I just want to have a good time

Chapter 282 282. No such coincidence

Chapter 282 282. No such coincidence

But Song Qian's tears still fell from her eyes. Since her parents died, she thought she had become very strong.

Except that she cried hard on the day her parents died tragically, she has never shed a single tear since then, but when she saw the pain and care in the eyes of her good sisters, she still couldn't help it, and suddenly turned back to her in front of them. the former self.

How many good deeds did she do in her previous life to have two good sisters who cherish her so well in this life.

Li Ruyi didn't expect that she really made Qianqian cry, so she hurriedly begged for mercy, "Oh, Qianqian, it's my fault, I shouldn't tease you, so don't cry, I want to follow when I cry, be good, be good!"

Then he hurriedly helped Song Qian wipe away her tears, and successfully turned Song Qian from crying to laughing. Li Ruyi also heaved a sigh of relief, and then looked at Shi Xiao with two trusting eyes.

And Shi Xiao was really honored to be stared at by two trusting eyes, and cast a reproachful glance at Li Ruyi who was almost overturned.

But after her jokes, Song Qian's mood is obviously much better than before.

Let the two of them stand behind him, Shi Xiao, who turned around, had an instant cold look in his eyes, a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and a slight movement of his right index finger hanging by his side.

The steel head standing in front of the forest looked at the fireball floating in his hand, but he still hesitated and didn't throw it down immediately.

"What are you dawdling for?" Dan Liang obviously lost his patience, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

This drink made Steel Head tremble, and he wanted to throw the fireball out regardless.

But at this moment, an unknown plant shot out like an arrow, and the steel head disappeared in front of their eyes in the blink of an eye, leaving only a cluster of flames on the ground that were about to disappear.

This sudden change caused everyone who was not far from the forest to take a few steps back, and almost everyone's eyes were filled with horror.

"The plants here won't become spirits." One of them subconsciously yelled out the words in his heart, and at the same time, his body took a few steps back very honestly, with horror in his eyes.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the crowd who were already thinking wildly changed drastically. Thinking of the person who had disappeared before, they couldn't help taking a few steps back.

This kind of unseen and untouchable threat is what makes people feel even more frightened. If it weren't for the scruples of the boss, they would actually want to retreat even further.

He sneaked a glance at the boss, fortunately, the boss was paying attention to the place where the plant disappeared, and he didn't seem to notice them.

If he annoyed the boss, he didn't need to do anything with the refined plants, and he would send them on the road ahead of schedule.

It's not that Shan Liang didn't hear it, his sinister eyes gleamed fiercely, this account was written down, and it was not the time for them to settle accounts when such weird plants appeared.

The plants that suddenly appeared just now are indeed very strange, but if it is said that the plants become fine and good, I don't believe there will be such a coincidence.

Under Shan Liang's threatening eyes, another fire-type power user is ready, and he is also ready to go. Once the man-eating plants appear, his gold-type power is not vegetarian.

Frightened by the boss's lingering prestige, the supernatural being activated even though he was unwilling in his heart, and then almost instantly a lightning-fast plant rolled him and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, leaving only the lingering sound of a scream.

Even Shan Liang, who was already prepared, didn't have time to save this person. He obviously overestimated himself and underestimated the plants that appeared.

Another person was missing. This time, everyone no longer had any chances of luck. They quickly gathered together, drew their weapons, and made defensive postures.

The same is true for Shan Liang who is surrounded by everyone.

It's not that they didn't think about leaving, it's just that the boss didn't leave. If their younger brothers dared to leave early, they would end up in a very miserable end, with no chance of survival.

Time passed by, and just when they thought that these plants would not appear again and were about to retreat, several plants suddenly appeared and shot at them like lightning.

The speed was too fast, I just felt a green light flash in front of my eyes, and then there were few people among them. When the ability shot, it was completely lonely, leaving only a few tangled leaves.

They don't know that this is just an appetizer, and there will be a scene that they will never forget.

"Boss, this thing is too fast, let's withdraw."

It's only been a while and they have already lost a dozen people, but the plant doesn't even look real, and if they stay there, they will be wiped out, one of them boldly said.

Seeing this, the others quickly looked at the boss,

In fact, even if no one said that Shan Liang was going to take people away, this plant was a bit evil, and the speed was too fast, and it had already disappeared by the time they realized it.

Among these people, three supernatural beings were also lost, and it would be a lie if Shan Liang didn't feel distressed.

Nodding his head, when he was about to turn around and leave with his men, he found that he couldn't go anymore.

It's too evil, and I don't know how these plants appeared under their noses.

Countless vines seemed to be given life, just hanging in the air above them and swaying non-stop.

That arrogant look seemed to be mocking them.

Shan Liang was the first to react, and almost immediately condensed a dozen or so golden blades and shot them out. He still couldn't believe that there was really nothing he could do with these plants.

His shot also made other people react. Those with supernatural powers used their housekeeping skills, and those without supernatural powers took out their knives and guns to defend and shoot.

At the same time, the plants also started to move, the sounds of the supernatural guns and the whipping of the plants merged together, playing a chaotic symphony.

At the same time, gunshots rang out from their stronghold. Shan Liang, who was in the middle of the plant battle, showed anxiety in the direction of the gunshot, knowing that something happened to their lair, but at this time he was beyond his control, whether he could escape All problems.

It was the first time that Shan Liang felt scared. When facing zombies and animals, he was not as scared as he was at this moment.

These plants are completely irregular, and their regenerative ability is terrible. Almost in a blink of an eye, the sky above them is covered with a circle of plants, completely enclosing them, and even if they want to escape, they can't do it.

No matter how many golden blades he condensed and cut how many vines, there will still be more vines shooting at him.

As for the use of knives and guns, their shooting skills can be imagined when they were nervous, but before they swung the knives down, they suddenly realized that there was no weapon in their hands, and they were thrown to the ground.

The whole battle lasted for a minute or so, and finally ended with the annihilation of their entire army, all of them were tightly wrapped in canes and were dying.

Everyone was extremely miserable, the clothes on their bodies were completely in rags, their bodies were covered with deep bony scars, and blood was oozing out along the vines.

Almost at the same time, the war between Yan Xu and Li Rubin on the other side also ended.

After Yan Xu and Li Rubin drove into the village, they got out of the car not far away.

Because I don't know where Shi Xiao and the others went, I can only use the most primitive method to check a little bit.

The dozens of households in front of the village were left by them, all of which looked dilapidated and dilapidated, and none of them survived.

Vaguely, in some courtyards, bloodstains covered with dead leaves can be found. The strange thing is that there are bloodstains but no bones.

Combined with the faces of those people blocking the road at the head of the village, the two who already felt that something was wrong couldn't help but speed up and walked towards the village.

That is, at a distance of tens of meters, something was discovered.

It was four people, constantly patrolling around several houses.

It should be the same as the group of people blocking the way, and there is an aura that they are not easy to mess with on his face and around his body.

A flash of hostility flashed in Yan Xu's eyes. He wanted to find Shi Xiao as soon as possible, but his patience was almost exhausted.

Unable to wait, he stepped out of the corner first, and quickly ran towards one of them.

In Yan Xu's eyes, the fastest way is to face it.

Seeing this, Li Rubin followed closely. His kung fu these years was not in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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