I just want to have a good time

Chapter 280 280. Discovery, Healing

Chapter 280 280. Discovery, Healing

The plants in front of her separated automatically under her nose, revealing the ground below.

Passively, she was pulled into the plant by Xiaoxiao. When she reached a distance of 80-[-] meters, she turned left a few meters and saw a scene that made Li Ruyi cover her mouth, and her eyes were soaked with tears again.

There was a person lying on the side of the willow tree root in front of him. Although only half of his face was smudged, and he was wearing men's clothes and his hair cut like a dog chewing on it, Li Ruyi recognized Song Qian at a glance.

At this moment, her eyes are closed, her face is covered with sweat, her right hand is tightly covering her shoulder, and she doesn't know whether she is asleep or fainted.

The two rushed to the place where Song Qian fell to the ground almost at the same time.

Li Ruyi, who wanted to hug Song Qian, was stopped by Shi Xiao, pointed to Song Qian's shoulder, and gently removed Song Qian's hand covering her back, and then a pile of blood-soaked leaves slid down.

Seeing this, Li Ruyi knew why Song Qian was holding her shoulders all the time, and it wasn't because she thought she was sleeping, but fainted.

Enduring heartache and tears, Li Ruyi hurriedly helped Xiaoxiao to peel off Song Qian's black coat carefully. Only after she did it herself did Li Ruyi realize that the back of Song Qian's coat was wet with blood.

After all, she still couldn't hold back her tears, and she saw the wound on her shoulder through her tearful eyes, and immediately recognized it as a gunshot wound.

The injured part has an irregular hole shape, and there are traces of high temperature burns around it, which is very consistent with the knowledge she has learned in the club.

There is no bullet hole in the front of the shoulder, it can be seen that the bullet is stuck in the body, and the blood is still bleeding.

Li Ruyi had studied and trained in this area, but it was another thing to actually see it, especially when she saw the wound that did not stop bleeding and covered her hands with her hands, she panicked.

Immediately she looked at Shi Xiao for help, when she saw Shi Xiao's distressed but calm expression, for some reason, her flustered heart gradually calmed down, seeing such a smile, she suddenly felt that Sissy would be fine .

"Xiaoxiao, what should I do?" Taking a deep breath, Li Ruyi, who slowly calmed down, looked at Shi Xiao.

Knowing that Li Ruyi was frightened, Shi Xiao reluctantly gave her a comforting smile, seeing Qianqian who still hadn't woken up after being tortured by the two of them, felt very distressed.

He said, "Ruru, gently help her sit up, and I'll heal her."

"Ah..." Li Ruyi looked puzzled at Xiaoxiao, who was as empty as her, but her body was more honest. With the help of Xiaoxiao, she gently helped Song Qian sit up and supported her.

Immediately afterwards, I saw my best friend's hand was wrapped in a thick green mist, attached to Sissy's front shoulder.

Although it was the first time I saw it, she also knew that it was Gui Xiaoxiao's ability, but the wound was obviously at the back, and she didn't understand why Xiaoxiao started from the uninjured place in the front.

But then she knew why.

As the dense fog of Shi Xiao's restoration of vitality penetrated into Song Qian's body, the cells and molecules damaged by the bullets slowly split and split, and then split until they recovered, and then the recovered cells slowly moved out against the bullets embedded in them, While moving, the injured part is also slowly recovering.

The process was very painful, so Song Qian began to regain consciousness in the pain, and slowly opened her eyes.

Wanting to struggle, she seemed to see a familiar person in a trance, Song Qian thought she was dreaming.

At this time, how could she see Xiaoxiao? Could it be that she was dying, so she had hallucinations.

Song Qian was very happy even if she had hallucinations, she showed a weak smile to Shi Xiao in front of her, and then was interrupted by the sudden sharp pain.

Such obvious pain brought Song Qian back to reality, looked at Xiaoxiao who was still in front of her eyes, and blinked away the sweat that dripped from her eyelashes because of the pain, so it wasn't that she was hallucinating.

She felt that there was another person behind her who wanted to turn her head, but Shi Xiao stopped her.

"Don't move, it's Ruru behind you." Shi Xiao explained her confusion, and the frown that had been frowning all this time was finally completely loosened.

Song Qian's eyes were covered by a layer of water mist in the familiar crisp and soft voice that didn't match the girl's personality, and she completely forgot about the pain in her body.

"Qiqian, it's me, don't move, Xiaoxiao is helping you heal your injuries." Li Ruyi also knew that Song Qian had woken up, and hurriedly said out in joy.

Opening her mouth, Song Qian said "Okay". If Shi Xiao and Li Ruyi weren't close, she might not have heard the good word, which shows how weak she is at this time.

Song Qian was weak, she didn't press the wound hard enough in a coma, there was a lot of blood, she really thought it was going to be over, she didn't expect such a surprise waiting for her, Song Qian was really happy.

She was obedient and didn't move, she could see the green fog in Xiaoxiao's hands, although she didn't know what it was, but she knew that Xiaoxiao wouldn't harm her.

The wound was still in severe pain, and Song Qian, who wanted to keep smiling, was always unsuccessful and cried out in pain.

"Qiqian, what's wrong with you?" Li Ruyi, who couldn't see the situation, shouted worriedly.

Song Qian, who was enduring severe pain, still shook her head with difficulty in order to let Li Ruyi say that she was fine.

Shi Xiao, who saw it, was very distressed, but he had to continue. If he wanted to completely recover the bullet, he had to push it out, and this process could not be omitted.

With mental strength, she can clearly see that the supernatural power is removing the necrotic cells, re-dividing and then recovering, and pushing the necrotic substances and bullets to move out of the bullet holes. How could this process be painless.

The whole repair process lasted for a few minutes, and finally a bullet and some black substances were pushed out of the wound, which Li Ruyi saw clearly.

As the bullets were pushed out, fleshy teeth quickly sprouted from the wound right under Li Ruyi's nose, and healed up without even leaving a scar.

If Li Ruyi hadn't witnessed it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed anything she said. The wound would heal at such an astonishing speed. Seeing that there was still a lot of blood on her shoulder, Li Ruyi felt that Qianqian's injury was a hallucination.

The wound has healed, but Shi Xiao still hasn't stopped the input of abilities.

This injury caused Song Qian to lose a lot of blood, and it was very difficult to pretend that the pool of blood on the ground was invisible.

If it weren't for the general improvement of people's physique after the end of the world, according to the amount of bleeding, it would be really ominous.

Shi Xiao continued to comb Song Qian's body with supernatural powers, enhancing the activity of her body cells and the toughness of the eight meridians. During this process, she inevitably found a wave of energy in the veins, wandering in Qian Qian's body , it's not too strong to be able to reach the first level.

This was the first surprise since discovering Song Qian, Shi Xiao carefully avoided this energy and continued to sort out.

As the pain disappeared, Song Qian felt a comfortable breath floating in her body, and the previous weakness also slowly disappeared with the comfortable breath, and in the end she even felt better than her previous best period.

After 1 minute, Shi Xiao withdrew his ability, and looked at Song Qian who no longer felt weak in front of him with satisfaction.

"How is Qianqian feeling? Are you all right?" Li Ruyi carefully moved to the front and looked at Song Qian with concern, not daring to let go of the hand she had been holding on.

"It's okay, don't worry." Song Qian patted Li Ruyi's hand that was holding her nervously, and returned a gentle and comforting smile.

It's just that the thinner body than before, the smudges all over the face, and the dog-gnawing hair made Li Ruyi feel sad.

How much Sissy cherished herself before, her black hair had to be taken care of regularly every week, and she was even reluctant to burn her.

Li Ruyi, who had never felt that she loved to cry, was red-eyed again looking at the embarrassed Qianqian.

"He also said it's okay. Look at how you have tossed yourself. If Xiaoxiao hadn't discovered you in time, we'd have collected your body."

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(End of this chapter)

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