Chapter 281
Saying "wow", she hugged Song Qian and burst into tears. Fortunately, she knew that Song Qian's wound was just right, and she knew how to avoid it, and her movements were very gentle.

Song Qian hugged Li Ruyi helplessly and patted her on the back lightly.

It's the end of the world, Ruru is still so well protected, her temperament is still so pure, she can laugh when she wants, cry when she wants, but it's really good, Song Qian couldn't help but shed tears of happiness.

At the moment when Li Ruyi cried loudly, Shi Xiao controlled the surrounding plants to return to their original state, and even grow taller, stronger and denser.

With such a loud cry, if nothing else happens, it will not take a while to attract the group of people in the village.

But it's good, Shi Xiaozheng was furious, and wanted to find a place to vent his anger.

On the other side, Shi Xiao took Li Ruyi out of the car and suddenly spread his wings and disappeared into the air, which stunned Li Rubin and the people on the roadblock.

Only Yan Xu frowned and looked at the place where Shi Xiao disappeared in the sky.

Must have found something?Otherwise, Shi Xiao wouldn't disappear so abruptly with Miss Li.

Impatient with dealing with these people, Yan Xu, who was worried in his heart, went straight back and got into the car. Li Rubin, who was shocked by Yan Xu, also quickly got into the car, suppressing the surprise and worry in his heart.

Earlier, my younger sister said that Shi Xiao was very powerful. Although he believed it, he felt that it was because of her blind trust in her best friend. To be honest, he still had some reservations.

Seeing this scene now, I am afraid that Shi Xiao is really as powerful as the younger sister said, the ability to disappear in an instant is beyond compare, and he believes that Shi Xiao is not a reckless person, so the safety of the younger sister should be correct.

And Yan Xu sat directly in the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator the moment Li Rubin got into the car and closed the door, and rushed forward regardless of the roadblock ahead.

With such a sudden movement, the person in front of the roadblock who had just come back to his senses was frightened and rushed to the side, but if he was too late, his life would be lost.

Although they were not hit by the car in the end, they were not much better. Somehow, it was such a coincidence that the roadblock that was hit by the car landed on them so embarrassingly dodging.

After being hit by a car with a huge force, one can imagine the power of the roadblock falling with a strong impact. It smashed them to the ground and lay on the ground for a long time, unable to get up, and two of them fell into a coma.

It was also because of this smash that they were unable to inform the boss of the two people who forcibly broke into the village.

In fact, even if they could get up from the ground immediately, they would not see the boss when they got to the place.

At this moment, their boss was leading a group of people walking quickly towards the place where the cries sounded.

The crying sound was too strange, and it was a woman's voice, plus the men who died before, and the men who were killed today, all these made the boss feel a faint sense of uneasiness, so he decided to check it out for himself Down.

Not long ago, when he learned from the three people sent to monitor that four more subordinates had died, he, who was already tyrannical, didn't suppress his anger at all, and rewarded one of them at that time.

Adding to the fact that the direction the crying sound came from was the place where the person who was said to have killed them disappeared, it felt even more strange.

Under the guidance of the sound, they quickly approached the place where the sound came from, and under the gesture of their boss, their speed gradually slowed down.

At this time, the crying was not as obvious as when they heard it at first, it turned into a sobbing soft voice, which made people's hearts soften after hearing it.

However, this group of people is not included. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. If these people can get together to form a team and do a lot of evil, it means that they are all the same in essence.

They stopped in front of the forest, and looked at the place full of plants in front with unkind faces, and the sound of sobbing came from here.

As the boss, Shan Liang's eyes were fierce, and his eyes were like a poisonous snake staring at the front tightly, showing a cruel grin.

Under his gaze, the two quickly walked out and walked towards the bushes.

Looking at the densely tangled plants and vines, I thought there would be obstacles, but I didn't expect to walk in very smoothly.

Only a few minutes later, the person who entered disappeared like a disappearance, and did not respond, Shan Liang's face became ugly, and his whole person was gloomy and terrifying.

Then someone shouted a few more times, but unfortunately there was still no answer.

Immediately, a thin man boldly looked at their boss, "Boss, maybe they walked too far and didn't hear them."

That's what I said, but everyone felt something was wrong.

Shan Liang stared at him intently, seeing that the man was breaking out in cold sweat, he didn't dare to say a word, and then under his cold eyes, several people went in.

As a result, a few minutes passed quickly, and these four people, like the previous two, disappeared without a word.

Now Shan Liang's face can no longer be described as gloomy.

The intermittent sobbing still sounded, hooking their nerves, and now they all knew that there was something weird in the woods.

Already losing six of his subordinates in a row, Shan Liang stopped thinking about sending people in if he didn't take the lives of his subordinates seriously. He looked at the plants in front of him with cold eyes.

It would be a mistake to think that this would prevent them from entering.

"Steel head, use fire" Shan Liang looked at the person beside him.

"Using fire?" The man called Gang Steelhead looked at the lush plants in front of him and at the village not far away, and he spoke despite his fear.

"Boss, it's not right. This place is too close to where we live. If the fire spreads to our place, then..." Steel Tou didn't continue.

"Are you questioning my order, or are you saying I'm stupid?" Shan Liang looked at him displeased, his eyes full of bloodthirsty madness.

The most annoying thing is that others question him.

"No, no", Gangzi was so frightened that his legs became limp and sweated, remembering the boss's ruthlessness, he hurriedly took a few steps forward.

He never mentioned the matter of fire or not. Anyway, if the supplies were burned, it was not his business alone. At that time, everyone would have nothing to eat together.

"What about Xiaoxiao? They're going to set fire to it." Li Ruyi stopped her sobs and looked at Shi Xiao worriedly.

"Then are you afraid?" Shi Xiao didn't answer, but the two girlfriends asked back.

Li Ruyi was taken aback for a moment, with fear on her face, she rolled her eyes and smiled.

"I'm afraid, being burned by fire, it's only a fool who is not afraid, but being with you is not as scary as I imagined. It's just that when I think that my parents will be sad when they hear the news of my death, I don't feel good."

Unlike Li Ruyi, Song Qian shook her head firmly, but her eyes were full of guilt. If it wasn't because of her, Xiaoxiao and Ruyi wouldn't be caught in this mirror.

Looking at Song Qian who was seriously guilty, Li Ruyi couldn't help laughing.

"Xiaoxiao, I did a good job just now." The arrogant look is not as scared and uncomfortable as before.

"Yes, you are amazing." Shi Xiao smiled helplessly.

How could Shi Xiao forget that besides being good at psychology, Li Ruyi's favorite thing is acting. Song Qian was obviously deceived by Ruyi again.

The reaction of the two made Song Qian a little confused, and her expression was the same as before, so Ruyi was not really afraid.

"What a nerd, I don't blame you for being a teacher. Besides, why are you feeling guilty? I am guilty if you want to feel guilty. These people were attracted by my crying, and you don't believe it. Smile !"

After speaking, Li Ruyi wanted to bring Song Qian over as usual, but suddenly remembered Song Qian's injured shoulder not long ago, but in the end, Xiao Niao leaned on Song Qian's other uninjured shoulder.

"No, how could I not believe Xiaoxiao, I just..."

"Okay, I understand, I won't tease you anymore." Li Ruyi looked at Song Qian who was in tears, her voice was soft, and her movements were even softer. She wiped her dirty face with her clothes, not wanting to make Qian Qian cry again up.

(End of this chapter)

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