and he was planning to catch him alive, thinking that he must torture this man well to avenge his dead brother.

But it was a bit difficult to let him run into the woods and catch him again.

After several shots in a row, they obviously felt that the running kid stopped, but before they could cheer up, he still disappeared into the woods.

The expressions of several people were concentrated, and then they quickened their pace and rushed into the woods.

It's a pity that apart from the giant trees, there are all plants taller than people. It is very difficult to find a person.

I thought that this kid was injured, and it would be no problem to follow the blood trail, but the reality disappointed them.

There was indeed some blood on the edge of the woods, but the blood disappeared after a little further in.

They drilled for dozens of meters but did not find it, so they had to stop.

It is really that the vegetation is too exuberant, and it is easy to walk if it is all grass. The problem is that there are all kinds of plants here, and some are covered with thorns.

In just a short distance, their faces, necks, and hands were more or less bloodstained. Smelling the faint smell of blood, they were worried that no one would find them, and if something was attracted by the smell of blood, that would be terrible. The gain outweighs the loss.

Got shot by them anyway, not sure where the wound was, but there was little hope of surviving wounded in these circumstances, unless he was lucky enough to find a doctor in time.

Thinking of this, the three people who reached a consensus gave up the search, turned around and walked back along the way they came.

And standing a few meters away from them, Song Qian, who was tightly huddled at the base of the willow tree, looked at the person who disappeared from among the grass behind a willow tree, and breathed a sigh of relief.

But she still didn't dare to move, clutching her shoulders hard, the wound was covered with several kinds of leaves with a strong smell to cover up the smell of blood, and she shrank herself to the very root of the plant.

Sure enough, the person who left just now reappeared in the grass a few minutes later, seeing that he found nothing, turned around and left again while cursing.

This time, she should have really left. The sweaty Song Qian couldn't hold back and fell to the ground, enduring the pain from her wound.

At this moment, Shi Xiao, who had already arrived at Songwang Village, was blocked at the entrance of the village.

Shi Xiao didn't get out of the car, and she didn't get out of the car, let alone Li Ruyi.

Yan Xu and Li Rubin got out of the car to negotiate, but the effect seemed somewhat unsatisfactory, obviously the people in front were not prepared to let them come over.

Shi Xiao didn't have time to pay attention to the people in front of him right now, so there was nothing to worry about with Big Brother Yan around.

Sitting in the car, she was always uneasy because of the gunshots she heard earlier, and she focused all her attention on the scattered mental power.

I searched along the village, but found no trace of Song Qian, but found a cellar in an old house. A trolley box inside looked like Song Qian. Not only that, but there was also some food in the cellar.

Besides, besides the three cursing people on the road, there were also other people and things that disgusted Shi Xiao very much.

Obviously, the group of people who appeared in the village should belong to the same group as the passers-by, their faces are almost identical, and their eyes are full of calculation and cold blood.

There are about forty or fifty men, living in several adjacent houses. The two buildings in the middle are full of supplies, and the building next to them should be the residence of their boss. Someone is patrolling the surrounding area.

The big bald man who was torturing women in his mental strength and his cruel eyes should be the heads of these people, as can be seen from the flattering faces of the people around him.

In addition, apart from this group of people, there are only a few women in slightly veiled clothes left in the whole village, and the common feature of these women is that they are young.

Except for a few people who were being abused, the others were locked in two rooms. Fortunately, Shi Xiao didn't see Song Qian among the group of women.

While breathing a sigh of relief, I couldn't help feeling nervous, so where is Song Qian?
Could the cellar she discovered have anything to do with Song Qian?

There is still a lot of food left in it. If Song Qian's hiding place is really there, what about the people?

And uncles and aunts, if that place is really Song Qian's home, where are the uncles and aunts?
Thinking about it, Shi Xiao suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and hurriedly controlled his mental power to return to the old house.

Mental strength searched carefully along the yard again, not letting go of every place.

Finally, it stopped on a slightly raised ground on the vegetable field in the yard, with some sundries piled up on it, which was a bit strange compared to the surrounding plants that were taller than a person.

Then the mental power penetrated the sundries and penetrated the surface, and penetrated the wrapped quilt. Inside were two corpses, a man and a woman, whose bodies were obviously rotten.

However, Shi Xiao still recognized Uncle Song and Aunt Song from the outlines of a man and a woman. The more obvious evidence was the jade plaque on Auntie's neck. Shi Xiao had seen it before and would not admit it.

This discovery made Shi Xiaoxiao anxious. He really couldn't imagine how the soft and weak Song Qian was doing now, and how she was surviving under the noses of this group of people.

Thinking of this, my heart began to ache, but where would she go in the cellar without her?
Shi Xiao's mental power returned to the cellar again. After careful observation, he finally found a clue from a small bag of torn biscuits. The broken biscuits were still very crisp. If exposed to the air for a long time, it would not Crunchy feeling.

So Shi Xiao came to the conclusion that Song Qian should have left here not too long ago.

But... where will it be?

Wait, Shi Xiao suddenly remembered a detail, the three people who were swearing before, seemed to be talking about Lin Zi, and the boy, if they were shot, they couldn't survive, the one who didn't know how to say it was probably Sissi.

For some reason, the more Shi Xiao thought about it, the more he felt that it was Song Qian, so he began to look for places with forests in Songwang Village.

It was soon discovered that there was a large forest in the west and back of the village. If Song Qian hid in the forest to avoid these people, it was indeed very possible.

The woods behind the village are far away. If Shi Xiao was Song Qian, he would definitely choose the woods to the west in order to save his life.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated to decisively control his mental power to spread to the forest to the west.

With the advancement of mental power, the real Shi Xiao suddenly showed distress, with water splashing in his eyes, which frightened Li Ruyi in the car.

It was so sudden, I don't understand what happened to Xiaoxiao?
It was fine just now, although his expression was a little dull, but it was really fine.

Why did he cry in a blink of an eye, and also showed a very distressed and distressed look.

Li Ruyi hugged Shi Xiao quickly, and anxiously asked her what's wrong, it was rare to see Xiaoxiao crying, and Liu Yi cried along with her when she said that.

Then, I felt the world spinning for a while, and I was pulled out of the car by Xiaoxiao and rose to a high altitude.

Before he even had time to startle, he felt dizzy again, and the next moment he appeared outside a forest.

Li Ruyi, who was placed on the ground, looked at Caiyi behind her best friend stupidly, she was obviously overly shocked, and didn't know how to react.

So, she was carried by Xiaoxiao and flew here just now.

She flew into the sky just now, and came here at a faster speed than the plane.

Li Ruyi looked at him in a foolish way and smiled, and then something that shocked her unfolded under her gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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