I just want to have a good time

Chapter 287 287. The sky has changed

Chapter 287 287. The sky has changed

The sensitivity of animals is much higher than that of humans. It can clearly feel who likes it, who doesn't like it, and whether there is any malice.

Obviously, he felt Song Qian's love, and Hei Qiu Huang Ya already recognized this as an acquaintance, with a familiar taste.

When they first came yesterday, they didn't smell it, only a strong smell of blood, and, since Song Qian came here yesterday, they haven't left the house.

When Shi Xiao was waving his hand to let the four cats go to play by themselves, the door of Shi's father and Shi's mother's room rang, and the couple came out of the bedroom.

"Hey, you're up." Shi's father and Shi's mother looked at the two eldest daughters standing at the door in surprise.

I thought they got up a little earlier today, but I didn't expect that they were still not earlier than my daughter.

"Morning, uncle and aunt," Song Qian turned around and called softly.

"Zao Zao," the couple laughed, and were very happy to see Song Qian who had a completely different spirit.

"Mom and Dad, you guys are getting along just right, and Sissy will leave it to you."

Shi Xiao was thinking about asking Song Qian to stay in the living room for a while, and then exercise together after she came back from the base.

She was mainly worried about Xiaobai Xiaohua, after all, Song Qian was not familiar with them when she first arrived.

It's all right now, don't worry.

"Go, let's go." Mother Shi waved her hand, understanding what the girl meant, no matter what Shi Xiao took Qianqian's hand and went to the backyard.

During this time, Papa Shi expanded the shed in the backyard in his free time. Originally, there was only one room, but now it has expanded to one-third of the backyard, next to the chicken, duck and goose pen.

Papa Shi invited a few peers in the village who had a good relationship with him to do this project. He used [-] catties of rice, [-] catties of noodles, and five buckets of water. In fact, it was an indirect subsidy for them.

None of the sons and daughters of these partners in the village have come back. In fact, they already understand in their hearts that there is no news so far.

Several people collected the thinnest bamboo at the back of the village, and it took several days to build the bamboo shed.

This time, whether it is raining or snowing, you can keep fit and healthy regardless of the weather.

Shi Xiao looked at the disappearing figure and the lights in the backyard, and the colorful wings stretched and disappeared into the yard.

Shi Xiao, who landed directly on the observation deck, suddenly found that the leaves of the plants today seemed to be a little yellower than yesterday when he was controlling the plants.

At the same time, she also noticed that the clothes on several duty members on the observation deck had thickened again.

Only then did I suddenly understand that the temperature is low again today, and it should be much lower.

No wonder when I came here, I always felt that the wind is a lot stronger today, and the humidity seems to be a lot heavier. It turns out that the roots are here.

It seems that the real temperature change is not far away, Shi Xiao looked quietly at the still dark sky.

After breakfast, Shi Xiao took Song Qian to the house promised to Li Ruyi, met Mo Beibei and the others on the way, and added a few helpers.

The house has been empty for more than three or four months, and one can imagine how thick the dust inside is.

It took six or seven people more than an hour to clean up the dust, wipe the feet and feet, and pack the useless things into the corners of the yard.

Shi Xiao wiped away the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead. Fortunately, he met Mo Beibei and the others on the road. Fortunately, Mo Beibei and the others asked one more question. Otherwise, she and Song Qian alone would not be able to clean such a large house. The hours don't come down at all.

The most important thing is that almost both of them are people who haven't worked much, which is too difficult.

As soon as he was happy, Shi Xiao gave each of them twenty energy cores. It can't make people work for nothing, isn't it?

Of course, in her personal opinion, it cannot be calculated according to the salary of the base.

Unexpectedly, there would be such a surprise, and Mo Beibei and the others happily accepted it. Although it was a bit much, the big brother couldn't let it go.

On the other hand, Li Ruyi's house is almost cleaned up, and the car has already started to be loaded.

What it was like when it came, it is still what it is now, several big trucks full of things, not including the stuff in the small car.

At 09:30, the car arrived at Shijia Village on time. Shi's father and Shi's mother, who got the news, also came to help with their two children.

How could Li's father and Li's mother be real, let Shi's father and the others help, there are enough juniors in the family, and they enthusiastically pulled Shi's father and Shi's mother to talk aside.

The two elderly people haven't seen each other for several years, and when they met, they were full of sighs and sighs.

Mo Beibei and the others also came to help, after all, they collected twenty energy cores.

There are many people and strength, and soon, everything was moved from the car into the room.

The Li family is very satisfied with this house. It is also a three-story building, but there are a few more rooms than the one they lived in in Heyan Village.

Lunch was eaten at Shi's house. Seeing that there was nothing they could do to help, Shi's father and Shi's mother took the two children home to prepare lunch.

There were so many people that they didn't prepare too complicated things. The main thing was that there were enough portions, two meat and two vegetables, and a few dry rice from the rice cooker.

Together with Mo Beibei, they called over. There were two big tables, and everyone was happy to eat.

Since the end of the world, even Li Ruyi's family, which is relatively rich in supplies, can eat dry rice very rarely, not once a month, and everyone is deliberately saving food.

Although they didn't come to eat empty-handed, they always felt that what they brought was incomparable to these big pots of rice and meat dishes. Father Li and Mother Li were very sorry, thinking that they would definitely return to invite them next time to feel better.

Not long after lunch, everyone left, and Shi's father and Shi's mother didn't stay with any guests, knowing that the Li family still had a lot to do after they moved here.


Dayang Town.

Lin Fan, who suddenly received the news from the base, finished killing the zombies. It was already 03:30 in the afternoon when he withdrew from the urban area and returned to Dayang Town.

According to the news, the chief of staff asked them to evacuate and return to the base within a few days, because the scientists at the base had detected that there would be a large-scale and long-lasting cold snap within a few days.

When the cold snap comes and the snow falls, it will be very difficult to go back.

After receiving this news, Lin Fan returned to Dayang Town without any delay.

Li Yong was ordered to be responsible for the evacuation, while he took a few people straight to the Shihe base.

After thinking about such an important matter, he had to inform Shi Xiao, and Lin Fan also wanted to see Shi Xiao before leaving.

It was Lin Fan who was a bit dull, and he had never been tempted by Fan Xin, and he also realized that he might have a good impression of Shi Xiao.

But he also knew that he was not good enough for Miss Shi Xiao, no matter in terms of looks or strength.

If it was before the end of the world, he might not have thought so much when he met a girl who was attracted to him, but it was a pity that it was an if.

Lin Fan arrived at Shihe Base with mixed feelings.

As soon as this military vehicle appeared, Li Qiang on the observation deck saw it. It was a different color from other vehicles, so it was hard not to notice it.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the people getting off the car, Captain Lin from the future base, but I don't know why Captain Lin came here at this time.

With this question in mind, Li Qiang quickly got off the watchtower, and went over to remove the roadblock himself.

Seeing someone approaching, Lin Fan also took a few steps forward, and said the words "Hello" coldly.

"Hello, Captain Lin," Li Qiang said with a smile, and then asked strangely, "What's the matter with Captain Lin this time?"

There is no way to be responsible, as long as you are not a person from the base, you cannot easily enter and leave the base, and someone must come to claim it.

So despite the fact that they are already familiar with Captain Lin, Captain Lin cannot enter the base without someone leading them.

 Thank you dear friends for your recommendation and support, monthly ticket support, love you *(())*
(End of this chapter)

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