I just want to have a good time

Chapter 286. Chapter 286.

Chapter 286. Chapter 286.
Shi's father and Shi's mother cooked a richer dinner than lunch. Looking at the emaciated Song Qian, the couple even killed a mutated local hen in the backyard.

Since the mutated body is comparable to the size of a goose, only half of it was boiled. Don’t underestimate that this half is much bigger than the old hen before the mutation. It contains longan, red dates and other supplements.

Then a pot of chicken soup was divided by Mama Shi. Each of them had a large bowl of chicken soup. Among them, the chicken thighs were sent directly to Song Qian by Mama Shi. The chicken wings and some chicken were distributed to the two children. Gave them four adults.

Seeing the only chicken thigh in her bowl, Song Qian hurriedly wanted to give it to the two children, but was stopped by Mama Shi.

"Son, this is made by auntie for you. If you pick it up, auntie will be sad. Eat it by yourself. There is no shortage of meat in their bowls. Auntie likes to see you fat and fat."

"Auntie, we don't want it, we have meat in the bowl", the baby girl also heard that the new aunt wanted to give them the meat in the bowl, and said hurriedly.

They are not greedy for meat at all. The family can eat meat almost every day. The two little guys are very generous.

"My baby is so good." Mama Shi touched the heads of the two children respectively, her eyes were full of love, and then she looked at Song Qian who was looking at them, "Hurry up and eat this chicken soup while it's hot, your uncle and I have boiled this chicken soup for more than two hours .”

"Yes! Hurry up and eat, or I will grab you when I finish my own." Li Ruyi, who couldn't wait to drink, raised her head and took the time to swipe her presence again.

Song Qian looked at the people who cared about her, what else could she say, she smiled back at everyone, and then buried her head in eating.

It's really fragrant and delicious. I just feel warm all over, and my whole body seems to be much lighter.

Not long after the meal, Li Ruyi was taken home by Li Rubin.

Before leaving, Li Ruyi did not forget to remind Shi Xiao that they would move here tomorrow morning.

Shi Xiao: "..."

She very much suspected that the smelly girl was reminding her to go clean up early tomorrow morning.

In the evening, Shi Xiao stayed in Song Qian's room for a long time, and the two girls talked to each other about what happened during this time.

Song Qian was shocked when she learned that the base was built by Shi Xiao and Shi Yu's two sisters, but thinking that Song Wangcun Xiaoxiao used supernatural powers to solve it so easily that she wanted to kill the villain who avenged her parents in her dreams. So shocked.

Compared with Li Ruyi, who has a cheerful personality, Song Qian, as a teacher, is also more introverted, expressing her feelings in a more subtle way, just looking at Shi Xiao with admiration, and smiling with pride.

And Shi Xiao also knew the reason for the death of her uncle and aunt, as she had expected before, she was murdered.

Looking at the breathless best friend who was crying when her parents hid her in the cellar, no amount of comfort at this time seemed so pale and powerless, so Shi Xiao could only hug her tightly and give her silent strength.

Shi Yu, who was going upstairs, heard sobbing from his sister's study.

As soon as he came back to eat the meals his parents had specially prepared for him, he heard about the addition of a family member at home.

It was someone he knew, so Shi Yu knew that today my sister went out to find another best friend of hers.

I just heard from my parents that the situation at home is not very good.

Hearing the choking sound, Shi Yu sighed and continued to go upstairs, hoping that this gentle sister Song Qian could come out of her grief soon.

well!In this damned last days, how many families have been ruined and wives have been separated.

Shi Xiao stayed with Song Qian in the room for a while longer, during which he took out hundreds of energy cores.

Both Song Qian and Li Ruyi already knew about Shi Xiao's space.

Fortunately, although she would also be envious, but her character would not open her mouth casually, even if it was her good sister.

Li Ruyi didn't ask so many questions, she always had something to say, and she couldn't help asking Shi Xiao for it in the afternoon, but she couldn't stop it even if she wanted to.

Then I got the promise from Du, the kind of promise that I didn't even think about.

To be honest, Song Qian was really embarrassed. Even if she didn't tell her, she could guess its value. I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to afford it in her lifetime.

With such a good sister, she will not lose in her life.

Looking at the small crystal-like stone on the bedside table, Song Qian looked at Shi Xiao suspiciously.

"Smile, what is this?"

Does she really not know what this is?
In the past, Papa Song went out to collect supplies, and he never brought them back.

Later, something happened, and Song's father and Song's mother were gone. Although she had awakened the supernatural power, at that time, there were no zombies in the village at all.

"This is the energy core in the zombie's head, which contains energy, but it can only be absorbed after being purified by special techniques, which can enhance the ability."

"Enhancing abilities?" Song Qian sat up straight instinctively when she heard these four words.

Shi Xiao nodded, "Yes, hold the energy core and use your abilities to feel its existence, establish a connection with it, and the rest will come naturally."

Through the description with a smile, Song Qian immediately took out one in the palm of her hand and started to try it.

It may be due to the reason of restlessness, but I have tried several times without success.

"Cissy relax, calm down, just like you are in battle, and slowly control the ability." Seeing this, Shi Xiao began to guide.

Finally, after two more tries, Song Qian's ability successfully established a connection with the energy core in her hand, and successfully absorbed the energy inside.

With the first success, the rest is no longer difficult. Song Qian couldn't hold back until she absorbed four pieces before stopping.

At the same time, she also reached the maximum absorption, and after feeling it, she really felt that the power seemed to be different, and the energy was more abundant.

Immediately, she happily looked up at Shi Xiao who had been standing by her side.

"Smile..." Song Qian tightly held her best friend's hand, her jet-black eyes shone brightly, and she said everything without saying a word.

They are the best sisters, there is no need to say thank you between the sisters, this is something they agreed before, but everything is expressed in their eyes.

"Okay, don't be sensational. You should practice hard when you are free, and then go out with me to fight zombies. We sisters will work together to create a better future, you know?" Shi Xiao winked at Song Qian humorously.

As soon as the last sentence came out, Song Qian laughed out loud, and was even more moved in her heart, she nodded her head vigorously.

"Good girl..."



The next day, just as Shi Xiao opened the bedroom door, the study door opened.

"Sissy, why is it so early? Don't sleep much." Shi Xiao quickly walked towards his best friend, holding her hand.

Song Qianrou smiled and said, "I've slept a lot, so I'll get up and practice."

They were the first ones to get up in the whole family, and when they opened the door of the living room, they were greeted warmly by the four members guarded outside.

This is something that must be repeated after opening the door every day.

Shi Xiao solemnly introduced Song Qian to the Big Four, and then walked to Song Qian's side one by one according to their usual practice, and then nodded in a humane manner.

Originally, Song Qian liked animals quite a lot, and two of them were familiar. Their nodding made Song Qian very rare, they were so smart, and she looked at these four animals with fondness, but unfortunately they were too big. Growing up, Song Qian, who felt a little strange, still didn't dare to get too close.

(End of this chapter)

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