Chapter 283

The sudden appearance of the two made the expressions of the patrolling people change drastically.

How could strangers randomly appear in their village? No matter who they were, no one's relatives could come in without the permission of the boss. Besides, no one came back from the village entrance to report.

So where did these two come from.

The clothes on their bodies are too clean, and it looks like people who have never suffered in the last days. With naked jealousy flashing in their eyes, they feel really not good, and they feel all kinds of grievances in their hearts.

A man with a jealous and ferocious face walked towards them and shouted: "Stop, who are you and why are you here? This is a private area, who allowed you to come in?"

"Joke, we still need permission to go back to our own village, why has this place become your private place since then?" Seeing that Yan Xu, who was getting more and more air-conditioned, had no intention of speaking, Li Rubin had no choice, and said.

Apparently, this somewhat arrogant remark displeased the person on the other side. He showed his knife and surrounded the two of them, "If you said you were going back to your own village, then you will go back to your own village. Let me tell you, this village now belongs to us. And it's too late for you guys to leave, you should quickly put down your weapons, maybe..."

Perhaps before it was over, this person felt that he was flying up, enjoyed the joy of flying, and then fell heavily to the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell into a coma.

It's that simple and rude.

The corners of Li Rubin's eyes twitched, as he expected, Yan Xu next to him was a violent person, someone who could do anything and would never force him.

Of course, he was not bad either. He kicked another person over at a speed not much slower than Yan Xu's, and also fell heavily to the ground.

Li Rubin frowned, but he didn't vomit blood, it seems that he used less strength, so let's do it again.

His eyes stared evilly at the only person standing, avoiding the sharp knife that was slashed at him, clamped his hands, the knife fell under great pain, and then kicked hard, the person lay on the ground, vomiting blood, and fell into a coma .

Perfect, Li Rubin grinned.

As for Yan Xu who ended the battle neatly one step ahead of him, the two seriously injured were lying on the ground at this moment.

So the two looked at the only person on the ground who was not unconscious, and frowned.

At this moment, this person is struggling to get up from the ground.

He just got up with a lot of effort, but Li Rubin stomped on the ground again, then gave him a gentle smile, and kicked him unconscious.

Just like that, the two beat everyone in these buildings down like no man's land.

It's not that the people here are too weak, but that they are too strong.

Even Li Rubin is already in the late stage of the first-order ability, and has extraordinary skills, not to mention Yan Xu, the ability has reached the stage where he can break through the fifth-order at any time.

Even if the opponent took out the gun, he only persisted for a few seconds longer.

And the supernatural ability can't go a round in Yan Xu's hands, the level difference is too big, it is almost instant in seconds, the whole body trembles with electricity, and white smoke comes out from the mouth.

Even more than a dozen women were found in two well-enclosed rooms, apparently they were imprisoned here.

They were not released, and after confirming that there was no one threatening them, the two quickly ran towards the direction where the screams had been uttering.

Yan Xu had a very strong premonition that Shi Xiao was there.

In the end, they were still a step too late, and when they arrived, they couldn't help at all except for the corpses all over the ground.

At this time, there was an extra person in front of them who didn't know whether it was a man or a woman, sitting on the ground with a blood-dripping knife.

After arriving, Yan Xu silently stood beside Shi Xiao, his eyes were focused and enthusiastic, and his uneasy heart began to reset the moment he saw this girl.

Li Rubin did the same, completely ignoring the blood-stained ground and corpses, only his own sister and Shi Xiao in his eyes, and at the same time he was relieved to see that the two were safe and sound, then he was distracted and focused on holding the knife On the man who has been in a daze.

For some reason, the more I looked at it, the less familiar this man looked, although at the moment he seemed to be covered in blood.

"Song Qian" Li Rubin yelled out, and recognized that this was another good friend of the younger sister.

It was also this exclamation that brought Song Qian who was in a daze back to her senses.

Seeing the bloody Hulachai's corpse in front of her, Song Qian's eyes were blurred, tears rolled down like broken beads, she held her breath a few times, and finally burst into tears.

At the same time as hearing this cry, Shi Xiaoli and Li Ruyi, who had been worried about looking at Song Qian, felt completely at ease.

It's good to cry out, and you won't hold it in your heart when you vent, so you don't have to worry about getting sick after a long time.

The two squatted down and hugged Shi Qian, who was covered in blood, and hugged the girl tightly in their arms. They gently stroked Song Qian's back, comforted them, and murmured softly: "It's okay, it's okay!" ".

Thinking of Song Qian's suffering these days, and thinking of the hatred on her face when she walked towards these people step by step, Shi Xiao felt that it was too cheap for these people to die.

Although Song Qian didn't say anything, she didn't ask, but she could guess that the deaths of uncles and aunts had something to do with these people, and now this strong hatred confirmed her guess.

So, damn these scumbags.

Only by letting Song Qian avenge herself, can she get out of the death of her uncle and aunt, and eliminate the backlog of hatred in her heart.

It can be guessed that this should be the reason why Song Qian has stayed in Songwang Village, otherwise, if she really wants to escape from Songwang Village, it is not really impossible.

In this way, Shi Xiao and Li Ruyi who didn't dare to persevere, followed Song Qian who was holding a knife, and chopped up these scum entwined with plants one by one.

Although Li Ruyi didn't know what happened, she could really feel the strong hatred on her best friend's face,

At this moment, no matter what her best friend does, she can only support her. Even if she is afraid of killing someone, she never closes her eyes and supports Song Qian with her own initiative.

The two of them just hugged Song Qian and comforted them gently, and they didn't move lightly until the crying disappeared and a while later.

At this moment, the little face covered with tears and smudges was already asleep, but those little hands that were also smeared with stains were tightly grasping the clothes of Shi Xiao and Li Ruyi.

Seeing Song Qian who was sleeping soundly, especially that uneven dog-gnawing hair made Shi Xiaoli and Li Ruyi feel distressed in his eyes.

In order not to wake up Song Qian, Shi laughed at Li Ruyi and finally took off her coat, refused Li Rubin's help, and hugged Song Qian with a relaxed princess hug.

Li Ruyi, who was wearing her elder brother's jacket, carefully guarded them, while Yan Xu and Li Rubin followed them closely like two bodyguards.

While walking, he glanced at Yan Xu who was silent, and Li Rubin, who had already touched Yan Xu's character, took the initiative to quickly talk about what he and Yan Xu had done before, emphatically mentioning that the two small black rooms were closed. dozens of women.

The direction they are going at this moment is going there. This is also what makes Li Rubin strange. He just said how Shi Xiao knows the place so accurately.

Seeing the complete trust of the other two, Li Rubin finally suppressed the doubts in his heart.

A few minutes later, they appeared outside the base camp of this group of people. Shi Xiao didn't intend to let the sleeping Song Qian go in.

Instead, they chose a fairly clean tree and asked Li Ruyi to spread her clothes underneath, and then put Song Qian on it. Li Ruyi guarded it, and at the same time, Li Rubin, who was worried, was with her.

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(End of this chapter)

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