Chapter 284 284. Take it back

After that, Shi Xiao completely ignored the people who were unconscious on the ground. These people were to blame. It was her kindness not to make up the knife. She walked directly into a building where supplies were stored by stepping on their bodies.

There was a burst of violence to demolish the door, and then it was collected. These scumbags don't deserve to have these materials.

That's really not a single bit left, and then they walked out with Yan Xu and continued to the next household.

Shi Xiao stopped collecting supplies until the imprisoned women were released.

These women are very pitiful, but Shi Xiao has nothing to say, saying that he looks pale in front of these tortured women, but silently took out a thicker coat and clothes from the space and gave them to them, showing her kindness .

Then there were twenty or so people in a coma, Shi Xiao was really a little troubled to see.

Have no idea what to do?
It is a pity to keep them here because they are afraid of continuing to do evil. It is a pity to kill these strong laborers.

Immediately Shi Xiao looked at Yan Xu, and decided to seek the opinion of the vice captain.

"Brother Yan, what do you think these people should do?"

Yan Xu glanced at the little minions on the ground, and understood what Xiaoxiao meant. It was a pity to kill these people, and he was worried about abandoning them.

"These are all young and strong laborers. It's a pity to kill them. Why don't we let them work with the last batch of people brought back?"

It can still be used to make use of the residual heat. There are quite a few unowned fields in the base. In the long run, these fields must not be allowed to fall into disrepair, so someone must cultivate them.

The more than 20 people brought back last time were thrown to Liu Neng by Shi Yu. After Liu Neng trained them well, each of them was divided into ten acres of land, and they were all busy in the field.

Just harvest the mature corn after the mutation, and then continue to work until the winter wheat is planted.

Of course, if you think this is the end, that is impossible. The work in the field is over, and there is still a lot of work in the base. In short, they will not be left idle. This is the price of doing evil.

Don’t do it, okay, come back and continue training, they have color marks on their faces, they can’t go anywhere in the base, let alone get out, it’s very difficult to escape, after all, there are special people watching them all the time.

"Well, just do what Brother Yan said." Shi Xiao nodded, it's really a pity that so many strong laborers were killed.

Although it is the end of the world, the land and rivers that are actually polluted due to aura are almost negligible, as long as there are plants growing, they can be cultivated.

The base has stored a lot of supplies, but it is not a long-term solution. Self-sufficiency is the foundation. Therefore, the base encourages everyone to grow land and vegetables.

Except for the land in the base that is privately owned by the base, there is no limit to how much you can plant as long as you have the ability. You can also borrow grain from the base, but you need to register after planting the grain. When collecting grain, you only need to hand over the grain. One-tenth of it.

It can be said that as long as you are not lazy, you will definitely not starve to death in the coming year.

Someone made up his mind and stopped entangled, Shi Xiao quickly used his supernatural powers to tie up more than 20 men and throw them into their own truck.

As for the dozen or so women, those who are willing to follow will follow, and those who are unwilling can leave on their own, and Shi Xiao will give them some supplies out of humanity.

After all, they are all women who have suffered trauma. They feel insecure in their hearts, and it is normal for them to no longer trust others.

For this kind of thing, Shi Xiao doesn't force it, although she thinks it will be more beneficial for these women to return to the base with them for their future survival.

In the end, the women all decided to go back together.

On the one hand, it is because they have no place to go, and they have no ability, otherwise they would not be tortured by these people in the small dark room locked up by them.

On the other hand, they were not stupid. The people who rescued them had no malicious eyes. Two of the men didn't even look at them directly, let alone the kind of eyes that made them feel disgusted.

The most important point is that they saw the fate of those villains, and they were tightly stunned and tied up. All kinds of factors combined, although they would feel uneasy in their hearts, they were still willing to believe it once.

Regarding the women's decision, Shi Xiao only said meaningfully, "You will be grateful for the decision you made today."

There is no shortage of cars in Songwang Village. All kinds of cars parked on the village road belong to the villains in the village.

So if you want to follow them, you can only drive by yourself. Fortunately, few people can't drive now.

Considering their survival after entering the base in the future, Shi Xiao distributed a certain amount of supplies to each of them, including clothes, water and food. As for the future, they will have to rely on themselves.

Finally, Shi Xiao went to Song Qian's house again, collected all her things in the cellar, bowed three times to the sleeping place of Song's father and mother Song, picked up Song Qian who was still sleeping, and got into the car, leaving this sad place. place.

It was half an hour after they arrived at the base, and the speed was not fast. The main reason was to let Song Qian sleep more comfortably, so the speed was fixed at around [-].

The women and scumbags rescued from the car were handed over to Jin Yunchang who was on duty, while Shi Xiao took Song Qian back to Shijia Village directly.

When she carefully carried Song Qian to the house, Shi's father and mother were shocked.

It's really that Song Qian is too far from what they saw before, and she is too embarrassed.

It was impossible to tell that she was the original delicate beauty, not to mention the dirty and dirty ones, and even the hair was unbearable to look at.

Seeing a child like this made the two old people feel bad. Shi Ma quickly followed her daughter and Li Ruyi up to the second floor, and helped them put the child in the daughter's room.

In order not to wake Song Qian up, they didn't scrub the girl. At this moment, everyone only felt distressed, and they didn't care about that little cleanliness.

Shi Xiao, in particular, was still full of regrets. If she had found her earlier, perhaps the tragedy could have been prevented.

Unfortunately, there are no ifs in this world.

She was also careless, thinking that Song Qian would have no problems in a short time when she returned to her hometown, forgetting that there is no problem in this world, so there will be no problems.

Seeing Song Qian lying on the bed in a mess, Mama Shi sighed distressedly, this is a great crime!

Then I went downstairs, thinking about making some delicious food for the child, so that I can make up for it.

Shi Xiao and Li Ruyi stayed upstairs the whole time. As for Li Rubin, after arriving at the base, he went straight back to his home in Heyan Village.

Yan Xu, who went to Shi's house together, had a conversation with Papa Shi, agreed to come over for lunch and then left.

Shi's father and Shi's mother were going to prepare lunch, so it was awkward for him to sit in the living room.

Song Qian slept for a full four hours.

When she woke up, she saw a ceiling that was both familiar and unfamiliar. She was dazed and lay on the bed in a daze. Her mind went blank for a while, and she didn't know where it was.

But it was only for a moment, and she soon realized it.

The familiar furnishings in the room all told her that this was Xiaoxiao's bedroom, and Xiaoxiao took her home, thinking of this, Song Qian couldn't help but burst into tears again.

When she saw her dark hands and dirty clothes in a blur, and felt the softness under her body, Song Qian suddenly got up from the bed and jumped off the bed.

The way she was buried, to be honest, I really disliked it, so dirty, she was placed on Xiaoxiao's bed, but she knew that Xiaoxiao was a bit of a clean freak, and she used to complain a lot.

But she was really moved, and she wiped away the tears from her face, she walked out of the bedroom and into the bathroom.

Taking off the dirty coat and leaving only the t-shirt inside, she thought about washing her hands and face, and then replaced all the sheets and quilts she had slept on.

But when she got to the bathroom, she was dumbfounded. In addition to the shower facilities, there was a washing table in the bathroom. There was a big basin, but it was a big basin without a drop of water.

While she was standing blankly in the bathroom, Shi Xiao and Li Ruyi went up to the second floor with a piece of fruit, and they saw Song Qian standing in the bathroom at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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